???Why dident we do what the CA have done??????
Angry A to B Girl | 15.09.2004 16:48
Why have we not made this much media impact. Why do we have such fucking stupid, Ignorable A to B marches.
You know that the CA are fighting for the right to kill and mame, whay havent we used these taktics to push anti-war, anti-capitalism, anti-globalisation and lots of other worth while causes. All we seem to do is follow the SWP roud and talk about what we could do . i am pissed and frustrated, all i seem to be doing is wasting my time haveing a voice that isent being heard. We dont need to hurt ppl, not even the police. We just have to be unpredictable like the CA have been to day.
i know what the animal rights ppl have been doing but what a waste will so much of that bee if the CA stop the hunting bil because they had more impact on one day, making all the media take notice making every one think that moste of the country is pro hunting.
We can do the same thing with all our causes we dont even need for pllaning, just the inclanation on the day.
i know what the animal rights ppl have been doing but what a waste will so much of that bee if the CA stop the hunting bil because they had more impact on one day, making all the media take notice making every one think that moste of the country is pro hunting.
We can do the same thing with all our causes we dont even need for pllaning, just the inclanation on the day.
Angry A to B Girl
Hide the following 10 comments
15.09.2004 17:14
liberte egalite fraternite
You're barking up the wrong tree!!!! (ahem)
15.09.2004 17:25
This hunting thing has been a big issue in the media anyway.
Of course getting into the house of commons and onto the floor is a pretty big thing, the other times like the purple powder incident got massive coverage as well. But so has batman superdads at buckingham palace.
I agree with the point that there's no point in just doing A-B trot march things, they do have their place, but there's a lot more that you can do as well - as indeed many people did during the bush demos and others - but you're off target with your main point re media coverage.
15.09.2004 17:29
Demo notes
15.09.2004 18:01
Where were the sabs, animal action, shac etc etc. or was it too hard for you.?????
Fuck Hunt Scum
we do that stuff -
15.09.2004 18:27
That's the stuff that stayed fluffy - and 'our side' (what hunt scum call 'the anti's' in the context of hunting) also are bigger and more creative if it gets violent too - I don't expect this one to still be 'live from the scene' on thursday's breakfast tv news like it was with the trafalgar sq rave a few years ago.
you all vegetarians?
16.09.2004 02:34
Because otherwise I would consider you to be either hypocrites or stupid.
And don't give me that "eating meet is necessary, its the taking of pleasure that is wrong" excuse.
Eating meat is also for pleasure. Stop doing it and we could feed the world.
16.09.2004 08:37
cruelty in the countryside? intensive farms- why don't the ranting nutters and government do something abuot that! I would NEVER eat any product of intensive farming- preferring locally produced, organic and - preferably- rare breed....
carney vore
False argument, Freddy
16.09.2004 08:59
There's a massive difference between killing for food and ripping a living animal
to shreds for pure pleasure.
You'll have to do better than that.
Cruelty to animals will not be tolerated by 98% of the population, you've lost the argument, you lost the vote. Get over it!
Free wheelin' Franklin
killing for pleasure
16.09.2004 10:04
eating meat is killing for pleasure since eating meat is unnecessary (proven fact since there are generations of health vegetarians and vegans) so it is being done for pleasure ("I couldn't give up my bacon sarny"). The killing might happen out of sight in the closed doors of a slaughter house and not by the person eating the meat, but the consumer has paid for the killing, they have meerly contracted out the work to a professional killer.
the same is true of the fur industry which few people support. the killing of animals for fur takes place for vainity and pleasure (at least in most cases where wearing fur is a fashion statement rather than a way to keep warm in extreme conditions). the killing is rarely done by the person who will gain please and warmth from wearing the fur.
in hunting (which in the case of fox hunting with hounds, is clearly done for pleasure because it can hardly be argued to be an efficient way of controlling fox populations what with requiring dozens of people on horses that cost thousands of pounds to look after every year, plus a fleet of 4x4 vehicles and stables, etc etc), it is at least true to say that the hunter who get the pleasure are honest enough to do the killing themselves... right?
no. of course not. in most cases it is the hounds that do the killing for the pleasure of the hunters. in some cases it might by the huntsman or his hands, but not the paying members of the hunt.
so, where does that leave us. the meat and dairy industry is certainly far more cruel (at very least in terms of scale of numbers) than fox hunting which manages to kill something like 15,000 or 20,000 foxes at best (compared to about 20,000 to 25,000 by game keepers and 250,000 by drivers of cars). Meanwhile, the tens of thousands animals live, suffer and die everyday for people pleasure at the dinner table (or more likely these days, in the streets outside a McDonald's or the like).
so while some people hurl abuse at fox hunters and the countryside alieance, perhaps it would be a good idea to think about the way in which we all shun responsibility for the cruelty inherent in allowing us to live as we do.
it's a class thing
17.09.2004 10:44
'oooh, look. the police are attacking those posh people, they're attacking middle england. hmm, that can't be right. my god they're bleeding! the police are out of control!
bet those middle england protesters did nothing wrong at all.'
is this had been any other demo the press would have leaped all over us.
'disgrace, domestic terrorism' etc
but cuz it's middle england having a day out, and god knows they're our and eveyone else's betters, everyone sides with them.
thing is with all that blood on those fox hunters faces how could they tell if they'd been attacked by the police?
surely that's an ordinary day out foxhunting for them.
daniel gurney