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This site is deceased

John the Commonweil | 14.10.2004 10:03

This site is deceased. It should not be allowed to continue as people do not check both Scottish indymedia sites.

Indymedia Scotland has its own site, which isn't piggy-backed by indymedia UK. This is only right and proper as befits the Scottish nation. However for some reason the collective running indymedia do not see the need to end the confusion and befuddlement that has been caused by not simply rerouting visitors to the indymedia Uk/Scotland site to the new indymedia site. It is certainly a better solution for Scotland to have its own indymedia server.

The point about indymedia is that it is supposed to be a decentralized news source. What we have in Scotland however is a situation where the collective is showing an alarming trend towards centralization, not wanting to move away from the paradigm for the UK state.

I have heard specious arguments citing problems with 'nationalism' associated with moving towards a Scotland only indymedia. These are risible, especially given that they are used to actually support a nationalist argument (support for the UK in the form of reification)!

In fact it's frankly chauvinism of the worst kind.

Moreover the concept of Scottish nationalism is a completely different concept from that of British nationalism (that's to say what is being exhibited by some in regards to this issue); it is not on a par with the chauvinism of the British imperial state to demand autonomy for Scotland, it's not even close; it is anti-royalist, anti-oppression, anti-colonialist stance.

It's a very damning idictment of indymedia's supposedly left credentials that they are so concerned about stamping out Scottish nationalism, they reify the relations of the British state, and therethrough their actions seem to purport to support British colonial relations.

I call upon everyone who uses this site to block it if it does not cease to uphold this vile, stinking Brit-clone identity. Only when the movement embraces decentralization will it make progress.

Down with the British state!
Autonomy for all peoples!
Anarchist Communism!

John the Commonweil
