Trade Justice demo, Brighton.
Guido | 27.09.2004 09:55 | South Coast
NGOs and campaigning groups mobilised several thousand people to march to the Labour Party conference after hearing speeches by various campaigners and celebs. The Policing seemed a bit over the top when you consider that most (nearly all) of the marchers were christian middle England types with their kids in attendance and the volvo parked nearby. Whether the Labour conference responds to (or even aknowleges) their demands remains to be seen.
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27.09.2004 16:02
Green Bert
we must sweep ourselves out with an iron broom!
28.09.2004 11:16
otherwise we might find ourselves as part of a mass movement, that would never do!
28.09.2004 11:17
so what? do you think that "christian middle England types" should be allowed to protest but non-christian working-class types should get the full brunt of the baton?
So a few celebs turned up - they are part of the frigging problem.
Here we go again...
28.09.2004 15:52
I thought I might as get in there first before someone less sarcastic had their say first.
But you guys beat me to it.
Can I ask you a serious question (having done with taking the piss for the moment). Are you lot just JEALOUS of us because we're richer than you? OR do you seriously think you have some kind of MORAL SUPERIORITY?
The class to which you belong is entirely an accident of birth is it not? So if you'd been born middle class you'd be the one driving the volvo. We can't help the class we were born into any more than you can.
You might argue that we have some sort of moral obligation to give most of our income to the poor rather than buy volvos (not that I have a volvo or even a car at all). BUT IS THAT HONESTLY WHAT YOU WOULD DO IF YOU WERE IN OUR SHOES??
Most of those middle class protesters would see no contradiction in what they're doing. They're not revolutionary egalitarianists and they don't pretend to be. But they think it's unfair that:
The EU, USA, etc, are all heavily subsidising our agriculture
WHILST denying majority world countries the right to do the same
WHILST forcing them to import our cut-price (subsidised) grain etc
WHILST refusing allow them to export most of the stuff they could be exporting to us.
They see all that as being "unfair trade rules" and they want to challenge that because they think it's wrong.
This is all part of a global movement to challenge global injustice throughout the world. I think it's great that those people have been radicalised to the extent that they have. And yes of course they've still got a long way to go but to hate them just for being middle class isn't going to help with anything at all.
Also, right, before you judge other people take a look at yourself.
You're a right fucking toff.
With all your slaves and servants.
I bet I could name loads of them. Hmm, let me think, there's the one in indonesia who made your trainers. There's that poor kid who picked the coffee beans that went into that chocolate bar you ate earlier today. OK you get the general idea...
So while you may feel like on the national level, you're working class, if you look at the global level, we're all middle class in this country. Britain is stinking filthy rich, there's no denying it. And while distribution of wealth INSIDE this country is very uneven, if you compare yourself to the average citizen of the world, you're absolutely f**king rolling in it and you can't possibly deny that you yes you are benefitting materially (not as much as some people but benefitting nonetheless) from other people's exploitation across the planet. Therefore you're complicit in that exploitation. You're doing well out of the global economy. Very well. You're certainly not at the top of the heap but you're nowhere near the bottom either. Compared with most people on the planet you've got shitloads of material posessions and your job may suck (get some skills and find a better one!!) but it's nothing like working in a sweatshop in an "Export Processing / Special Economic Zone".
I don't like you're slagging of middle class people. We should aspire to and try to build a classless society but you can't blame individual middle class people for being middle class and enjoying the kind of perks that you'd be enjoying yourself if you were middle class. If you're that desperate to be middle class though, go to university and get a good degree. Then you get youurself a nice middle class job. It's only a class system, not a rigid indian style caste system.
Anyway I just think the politics of resistance should be about resistance about peace and love and not about hate.
Gary "Pikey" Kevinson
re: WHAT??
28.09.2004 16:05
>so what? do you think that "christian middle England types" should be allowed to
>protest but non-christian working-class types should get the full brunt of the baton?
I think what the original poster was getting at was that the Christian Aid people and all that lot are generally of that part of society that is too polite to go in for any sort of physical aggression. They've had a very sheltered existence and they're not used to pushing and shoving. So the police didn't really have any reason to expect any trouble. Therefore why were the police being arsey??
