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Here are Kerry's views on Israel.........oh dear oh dear......

j ponsonby | 19.10.2004 04:38

A link to an Israeli report of a speech Kerry just gave to Floridas Jews.
They seem to think it relevant that the family name was originally a variant of Cohen. Though they don't mention his children go to synagogue.

Here is the link:

This is hopeless. Neither candidate will terminate or even reduce the support for the current policies of the Israeli government. The support which allows these world-dividing atrocities to continue.

j ponsonby


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19.10.2004 09:25

I don't like Kerry or Bush or any other politician. But as long as the palestinians continue their antisemitic war against the jewish civilians living in israel it's ok that the israeli government tries to protect their jewish citizens. Israel is the only country in the world where there is no antisemitism. Anywhere else jewish people have to be afraid of being attacked because of their religion. Fuck antisemitism!!!


Opposing the Israeli state is not anti-semitism.

19.10.2004 10:10

Huash, get real...Palestinian people in Israel are fighting a desperate struggle for basic human rights in a racist state. This is not anti-semitism. Many Jews in Israel and around the world are appalled by the actions of the Israeli state...are they anti-semitic too?

Free Palestine Now!

You can't have

19.10.2004 10:13

.. my views on israel here, because, apparently, describing those who act and talk like nazies as nazies is offensive to those who act and talk like nazies.

Still, its been a peroid of relative calm, where only those who aren't choosen have lost their lives and property:

And for the love of sky ghost, don't look here, where opinions aren't moderated - you might be offended (and we all know how painful that is!?!):

mail e-mail:


19.10.2004 10:25

I really doubt that kerry's children go to synagogue.
anyway you and people like you wouldn't give a damn if kerry stopped global warming,
brought nestle' to heel, stopped trying to topple chavez ecc ecc ecc....
as long as he even mildly supports israel, he's bad.

the voice of common sense

this is settler justice

19.10.2004 10:57

That will teach them to throw rocks at us.

Kid found on road after kidnap by settlers.

inbred fucker

Fuck antisemitism

19.10.2004 11:13

Yes, fuck antisemitism. But surely Palestinians are semitic people too? And surely they have as much (the same, equal, identical) right to defend their people from attack by Israeli forces?

Just as, in theory, if the suicide bombs stopped, then Israel might (MIGHT) withdraw, then, in theory, if the attacks on Gaza and the West Bank stopped, then the Palestinians might (MIGHT) cease the bombing.

You have to ask though, what does it take to make a person blow themselves up? How far from our reality must the circumstances in which they live be, if they can act in a way which we are almost unable to understand.

Same, incidentally, goes for the Israeli forces: I don't really understand why they act the way they do. Their reality tunnel must be very different from mine, and likewise their living circumstances.

It's a fucked up situation, and the US supporting one side over the other only enhances the problem.




19.10.2004 14:34

as you yourself say, the suicide bomber lives in a very different reality from yours and you can't understand what he does. but then you say they surely go and commit terrorist acts out of desperation. how do you know? are you sure religious (or simply nationalist) fanaticism has nothing to do with it? what about the two british muslims who blew themselves up in tel-aviv? were they desperate? are you sure that becoming a hero for a good part of their people may not be a motive for people with otherwise anonymous lives?
as for the israeli troops it's easier to understand: their lives and their culture are not that different from yours. simply most of them feel that their country does need to defend itself, or others think that their country should retreat, but at the same time they feel that israel does need an army to survive so not serving would be wrong, and they have to do their military service anyway. they are usually 18 to 20, and they find themselves in very dangerous situations constantly, so they are nervous and angry and some of them react by behaving in ways which you would find unacceptable. others don't. "only" 3000 palestinians have died in the last four years of intifada. there are many more israeli soldiers then 3000, which goes to prove that most of them have never killed anybody, at least

for richard

Israel is antisemitic

19.10.2004 16:14

"Israel is the only country in the world where there is no antisemitism"? Laughable. As has been pointed out, arabs are semitic people too. There are two antisemitisms in the Middle East and accross the world: antisemitism against Jews, and antisemitism against Arabs.

It is plainly the case that the Zionist government of Israel is the the most openly antisemitic government since the Third Reich. Let's not forget that the powerful Zionists who were the architects of Israel were as responsible as anyone else for ignoring the Holocaust. Yet Israel has become it's own shadow, transferrring it's guilt and anger over the Shoah onto Arabs.

But the generation which experienced the Holocaust directly is now coming to the end of it's life. It is time Israel woke up from its long sleep, recognised it has to accept itself as a Middle Eastern country not a Euro-American colony and stopped being antisemitic.



19.10.2004 23:00

About half, a bit less due to recent Russian immigration, of Israel's population is Oriental (Middle Eastern, African, Asian, etc) Jews. Prior to the 1980s I believe there was a slight majority.

One person said if Israel withdrew from Palestinian places then the bombing would stop. Israel did withdraw from the 1990s, and from I think about 1996 over 90% of Palestinians lived under the control of the Palestinian Authority, not Israel. The terrorist attacks are due to a fundamentalist and anti-semitic desire to destroy the state of Israel, exterminate the Jews, and cleanse rightfully Muslim and Islamic and Arab Palestine. Israeli re-invasions and military actions in Gaza, West Bank, etc are aimed to destroying terrorists that deliberately target innocent Jewish children and women. When the terror ends and the Palestinians moderate and agree to negotiate properly then they will have a state that is completely independent from Israel.


I must apologise

20.10.2004 20:52

I apologise.
I checked my reaearch, and Kerry's children do not attend synagogue.

Because the actions of the Israeli government, and US support fo them, are in my opinion the major threat to world peace, I try to keep an eye on the views of potential world leaders on the Zionist project.

We all seek to be loyal to those close to us, and Jewish ancestry and close current family is likely to have significant impact on a politicians views on this question.

I have to say that I am surprised by the number of connections I find. I think I was getting confused with Howard Dean and his jewish wife and children.

Or by Kerry's Jewish descent (original surname Kohn), and description of his close involvement in the jewish aspects of his Brother and his nieces/nephews, who are synagogue goers.

All a bit worrying - I fear there is little hope of a balanced rational view from either of these two - or indeed from Michael Howard, leader of the UK conservative party if he gets into power (for the same sort of reasons).

Please note - my interest is not rooted in prejudice. If Switzerland was dragging my world into a hell of conflict, and being funded by the US to do it, I would be checking world leaders for Swiss ancestry and leanings.

j ponsonby