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'sick' desecration by animal rights activists (apparently) in UK....

King Amdo | 11.10.2004 14:15 | Animal Liberation | Social Struggles | London

Grave of pro hunting family relative trashed....,11917,1323460,00.html

Here's an idea for an eciting night out!

This crowd tend to be landowners/farmers....their farms run on diesel (derv) ((extra cheap) red diesel tanks are a feature of every farmyard)...this fuel can be contaminated (with just simple mud or manure or whatever) causing huge and non insurance claimable losses for these practitioners of landowners anti tribal pro clearence 'black' magic rites of 'the foxhunt'. Unbelieavble goddess and diety protection doing these actions by the way.

Blessed be,

King Amdo.

King Amdo


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a coincidence?

11.10.2004 18:49

The vandalisation of graves has been a practice associated with nazi groups. It's good to see some of the animal riteists returning to their roots.

david murray

Kings are not welcome here

11.10.2004 20:20

King Amdo go away


Let me make this quite clear.....

12.10.2004 09:02

I'll go where I want.

I'll say what I want.

I'll do what I want.

Blessed be,

King Amdo.



King Amdo

Hi again everyone!

12.10.2004 09:15

Here's something else that you need to know about...

(read the second comment down by me)

You, your culture, your way of life, your country, your way of thinking, your 'system' your ego and your karma is FUCKED BRITISH ASSHOLE.


Got a problem with that? THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM MI5 NONCE.

Filthy scum.


King Amdo.

Cymru Tribal Soverignty!

Tibetan Tribal Soverignty!

Blessings and love to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, reincarnated diety of compassion, being of love light telepathy!

King Amdo


12.10.2004 09:18

What evidence have either of you got that it was "animal rights activists", apart from that the corporate press are saying so repeatedly?

Reminds me of how everything nasty in Iraq is blamed on "Al Qaeda terrorists" by the rightwing press, and how the Oklahoma building bombing was blamed by the press on "Islamic extremists" before they eventually worked out that it was really local rightwing nutters.

It's just one theory. It might be somebody else. You have no idea. Wait for some evidence before throwing accusations about. Or have I wandered onto the fucking Daily Express site by mistake?


bet it was the pro hunt lot

12.10.2004 16:04

that did this, or the pro vivisection lobby to blacken our name. Lets just wait and see who actually DID do this despicable thing before we start blaming people.

Kris (not amused)


Hey! here's another article about the same event in the corporate press.....

12.10.2004 20:16,3604,1325048,00.html

In this latter story the age of the dead woman, or rather the age when she died, has mysteriously changed...whooooooo spooky huh?

So a few guys spent the night heaving earth around in a christian cemetary... really dunno what is so shocking about this...other than politricks (presenting a straight regular 'front' or the usual programming) because folks, think about it, the sacred sites of non christian people are, kinda as a matter of policy, trashed without a bye nor leave. And that brings us once again to the central pathology of 'christian world' ... making this separation between itself and the goddess and animals and pagan culture. (actually by the means of unbelievably horrific ritual design, which you'll learn about if you follow the link I give in one of my previous posts)

A doomed senario. FUCKING OBVIOUSLY.


King Amdo...fighter of demons, rescuer of virgins , blessed by dragons, high on skunk, telepath, shapweasel and grimmery.

King Amdo

It's only a dead body !

13.10.2004 11:19

Goethe has been dug up and even dissected! A dead human body is dead, and is not distressed by what is done to it. For this reason, I can appreciate that Animal Rights activists would think it less shocking than what is done to live animals. This new stunt catches headlines while causing relatively little distress. However, what is so wrong is the distress which Animal Rights activists cause to living people, by this and many other less newsworthy activities. People must come before animals.


not causing distress?

13.10.2004 17:53

They're not hurting the dead body. But they are causing distress to the living relatives.

As for who did it, I agree we shouldn't jump to any conclusions.


Another mainstream article about animal rights 'grave robbers'

18.10.2004 11:44

...this time in the Observer...,6903,1329571,00.html

Interesting from my viewpoint...quoting Chriss Hall, son in law of Hammond (whoos grave was trashed)...

"'They' claim that we ritually abuse animals for our own pleasure. I can assure you that this doen't happen"

Let me make this completely clear...

Read the down to the THIRD commment by me in this thread. Follow the link. This explains the situation as regards ritual racist (child) abuse. Please take note Hammond relations/rumour mill.

HOWEVER. the torture of animals in this insituationally acceptablable way by western society reflects a pyscopathy, a mental illness, that as I have deliniated, is a inherent function of western society, western way of thought. (see above link).

Your fucked scum.


King Amdo.

(In the reflective atmoshere of Shrewsbury Public Libruary)

King Amdo