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Now comes the 'truth massage'

Silent Bob | 05.10.2004 09:09

Rumsfeld has said that there is no hard evidence linking Saddam and Bin Laden.

From the BBC

Now comes the slow massage until in six months times the whole world is expected to believe that:

a) We never said there were WMD

b) We never said there was a Saddam / Bin Laden link

No you bloody didnt, but you certainly let the press spin it all out without ever correcting them.

Silent Bob


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They're still claiming a link...

06.10.2004 12:20 the election TV debate thingy the other day, Bush insisted that they had to attack Iraq because they had attacked the U.S. on Sept 11th. The bloke's conpletely deluded himself? Or is he perhaps just repeating the mantra to make it 'true'?
