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Acomodation in ESF

manuel | 07.10.2004 11:07 | European Social Forum

I was asking few days ago about acomodattion and i didnt get an answer. We are a group around 200 people from Spain and we are really exceptic about this problem. How you can start to sell acreditations and give a promisse of free acomodation and stay on kaos?. What are you gonna do with the thousands of people that will go to London for the ESF? Will you take part with the police on squat eviction cases?

I was asking few days ago about acomodattion and i didnt get an answer. We are a group around 200 people from Spain and we are really exceptic about this problem. How you can start to sell acreditations and give a promisse of free acomodation and stay on kaos?. What are you gonna do with the thousands of people that will go to London for the ESF? Will you take part with the police on squat eviction cases?

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to our spanish guests

07.10.2004 12:18

all you will here from the SWP/GLA/Socialist Action (the people who own the london esf), is silence. They have not made, nor were they ever going to make, provison for the "tens of thousands of people coming to london for the esf". This is "another world" they think possible.



07.10.2004 12:20

I understand that Beyond ESF ( and Autonomous Spaces ) have squat/free etc. accomodation. I must point out that this is not the 'official' ESF though some groups are half-in half-out.

Beyond The ESF is 5 days and Nights of Anti-Authoritarian Ideas and action - I cannot call the London ESF anti-authoritarian as it is run by a hierarchy that is co-opting/trying to coopt anti-capitalist movements and include the usual suspects such as the Greater London Authority ( also at the Leaders in Business conference), the SWP and the over-inflated NGOs and professional politicians that will not speak to the hoi pollois unless they need fundraisers, cannon-fodder and skivvies ( hello Ms Hudson ).

Let's cut the crap - do we want another world free from the abuses of the capitalist mafia?

- this is not "another meeting is possible" nor "another bunch of leaders is possible" nor "another bunch of social-climbing yuppies in the charity sector is possible" nor "another business opportunity is possible", nor " another £40,000 website is possible" - that might have provided some acommodation, eh?

Speaking of GLA expenditure - public transport costs will be going up to pay for the Olympics bid. Who's fucking Olympics. Not the peoples that's for sure. £8.6M advertising on the tube. He has just given his mates a whacking payrise ( Mr Jaspers ( also very probably at the ESF is now on £110,000+ year )Anyone have a breakdown of ESF expenditure?

Next time the Metropolitan Police bash you at a demo remmember Ken Livingstone is on THEIR side. He is always calling for tougher policing etc. They are not pro-squatting.

Which side of the fence are you on. Make a stand or just forget it. This is not a lifestyle choice. This is not a consumer product.

reclaim the cliches

Alojamiento durante el FSE 2004

07.10.2004 12:39

Alojamiento durante el FSE 2004

Estamos organizandonos para ayudar a conseguir alojamiento económico, barato o gratis y accesible en Londres a los delegados inscriptos. La mayor parte del mismo sera asignado por riguroso orden de inscripción de modo que es importante inscribirse YA. Tambien estamos convocando a los compañeros de los movimientos sociales de Londres para que ofrezcan sus casas y centros comunitarios para alojar delegados.

ALOJAMIENTO COMUNITARIO: Se ofrecerá Alojamiento gratisen el piso de los centros comunitarios a los delegados inscriptos de delegaciones nacionales o delegaciones numerosas y a los delegados de organizaciones afiliadas y grupos participantes. En la medida que sea posible, la informacion sobre los contactos para las delegaciones aparecera en el portal, de modo que las personas independientes puedan unirse a las delegaciones locales. Nos deberan hacer llegar los pedidos de alojamiento comunitario antes del 23 de Setiembre a fin de que podamos asignar los lugares.

HOTELES: Para conseguir tu descuento exclusivo del 15% en los hoteles, llama a Superbreak al teléfono [00] +44 (0)1904 641 111 mencionando 'ESF'. Para verificar la disponibilidad del mismo haz un click aqui. Pueden verse ofertas de otros hoteles, pensiones y alojamiento sin comida incluida, visitando

ALBERGUES: Hemos reservado algunas camas baratas en albergues que puedes reservar directamente a través del FSE. Los precios oscilan entre £12-24 por noche(~€19-38). Las camas serán asignadas por orden riguroso de reserva..

