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Fadwa Barghouti, wife of prisoner Marwan Barghouti..

islam & 0742.. | 15.09.2004 13:10 | Sheffield

1. Thursday 16th Sep

You are invited to a public meeting with Fadwa Barghouti, wife of political
prisoner Marwan Barghouti on Thursday September 16th, 7.30 pm. at St. matthews
Rooms, Carver St, off Division St.

Fawda is on a one week visit to Britian and will be talking about the Free
Marwan Barghouti campaign, about the israeli "Justice" system and about the
recent hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners and the appalling conditions
under which they are held. This is a rare opportunity to hear a political
activist from Palestine talking about the situation in Palestine today and we
are lucky to have the chance for her to speak in Sheffield. Please try to come
and tell others who may be interested.

islam & 0742
more of our work

islam & 0742..


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Sending followers out to kil Jewish children is a crime

15.09.2004 14:27

Barghouti has admitted in open court and in countless interviews that he was in charge and responsible for sending his followers out with orders to kill Jewish children. In any civilized society that is considered a crime. He is now in jail serving time for his crime. Contrary to wishes by individuals that want the death of Jews this issue is about civilization. Jews are people to and deserve the right to live in peace. They have repeatedly tried to live in peace with others and have paid for trying to live in peace by experiancing the killing of their people. The Jews a a bright people and learn from their mistakes. They no longer let fellow Jews be killed without reprisals. They arabs need to learn that Killing Jews is no longer acceptable and there will be punishments including Jail time.


I'd like to see a transcript of that...

15.09.2004 15:28

"Barghouti has admitted in open court and in countless interviews that he was in charge and responsible for sending his followers out with orders to kill Jewish children."

I'd like to see a transcript or source for that.

I won't hold my breath.

"countless interviews" LOL


oh just fuck off

15.09.2004 15:38

.. really bored with the one track 'me me me I I I jew jew jew' racism of zionist nutters like yourself.

Just because you are that closed down as a person that you seek solidarity only with people that you imagine are like you, don't expect the rest of us to fall about and sympathise with your innate racism and the blindness, that comes with it, towards the pityfully obvious crimes of the israeli state against the people of Palestine.

People like you only have one message and it's a selfish one.

You would like to personify every Palestinian and their supporters to the base characteristic of 'baby killer', because if you didn't then the chink would let in the light of the horrendous crimes committed in the name of 'the choosen ones'.

You are, simply, losing your audience rapidly and doing no service to the jewish people in the process.

If it were merly the case of the preservation of the jewish people - how come millions of jews around the world don't agree with you?

Oh yes, I remember, you dissapear their concerns with the magic words - self hater - just like you will dissapear my humanity by calling me an anti-semite.

Boring, foolish, pointless, fruitless & self defeating thinking.

karen eliot


16.09.2004 02:44

I understand that you people in London think no-one else exists, but could you all STOP posting invitations to come to a Street name without any mention of WHICH CITY.

It is just so RUDE and ARROGANT.

Mind you, i'm only guessing its London. Could be anywhere. Or am I expected to do extensive research to deduce whether it is near enough for me to get to it ?



16.09.2004 07:52

"This is a rare opportunity to hear a political activist from Palestine talking about the situation in Palestine today and we are lucky to have the chance for her to speak in Sheffield."

No extensive research needed, apart from reading the article. :)
