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The beheading of Eugene

dh | 20.09.2004 23:01

How much more of this can we accept?

There's even a little dancehall song in there on this video

This may take a little time to get into

Now how real would you rate that?



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21.09.2004 00:54

why do you think we need to see this?

it is grim and pornographic to share these images around, and serves no purpose.

why?? we know it is terrible. we don't need to watch it.

but why


21.09.2004 14:56

Jack Straw phoned the family of the British man today saying We Have to Stand Strong!!!

For what exactly. What gives him the right to play with these mens lives. Just get out of Iraq right now. Weve brought nothing but death and misery to the place, to the Iraqi people, and now to the families of our own people.

Its heartrending.


But why

21.09.2004 22:06

But why - this is either a genuine image of a brutal killing in a real world that has been perpetrated by people purporting to represent you - it's a slice of the real world forwhich you hold some accountability. Obviously you're allowing it to happen.
Alternatively, you may be moved by the sham aspects of this. I've watched, I think, three of these beheading movies now and you know, I'm always surprised by the lack of blood and gore.
You know, when you get your head severed at the neck, there are the main carotid arteries to cut and they spurt, man
Now where does that exquisite little pulse go down from the brain to the heart to tell it it to contract. Via, I think, the spinal column
The last here to be hacked through, and heralding the merest splash of bodily fluids on the floor But blood should always be pumping
You see? You got to examine the evidence before you can come up with the hypothesis


Reality Check

22.09.2004 11:30

Lack of blood and gore?
The US is the guilty party?
Why should we see these beheadings?

Peace in the world today comes at a heavy price, unfortunately. I detest those sitting around comfortably at home badmouthing the President and our efforts. Iraq is a better place, and will only improve as these evildoers are destroyed.

There may be a lack of blood and gore for our movie critic, but coincidently, identifiable bodies keep appearing shortly after these videos are released and they happen to be headless. Or, go back to the US being the guilty party thought and you would see that the US has been fabricating these deaths to help the administration's efforts. Foolishness.

We should see the beheadings on national television, and hear the screaming, and see the parents and families mourning, so that we can see this evil for what it is.

Amazing we have a President who is doing what he believes to be right knowing he might not have overwhelming support doing it.

peter michael
mail e-mail:


22.09.2004 16:21

I dont know how many times youve watched someone being beheaded. I cant say I have, and there could be any number of reasons there is a lack of blood and gore.

But I think it is a flaw to start trying to blur reality to make it more palatable to our sensibilities. I think it totally plausible that resistance groups are kidnapping westerners and executing them. I mean, it is no worse to what we have done to the Iraqi people. At least they havent cluster bombed children. At least they didnt rape him first, before killing them, like in Abu Ghraib. It doesnt make it good, what these guys are doing, it is warfare, and in a war both sides use violence. To make the Iraqi resitance more palatable to your tastes by obscuring the violence is not to live in reality. This is what violence means. That is why it is a terrible thing. That is why the war was a mistake from the beginning, because of the terrible violence it has unleashed.

There are videos that exist on the internet of US soldiers gunning down unarmed men as well. But because of the PR war, the US try to hide their violence, which is on a far greater scale than what these men are doing. But these men are fighting a different media war. They want to terrify people, to stop them coming to Iraq.

Incidentally, the Ethiopians used to do the same to the Italians. Its what prevented them from ever being colonised.

As to Mr. Righteous crusader, the crusaders used to believe 'they were doing the right thing' as they slaughtered thousands of innocent men, women and children. They even ate the people of a village in Syria one time. Saddam Hussein believed he was doing the right thing when he gassed the Kurds. Hitler believed he was doing the right thing when he tried to murder the Jews. George Bush may believe he is doing the right thing, but that doesn't change the fact he's a murdering, stupid, greedy son of a bitch.

You are like the German people in nazi germany, so blinded by patriotic fervor and deluded by empty rhetoric, that you cannot see the war and suffering being waged in your name.


The rest of your TV show

22.09.2004 16:38

Another evildoer destroyed
Another evildoer destroyed

Peter wrote:
"We should see the beheadings on national television, and hear the screaming, and see the parents and families mourning, so that we can see this evil for what it is."

Yes, that's a good idea.
And after that, you should show videos of whole Iraqi families being burned to death in their own houses from aerial bombardment, and babies being born with horrifying birth defects thanks to your brave, decisive president's Depleted Uranium shells.

Then the US electorate will have the whole story.

First they can see a few US contractors who've come as highly-paid volunteers, and who can go back home as soon as they've filled their boots with cash, beheaded in a few seconds.

Then they can see some of the many thousands of Iraqi civilians, in their own home country, with nowhere else to go, dying slowly and horribly.

Fuck you and your self-pitying, self-righteous, blame-the-victim, willfully-ignorant wank. And fuck your evil gangster of a president, who's persuaded the whole world to hate you sick bastards who keep defending him.
