the rampart conspiracy theory - wed 15th
rampart | 15.09.2004 01:04 | Free Spaces | London
Wednesday Community Cinema 15th September
15 Rampart Street, London, E1 2LA (off Commerical Rd)
With the anniversary of 9/11 now behind us, we present an evening of conspiracy theory at the rampart. Depending on how our downloads go tonight, we’ll a jam packed session that would gladden the heart of conspiracy nutters anywhere.
15 Rampart Street, London, E1 2LA (off Commerical Rd)
With the anniversary of 9/11 now behind us, we present an evening of conspiracy theory at the rampart. Depending on how our downloads go tonight, we’ll a jam packed session that would gladden the heart of conspiracy nutters anywhere.
There is the controversial “In Plane Sight”, which claims that no plane crashed into the Pentagon and that the WTC towers were bought down by explosives. Then there is the CBC show with their exposé of the pre-knowledge about 9/11 and Bush ties to Saudi’s elite and the Laden family. If we get desperate there is the truly awful Alex Jones ‘documentary’ called “911: The Road to Tyranny” which romps through all the usual stuff before going off on an insane anti-greenpeace rant.
To round off the evening we’ll slip into the safer realms of fiction. We’re trying to get “Fight the Future”, an X-Files spin-off movie that makes David Ickes claims seem sane. Or perhaps the pilot episode of the American TV show, ‘The Lone Gun Men’, which, shown March 2001, featured a remote controlled passenger plane being flown into the World Trade Centre. It could even be “The Long Kiss Goodnight”, another pre 9/11 film in which the WTC is targeted by the US government. Let’s hope our broadband holds out! Films start 8pm as usual.
And don’t forget…
Rampart meetings every Monday from 6pm (get involved, we need you)
Video workshop every Tuesday from 7pm (be the media)
Free cinema every Wednesday from 8pm (suggestions welcome)
ECF meeting every Thursday from 7pm (get creative for the ESF next month)
Starting up, Friday night jam from 9pm (needs advertising so pass it on)
Also coming up this month…
Saturday 18th September
Chilean National holiday, benefit for Chilean political prisoners.
Friday 24th September [TBC}
Rising Tide benefit evening to help cover the costs of their annual campaign gathering which will take place in Nottingham at the beginning of October.
Saturday 25th September [TBC]
An all day benefit event with films, food and music for legal expenses for political prisoners in Mexico.
To round off the evening we’ll slip into the safer realms of fiction. We’re trying to get “Fight the Future”, an X-Files spin-off movie that makes David Ickes claims seem sane. Or perhaps the pilot episode of the American TV show, ‘The Lone Gun Men’, which, shown March 2001, featured a remote controlled passenger plane being flown into the World Trade Centre. It could even be “The Long Kiss Goodnight”, another pre 9/11 film in which the WTC is targeted by the US government. Let’s hope our broadband holds out! Films start 8pm as usual.
And don’t forget…
Rampart meetings every Monday from 6pm (get involved, we need you)
Video workshop every Tuesday from 7pm (be the media)
Free cinema every Wednesday from 8pm (suggestions welcome)
ECF meeting every Thursday from 7pm (get creative for the ESF next month)
Starting up, Friday night jam from 9pm (needs advertising so pass it on)
Also coming up this month…
Saturday 18th September
Chilean National holiday, benefit for Chilean political prisoners.
Friday 24th September [TBC}
Rising Tide benefit evening to help cover the costs of their annual campaign gathering which will take place in Nottingham at the beginning of October.
Saturday 25th September [TBC]
An all day benefit event with films, food and music for legal expenses for political prisoners in Mexico.
Hide the following 11 comments
Greenpeace Rant
15.09.2004 10:19
Phillis Cormack
help needed getting films
15.09.2004 10:20
Greenpeace Rant II
15.09.2004 11:28
Alex Jones never mentions the word Greenpeace. There is a bit about 15 seconds long in which he talks about phony environmental organisations during which the Greenpeace logo appears briefly on the screen. Hardly a rant!
If you are going to attend this event, it is suggested that you do so with an open mind and not follow the ridicule laced cheerleading of the writer of this article.
As far as Alex Jones is concerned, sure his documentary doesn't have the polish of a BBC production. He doesn't have the benefit of their technology nor training. Judge the film on its substance not its presentation and while you remember that this film was made nearly three years ago, take note of what has happened subsequently.
