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BREAKING NEWS - IMC Server Seizure - An International Law Enforcement Operation

. | 08.10.2004 18:02 | European Social Forum | FBI Server Seizure | Indymedia | Repression | Technology | London

Breaking News...

It seems Rackspace was acting in compliance with a court order under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT), which establishes procedures for countries to assist each other in investigations such as international terrorism, kidnapping and money laundering.

Rackspace apparently responded to a Commissioner’s subpoena, issued under Title 28, United States Code, Section 1782 in an investigation that did not arise in the United States.

Rackspace is cooperating with international law enforcement authorities.

The court prohibits Rackspace from commenting further on this matter.



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that and ...

08.10.2004 18:57

... the FBI have new powers under the unread Patriot act to conduct operations outside the territory of amerika.

The only question here is, is this seizure an act in itself, or a prelude to another (a flexing of muscle, testing of the water).

Either way, utter resistance is called for IMMEADIATELY - whatever material is claimed to be in offence should be widely distributed ASAP (lets flex our collective muscle and practice for the occassions when we shall need it more).

BYTW - the phots seem to innoculous to be of that level of importance - is there a deeper story in them anyone?

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