CAMPING: Hay varios sitios de camping donde se pueden ubicar caravanas y carpas (tiendas) con un número limitado de fuentes de electricidad en el parque Lee Valley en el Noreste de Londres. Los precios comienzan alrededor de £6/€10. Por favor reserva tu lugar con anticipación tratando directamente con el camping en

ALOJAMIENTO EN CASAS DE FAMILIA: las camas en casas de personas que apoyen al FSE seran ofrecidas gratuitamente. Los lugares seran limitados y se dara prioridad de alojamiento a los interpretes y voluntarios del FSE. Las plazas comenzaran a distribuirse en Setiembre.

ALOJAMIENTO ACCESIBLE: por favor contacta a la oficina del FSE en Inglaterra cuanto antes si es que precisas alojamiento con requisitos especificos de acceso. Para más informaciones sobre alojamiento por favor manda un mail a o llama a la oficina del FSE en Inglaterra, Teléfono: +44 (0)20 7833 8440.


National and large delegations

Across Europe many social movement organisations are coming together to form national and large delegations to facilitate the practical aspects of bringing large numbers of delegates to London.

Below we have listed some of these delegations and their contact details to allow you to make contact with them to arrange transport, accommodation etc

We know that this list is not comprehensive so if you are also organising a group to attend the ESF in London please email to let us know your contact details and how many people you expect to bring.



OTHER Countries: See the list

Sol Ution
mail e-mail:
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07.10.2004 12:40

Don't try and put Spanish people off from coming to the ESF. They want to come, they should be encouraged.

People's front of Judea
mail e-mail: sectarian@anarchist.(dis)org

Is there nobody who knows?

07.10.2004 12:42

I read the first post that this person made, and the string of rants about the GLA/SWP, noe of which answered his concern about accommodation. I guess that's why he's posted something again. CAN ANYBODY SAY IF THERE IS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR PEOPLE COMING TO THE OFFICIAL/UNOFFICIAL/BEYOND/WHATEVER-THE-FUCK ESF EVENTS? Please post this information here and elsewhere as soon as you can, and spare us the lectures about Ken.


.re asdf rants

07.10.2004 12:52

there has been several links given. now you work it fucking out. what are you doing about it. tehre are buildings. communication forst. we are NOT the fucking ESF accommodation group so do one fuckwit.


Beyond ESF & accomodation

07.10.2004 13:41

all people who have applied to Beyond ESF for accomoodation have got it. We are in the process of trying to accomodate (& feed & entertain all for free) everyone who comes to the Beyond ESF event. These people will naturally be a priority.

We fully understand people who come to london during esf need accomodation. We have work our bollocks off making it a reality.

Anyone coming to the Beyond ESF event who needs accomodation email -


Manuel - another solution

07.10.2004 13:58


The "Autonomous Spaces" people have been trying to find buildings/squats to accomodate as many people as they can.

Help will be needed to make these buildings function: to prepare them, find food, cook, clean - and perhaps defend them during the time of the social forum.

Email > with information about the size of your group and when you will arrive, and every effort will be made to find somewhere.

I hope that helps you a bit



07.10.2004 14:35

"Alexandra Palace is situated in 196 acres of parkland"




07.10.2004 15:04

Email a contact from this list, you should get your answer via here.[0][category.......1]=Contacts&als[SSECTION]=Contacts


you can stay at the dome

08.10.2004 12:07

you will be pleased to hear that u can stay at the millennium dome. it can accommodate 5,000 people. it funny because i used to ask people to sign petitions against building the dome. long live the dome.

ps a. you can eat your sectrian words.people like u make me sick.


hmm logistics

08.10.2004 14:07

1. okay 5,000 people paying £10 each is £50,0000 to hire the dome for 2 nights.
2. ONLY 5,000 people. The other thousands of people who are coming will be accomodated exactly where? In jo's house perhaps?

You inbred party hacks make me laugh, you don't give a fuck about people do you, just the 'event'. Your 'event'. The europeans, the translators, the ngo's are all fucking sick of you & there supposed to be on your side!!!

To our spanish friends, i repeat what has been said: camp out on the grounds of alexandra palace. Better still storm the fucking place & make that your home for the 2 days. Just watch the party hacks call the riot police in to have you expelled. Again is this 'another world' the owners of the esf seek to create?

storm the palace