The emphasis is on the police being annoying. That's my interpretation anyway. I don't think it was meant to be having a go at anarchists or whatever.
From the police's point of view (and I'm sure I've broken some sort of anarchist rule about not imagining the enemy's point of view, but then anarchists aren't meant have rules ;-) so who cares)... from the police's point of view, anarchists are rather more likely to smash stuff up than the NGO crowd. So from their point of view it's quite rational to be prepared and vigilant. (Unless you're honestly expecting them to LET you smash stuff up). That doesn't meant that they should use any sort of "pre-emptive force" or stop people from protesting - of course that would be out of order. All I'm saying is that if they're standing around trying to look menacing and being all like twitchy and stuff that's a bit more understandable if the black bloc are in town than if you're just got Oxfam, World Development Movement, Christian Aid, Cafod, and all that lot.
Don't get me wrong though. I think the black bloc kick arse.
28.09.2004 16:09
It's like the people's front of judea...
We don't all have to agree and infact plurality and diversity are good things but we should be engaging in constructive debate rather than just slagging matches.
My two penneth worth
28.09.2004 17:37
1 - You've got a computer in front of you? Well, assuming you own it or you paid to use it, you are obviously anything but poor.
2 - I fully agree with the person who said that you can't choose which class you are born into. Collective punishment isn't justice, guys. We complain about collective punishment against Palestinian communities. Class divisions do cause cases of gratuitous disliking. Go take your anger out on the real bastards, not me!
3 - The real difference between my slight advantage in wealth over yours is that I could afford the train ticket quite easily to get down to Brighton. Its not who's got the money, its whether they're using it for good or bad. And besides, its not really who's got the money and who hasn't, its who's got the power. Otherwise we'd all hand over the keys of dictatorship to the SWP and let them do the wealth redistribution commie-dictator style (and bare in mind which party I recently quit).
4 - I was told of for singing "The IMF is a right...bunch of bastards". Apparently the march was supposed to be about loving people. What a lot of liberals. But did that stop me going? No, I knew I'd get hassle for my views, but this is the crowd we want to win. Most people don't suddenly "wake up to inequality" and become anarchists, I certainly didn't. Most people start with the NGO's, realise they're pants and start to look elsewhere. Maybe they even go join a party, then quit. Its a process not some flash of light revelation. Lets get out there and reach out to others, not assume they hate us.
OK, thats possibly more than two pence, but hey.
Rebel W
Rebel W
For all you prolier-than-thou class warriors
29.09.2004 15:06
Marx was convinced that only the urban working classes could lead and run a revolution. Anarchists, on the other hand are happy to work with anyone and everyone who is marching in the right direction. This is what led Marx to split with them during the First International.
Anarchists don't go for orthodoxy. I guess that's why we believe in fuckin' LIBERTY and stuff.
By the way, here's a quick guide to the leading anarchist thinkers of the last 200 years and their own social origins...
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - middle class landowner's son turned printer
Errico Malatesta - upper class landowner's son turned electrician
Michael Bakunin - Russian aristocrat
Peter Kropotkin - Russian PRINCE
Emma Goldman - innkeepers' daughter, petit bourgeoise
And they all kicked arse anyway, so what's your problem?
Some people are posher than us commoners. Big deal. Get over it.
Fair enough
29.09.2004 15:36
I think the original post is insulting.
OH HUM silly (A) quoting
29.09.2004 17:36
1 - You've got a computer in front of you? Well, assuming you own it or you paid to use it, you are obviously anything but poor.
and you don't??
Point missed completely
29.09.2004 17:39
I think the original post is insulting."
I would be equally surprised if loads of working class buhdists were surrounded by cops in protective clothing. Not because of their class or religion but for the total absurdity of it. Myself I'm all in favour of middle england finding out what it's like to go on a demo in the real world. What I don't understand is why the cops would waste so much resources on a demo that would never kick off or even see any civil disobedience. They also risk alienating those who would usually fight their corner. Maybe it was a dry run for the Countryside Alliance demo two days later?
No, I haven't missed the point
30.09.2004 07:04
I dont understand why people think they are immune to this because of their background or because they have some money. The assumption is IMHO either naive or arrogant.
Poor old (A)
30.09.2004 11:22
Twit watch