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Dismay and disgust at Labour vote on Iraq

... | 30.09.2004 15:41 | Anti-militarism

Dismay and disgust at Labour vote on Iraq

Dismay and disgust at Labour vote on Iraq

The decision of the Labour Party conference to give its overwhelming backing to the New Labour leadership over the occupation of Iraq will dismay, disgust and horrify millions of people in Britain who want the troops withdrawn.

George Galloway, Respect MP, who was expelled from the Labour Party for his principled and outspoken opposition to the war on and occupation of Iraq, said:

"This will go down as a black day in the history of the Labour Party. New Labour refused to discuss Iraq at all last year. This year they have gone one worse. Thay have discussed it and then backed the government responsible for this disaster which has destroyed and placed in grave jeopardy so many lives including Brtitish lives like the 68 soldiers killed for Mr. Blair's vanity and hostages like Kenneth Bigley."

John Rees, the National Secretary of Respect, said:

"Shame on those Labour delegates who voted to back Tony Blair in the continuation of the bloody occupation of Iraq. 71% of British people and a majority of the TUC want a definite date set for the withdrawal of British troops. But Tony Blair, assisted by the leaders of the big four trade unions and by Iraqi trade unionists who back the Allawi government, has frustrated attempts by delegates to oppose the occupation of Iraq.

"Respect was founded precisely because the Labour leadership no longer expresses the desires of Labour voters. We say now there will be no peace in Iraq until British and American troops come home."



Display the following 7 comments

  1. Respect — Alisdar
  2. BiG UP RESPECT — Alain
  3. Vote Respect! — George
  4. We Vow To Thee New Britain — nuff respec
  5. Bunch of trotskyite w**kers! — Anarchy In The UK!!!
  6. Sectarian Wanker — victory to the sane over the stupid
  7. lots of anger among trade union members over stitch-up — trade unionist