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Inital victory- FBI return seized servers

Mayler | 13.10.2004 17:26 | FBI Server Seizure | Indymedia | World

Global Indymedia Servers Returned After Indymedia Goes to Court!

by Sascha Meinrath
Email: sascha (nospam) (unverified!) 13 Oct 2004

In a huge initial victory for Indymedia, the two servers recently seized by the FBI were returned this morning to Rackspace (the hosting service where the servers were first taken from). Indymedia is now weighing additional legal options after this illegal seizure of its servers.
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From Rackspace:

I know that you have gone through more than I can possibly understand. I was just told that the court order is being complied with and your servers in London will be online at 5pm GMT.

I will pass along anymore information that becomes available and that I am allowed to.

Again, I do not have the words to understand nor express the feelings and emotions you have endured since this began.


Jason Carter
Business Development Consultant
jcarter (at)


From Jeff:

I also spoke to rackspace (Jacques) on the phone waaaaay too early this morning. ;)

So rackpace is ready to power the boxes up now. We are in a brief holding pattern before we have them flip the switch. We will treat the boxes as compromised (cracked/hacked) servers.

It is believed that the original data is on the drive, but we haven’t been able to verify this yet. That is a loooooooooooooooooooooong process.

Rackspace did say that the drives were the originals (so the gov’t probably cloned them).



Hide the following 8 comments

File Server Backup

14.10.2004 00:36

Why on Earth did you not have mirrored copies of your server disks so in the event of Server Failure (Powercut or FBI) you could go straight back on line either direct or via another ISP somewhere else in the World?

The original (military) concept of the Internet was that, through duplication of information, a single strike could not bring it down.

Your IT department (or management) seems sadly lacking in forthought.

Anyway no doubt you will repost the pages they did not like?

Just onservations from an IT professional

Ron Shiel

Ron Shiel
mail e-mail:

ahem - get a life!!

14.10.2004 05:36

erm matey you obviously didnt watch this too closesly did you, givent that the uk sita was back in a matter of hours running on a back up!


cautious congratulations

14.10.2004 10:22

Cautious congratulations on getting the servers back... i wait to see what happens next with real interest. The outrage this has generated is a good reminder that UK IMC has a strong network of friends and supporters who see value and indeed urgency in the continuation of IMC globally. Perhaps the incident will serve to strengthen this network, strengthen our resolve and encourage more people to get involved in making sure that, through various grassroots media, questioning voices keep being heard.


IT dept????

14.10.2004 10:49

What IT Department, it isn't a business you know. Sometimes things like complete failsafe systems can be too expensive to have sitting doing nothing - especially for an unfunded collective of volunteers.

If you are volunteering to provide a failsafe system for the servers then thats great but if not then the comment is not useful in any way.

mail e-mail:

Ahem - Why act like that!

14.10.2004 11:14

Why not just say that the servers had been backed up, rather than trying to get some sort of "one up" on him?

I really hate the internet for that sort of thing, please show a little respect rather than like several others dragging this site down to teen style bicker level.



point taken ron - but why did'nt you do it?

14.10.2004 11:41

I know what you are saying ron - you must realise that this is all done through non hierarchical volunteering. there is no IT department or management just a loose network of autonomous collectives made up of autonomous individuals.

which all begs the question why had'nt you mirrored the site?

I trust you are working on it as we speak...


any spywares into servers??

14.10.2004 15:10

how many 'monitoring worms' (spywares, ...) Rackspace's staff founded well ghosted in yours servers??
I dont't believe there were no manipulations!!!

Anyway I always support you from Italy.


mail e-mail:

To Anon

15.10.2004 11:29

"Ron" has already asked this question here:

...and was answered there too.

So either:
a) he didn't bother to read the reply before asking again elsewhere
b) he didn't understand the reply, and still doesn't now
c) he's simply trolling to wind people up.

You decide.