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Another ESF demo is possible?

Sheff 11 | 05.10.2004 11:47 | Sheffield

the ESF demo has mutated into a stwc march aound the block, howe has this happened, what can we do about it?

Though it is obvious by now that the SWP/GLA/SA axis have conspired to make the ESF a very different event than the one originally envisaged, though defo still worth going, I thought the demo at least would be a lively celebratory affair. Now it is seems the demo has mutated into a STWC/MAB/CND march against Bush.

I wanted to be part of a vibrant peaceful, celebratory explosion of colour, spontaneity, life, while still highlighting the deep injustices in the world, this is what has happened with the past ESF demos. Instead it looks like I will be marching dourly around the block. How, did they get away with this? the demo is for everyone, it is an international event for the burgeoning movement, not the Trots and their fellow travellers. Bush will one day be gone, (maybe sooner than we think) but the new social movements are the future and I reject the short-termism of the SWP et al. So, will there be any alternative cultural blocs on the demo, so we can show the world ‘love is life’ while still raising our voices about the awful events happening in Iraq and around the world..

Sheff 11


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05.10.2004 17:17

It already was. Just like the ESF. I'm sure there will be other things to do than follow this TrotMedia A-B approach.
'The greatest thinkers...' I thinkl that says a lot about their attitude and ego.....

Boredwith theESF

Loads loads more going on...

06.10.2004 02:10

Needless to say the demo will be much more than the 'official' might think or hope.

Just like the official ESF venues have been surpassed by the diverse efforts of the various autonomous spaces, the demo was never going to be just a march from A to B. If you want colour and fun with an edge, join the carnival forum everyday and keep close on the sunday. Make sure you take a radio so you can dance to the same tune. Pass the word.

b ON the ESF

stop your sectrian rant

06.10.2004 12:13

i bet the swp did wish the stop war coalition was their own group, they be happy to have over million activist on board.

the point is that we didnt stop the war, we are now entering phased 2. we can clearly see the consquences of this war unravelling before our eyes. we need to build momenton and put the arguement for TROOPS OUT OF IRAQ. this is clearly the new slogan and we should be building around this.

the stop war demonstration will be putting this Troops Out line on the demo and i am sure that millions of people will agree with this. personally i think we need to encourage the solidiers to disobey orders as they did in the latter part of vietnam war.(the class war exists in the army too)

red letter

no more slogans anymore

06.10.2004 21:14

Red Letter, I'm sorry but I along with many others i would imagine do not want any more slogans, we want imagination

p.s apparently there is now plenty of discussion on the lists about the hijacking of the demo

girl interrupted

Carnival is Being Planned

07.10.2004 07:10

There is a Carnival also being planned for the Sunday. Several Samba bands are coming together with clowns etc.

Check out

Deacon Dave

alternatives to marching

07.10.2004 08:46

If you want to do something less boring instead on Sunday or any day of the esf, you could do worse than looking at:

Private Harley Quin

Another one bites the dust?

19.10.2004 01:53

This is, of course, a retro comment on the topic. Not there, this time, for the "March". Not really a March anyway, I hope, as, marching is what I presume military morons do. Dont know, then, how the shuffle of Oct 17th went, or was it a jolly good old "Stop the War" Carnival?
What I do know,is that, at around 10pm on Sunday evening the BBC Radio 4 "news"/propaganda gave no more than 30 seconds air time to say that around 100,000(or 20,000 according to Metropolitan Police) had "marched" in the Capital(London) in a protest to bring the troops home from Iraq.
On Monday 18th October, I heard the same radio stations news/propaganda tell us that thousands of people had packed London to cheer the successful British Olympic lot in a special ceremony/parade. The event got around 2 minutes airtime.
Also, briefly mentioned was that around 1,000 people had "protested" in Belaruusia at the unfairness/inadequacy of the recent democratic elections, allowing the incumbent "authoritarian" there a third term in office. Is he or she a liberal or democrat/socialist I wonder?
So what has all this to do with the ESF "March"? (well, you work it out).
Troops out of Iraq say approx 80,000 protesters in london on Oct 17th, British troops and government to uphold and support ongoing murder and massacre of civilians/innocents in Fallujah(Iraq)by USA forces. We WILL lick Bushs Bum say Hoon and Blair on October 18th.
Now, if 80,000 people had stormed the gates and buildings of Downing Street or the Houses of Commons would the Monday news have been different and the lives of innocent Iraqis/people in Fallujah been any less threatened?
I dunno, I wasnt there, and, anyway, it was just a wild, idealistic and impractical? thought. We are (mostly) good old well behaved British Europeans after all.
Sorry to be so unhelpful or impractical but THANKS to those people that went and did the thing anyway, after all, we MIGHT GET a decent governing system or international ideal, one day, as a result of their efforts of October 17th, but the BBC radio 4 didnt want us to think so.

Smiley Steve