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Submarine lock-on still in situ!

Peace News | 11.10.2004 13:41 | Anti-militarism | London

After 4 hours, activists are still locked on to model Trident submarine outide Downing Street. "Negotiations" are rumoured to be talking place with the Met over dismantling it (rather than destroying it ... hmmmm... we will see).

See for updates, pix etc.

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11.10.2004 15:28

sub pic from morning
sub pic from morning

At 15.30 sub was voluntarily dismantled by its crew. No arrests.

The voyage continues ... (doing better than the poor old Canadian's sub!)


Blessings and love!

11.10.2004 17:02

Dem hypocrites will fall!...and the new world of love light compassion roll on top of the old ... a literal transformation.

Jah Rastafari lives eternally!

Blessings and love to/from His Holiness the Dalai Lam, reincarnated diety of compassion, being of love light telepathy!

Thank you!

King Amdo.

King Amdo