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This is all desparately sad. We can not let it end like this.

Refelxion | 19.10.2004 23:09 | European Social Forum | London

We are finally building a genuinely new, creative, non-hierarchical social movement, so-far largely without the same sectarian rubbish of previous failed attempts of change. The post- discussion and the hideous way out-dated parties with no relevance to real change have tried to hijak this movement undermining what ESF was supposed to be about is desparately sad.

We are finally building a genuinely new, creative, non-hierarchical social movement, so-far largely without the same sectarian rubbish of previous failed attempts of change. The post- discussion and the hideous way out-dated parties with no relevance to real change have tried to hijak this movement undermining what ESF was supposed to be about is desparately sad. Any time a new movement emerges the same fossilised idiots put all their efforts to try to push forward THEIR party and sell THEIR papers and make sure that no-one but THEIR speakers can be heard. No real change will even come from this kind of crap. We have to grow out of this sort of behaviour. Explosion of the new social movements in the last decade will NOT be taken over by any group and we will not put up with anyonw telling us who can and who cannot be heard. Groups that would rather work with the police thatn support vicimised activists are nothing less than discusting. It was sad but inspiring that all the autonomous spaces were necessary to privide freer open discussions and keep to the ideals of what ESF was supposed to be about. Perhaps the answer is that no centralised forums should take place. We cant just do a anti-capitalist version of a capitalist trade summit (like the WEF it originally was meant to offer an alternative to). If we have de-unionised outsourced commercial catering, centralised undemocratic organisation structures deciding the agenda, a price tag which denies access to many, and security acting in concert with the police than we have already repeated thier world and we've hardly even started.

The one positive thing from all this could be that we can look at our organising seriously and attempt a more democratic horizotal system. The beyond ESF events must spread to become permanent networks of resistance, ideas and culture. We dont need this centralised hierarchical bullshit.

Beyond ESF was brilliant. Maybe its time to leave the official ESF to the dinosaurs, we will have to move on and build something better.




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Well thats what you said you were going to do anyway

20.10.2004 00:30

Remember you were boycotting the ESF, just like you boycotted the last two ESFs.

No-one has any problem at all with you having your own "pure" event where you wont have the problem of speaking to anyone who disagrees with you.

You dont find us attacking you meetings.

So go off and leave the ESF process, we thought you already had.


Agree - Think you've got it right.

20.10.2004 01:47

... However, there must be many many young people who go to the ESF who have your ideas in their heart but need to progress further. You need to get to the ESF to reach them. I think you have reached some of them this time round.

Imagine the autonimous spaces as big as the ESF - SCAREAROOONY! Starting to organise the ESF along autonimous spaces lines might be the best way to achieve it. A slow fusion (or take over?) over the two. Well, they are my first thought's anyway.
