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Submarine Locked on at Downing Street

no body in particular | 11.10.2004 10:05 | European Social Forum | London | World

20 dudes from the Theatre of War set up have locked themselves onto the gates at Downing Street (11.00am monday). not quite sure why, but sure they have a reason. get down there to support them if you can/wanna........innit!!

20 dudes from the Theatre of War set up have locked themselves onto the gates at Downing Street (11.00am monday). not quite sure why, but sure they have a reason. get down there to support them if you can/wanna........innit!!

no body in particular


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11.10.2004 11:31

haha you did it; nice one :)

nice work

Trident sub mock up,Locking on to downing street

15.10.2004 18:26

I locked 21 people to me, inside and out to highlight the MDA, [mutual defence agreement] being slimely sliped through with out even a discusion in parliament, mmmm .
Watch ya back briton, you full of U.S owned Nukes, even our own Trident nukes are under US control.

More info

the Submarine involved