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FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers. Reasons Unknown

gfhhfgd | 07.10.2004 21:47 | FBI Server Seizure | Indymedia | Repression | World

FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers. Reasons Unknown

FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers. Reasons Unknown
by Sascha Meinrath / NYC IMC
7th Oct 2004
(from UC-IMC / Global IMC / Wire Reports): The FBI took the hard drives of Global IMC servers in the USA and the UK. It appears that a court order was issued to Rackspace (one of Indymedia's service providers with offices in the US and in London) to physically remove the hard drives from Global Indymedia servers (backup servers are now in place). Rackspace was given no time to defend against the order before it was acted upon and turned over the hard drives, both in the US and the UK. The servers hosted numerous local IMCs and the reason for the seizure is not known.

During the Republican Convention, the ISP of the NYC IMC was informed that it was the subject of a Secret Service / FBI investigation into an article submitted to its Open Newswire identifying delegates at the RNC. While the FBI has made it clear to members of the press that the investigation is ongoing, there is not necessarily a connection between events in NYC and the FBI's seizure of the Rackspace servers.
The FBI's latest anti-free-press actions began at the beginning of October when they visited Indymedia's ISP demanding the removal of identifying information from photographs of undercover police officers that was posted on the Nantes Indymedia website. When asked what the US government was doing requesting the removal of information from a French-run website that contained information about Swiss police actions, the FBI stated that this was a "courtesy" to the Swiss government. The FBI agents stated that no laws had been broken, and no crimes had been committed. However, because no identifying information was posted on the website in question, it was unclear what actions the FBI was requesting.

The article in question is/was posted here:

On Tuesday October 5th, Indymedia received the following message from Rackspace:

"I apologize for the delay in responding. I have been trying to get a hold of the FBI agent I spoke with before, but haven't been able to at this time. As the request originated with the Swiss police, I can only speculate on what they saw or what they were concerned about. However, at this time, I have received no further communications from either the FBI or the Swiss authorities, so I feel like we can close this this issue."

Today the FBI seized Global Indymedia servers; however it is unclear if this is related to the Nantes issue or is a second FBI concern within the past week.

(14:20) Rackspace has issued a "no comment" response concerning the FBI's actions.



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IMC sites taken out...

07.10.2004 22:48

NB uk has good back ups which is why the site is back online - alot of others arent so well backed up. There's also a ton of material that was on the servers that was not back up like years worth of audio archives etc

The list of affected local media collectives includes Ambazonia, Uruguay, Andorra, Poland, Western Massachusetts, Nice, Nantes, Lilles, Marseille (all France), Euskal Herria (Basque Country), Liege, East and West Vlaanderen, Antwerpen (all Belgium), Belgrade, Portugal, Prague, Galiza, Italy, Brazil, UK, part of the Germany site, and the global Indymedia Radio site.


Lucky B********ds

07.10.2004 23:19

Thats victimisation that is, they've never once threatend to take my hard drive and now you have new servers, lucky sods!

But realy, couldn't they have just read the news like we do for crying out load, bunch of uptight prats. And if it was UNDERCOVER cops in a picture why stand there bloody possing. Activists don't! Agh, thats how they got spotted.

Well it looks like I am going to have to scrub my hard drive, after all I did just call them prats!

All the Best Indy
Robin the Hoody

Robin the Hoody

The Joy Of "Free" Speech!

07.10.2004 23:42

FBI zionist puppets - no better than the Nazis - they are probably burning the servers as you read.

Angry Manc
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Indymedia Press Release

08.10.2004 00:28

Press Release

7 October 2004

FBI Seizes IMC Servers in the UK

US authorities issued a federal order to Rackspace's office in the US ordering them to provide Indymedia's hardware located in London to the requesting agency. Rackspace is one of Indymedia's web hosting providers with offices in the US and London. Rackspace complied, without first notifying Indymedia, and turned over Indymedia's server in the UK. This affects some 20+ Indymedia sites worldwide.

Since the subpoena was issued to Rackspace and not to Indymedia, the reasons for this action are still unknown to Indymedia. Talking to Indymedia volunteers, Rackspace stated that "they cannot provide Indymedia with any information regarding the order." ISPs have received gag orders in similar situations which prevent them from updating the concerned parties on what is happening.

It is unclear to Indymedia how and why a server that is outside the US jurisdiction can be seized by US authorities.

At the same time a second server was taken down at Rackspace which provided streaming radio to several radio stations, BLAG (linux distro), and a handful of miscellanous things.

The last few months have seen numerous attacks on independent media by the US Federal Government. In August the Secret Service used a subpoena in an attempt to disrupt the NYC IMC before the RNC by trying to get IP logs from an ISP in the US and the Netherlands. Last month the FCC shut down community radio stations around the US. Two weeks ago the FBI requested that Indymedia takes down a post on the Nantes IMC that had a photo of some undercover Swiss police and IMC volunteers in Seattle were visited by the FBI on the same issue. On the other hand, Indymedia and other independent media organisations were successfull with their victories for example against Diebold and the Patroit Act. Today however, the US authorities shut down IMCs around the world.

The list of affected local media collectives includes Ambazonia, Uruguay, Andorra, Poland, Western Massachusetts, Nice, Nantes, Lilles, Marseille (all France), Euskal Herria (Basque Country), Liege, East and West Vlaanderen, Antwerpen (all Belgium), Belgrade, Portugal, Prague, Galiza, Italy, Brazil, UK, part of the Germany site, and the global Indymedia Radio site.


It's called the patriot act

08.10.2004 11:31

... and allows the FBI to greatly increase the scope of its activities inside amerika AND allows it to 'conduct' activities outside of the us for the first time in its [legal] history.

Of course this is quite new and unheard of - if only because those that passed this legislation NEVER ACTUALLY READ IT!

Asleep on the job or complicit fools?

Well let the FBI read this, trace my IP, figure out that it is my middle finger pointing up at their satillite ... AND GO FUCK THEMSELVES.

Do they think that we will roll over for them?

Think that such intimidation will make us forget that it is LIFE ON EARTH that is threatened?

I die on my feet - both metaphorically & literally.

Do your worst frat boys - you can not kill the spirit.

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