But if you want to know what attitude to expect in the presentation of this event, try this quote from the article writer:
"we’ll a jam packed session that would gladden the heart of conspiracy nutters anywhere"
Nothing like allowing your audience the freedom of thought. I think psychologists have carried out enough experiments to conclude that this kind of pre-conditioning works. So, if you can't go with an open mind, tear yourself away from your Argos catalogue, grab a few cans of Stella, pick up a stuffed crust pizza and head for the freak show.
Phillis Cormack
Greenpeace info
15.09.2004 11:38
Here is a little history...
The name Greenpeace was used in Britain at least as early as 1971. It appeared in print as the title of a broadsheet published as a supplement in Peace News in 1971. The broadsheet was a compilation of ideas about how individuals could take action in their own lives to preserve the ecosystem.
In 1972 "Greenpeace" was used as the name for a coalition of individuals and groups in Britain campaigning against French nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific. At the same time there were other Greenpeace groups both in Britain and in some other countries: the different groups were in touch with one another as an informal network of autonomous groups, in particular around the issue of nuclear testing. The London group, usually known as Greenpeace (London), continued to be in touch with other such groups around the world.
In 1977, the biggest of the Greenpeace organisations outside Britain - the Vancouver Greenpeace Foundation in Canada - formalised its links with some of the other Greenpeace organisations around the world, seeing itself as the "lead" group. Shortly before this, in late 1976, members of that organisation came to London and met people from Greenpeace (London).
The Vancouver people wanted the London group to "take its orders from" the Board of Directors in Vancouver, but were told that the London group had never had that kind of relationship with other Greenpeace Groups. (The relationship with groups like the Vancouver one had often been close, but never based on any sort of hierarchy.) Subsequently, a letter from Vancouver explicitly recognised the autonomy of the existing London group.
Activists in London - including the people who had come from Canada - who DID want to be under the control of the Vancouver Foundation, formed a London Branch of the Vancouver Foundation, which then formed a limited company and became known as Greenpeace Ltd or Greenpeace UK. Since 1977, Greenpeace (London) and Greenpeace Ltd have been quite separate organisations, working on different campaigns - though of course their separate campaigns have had some issues in common, such as anti-nuclear work.
The original London Greenpeace Group deliberately stayed as a small group of activists, without leaders, with decisions taken by consensus of all those involved, and encouraged people in other areas to set up their own active groups rather than "joining" London Greenpeace."
Anyway, London Greenpeace is somewhat in suspensed animation since the end of the McLibel trial and Greenpeace UK and it's parent company Greenpeace International are going from strength to strength it would seem. I am somewhat cynical about big Greenpeace, seeing a flurry of media stunts everynow and again (often dressed up as direct action) which seems intended more for getting in new greenpeace supporters/members/subscribers than for actually doing something effective. I was however pleasently suprised by Greenpeace actions against the invasion of Iraq. There is a lot to critisize GP for. Crazy deals with Monsanto for biodegradable credit cards for example. But to claim that GP is part of some kind of land grab plot by the worlds elite is to me pure bollocks.
White supremacy theories.
15.09.2004 12:25
Green Bert.
Greenpeace Rant III
15.09.2004 12:28
On the subject of Greenpeace, my knowledge is not a copy and paste excercise like yours. Where did it come from:
My involvement has been a little more intimate than that and to say that you were pleasantly surprised by their actions against the invasion of Iraq, my God, if only you knew the truth! I suspect that any visible Greenpeace action against the Iraq war was done in spite of any official line. I am given to believe that there was the threat of a sizeable withdrawal of support from an unknown quarter if Greenpeace's opposition to the war was 'inappropriate'.
Again, I ask your viewers to judge what you screen on substance and not your prejudicial autopsy!
Phillis Cormack
Greenpeace Rant IV
15.09.2004 12:38
Covering up for what exactly?! He is accusing the US Government of orchestrating the whole thing. How is that questioning why we are "covering up for these dirty smelly arabs"?
I suggest that when vieing this that the viewer takes note of Jones' warnings of the removal of civil liberties (via the PATRIOT act), the use of new military technology against the population (sound cannons and tazers) and the implementation of RFID technology.
Phillis Cormack
15.09.2004 13:18
Green Bert
see for yourself...
15.09.2004 13:27
I looked to see if I could find a band review of it (cause I for one truely hated it) but I couldn't find any one saying a bad think about it apart from me so I leave it to you all to judge for yourself.
Long Kiss Goodnight
15.09.2004 14:46
What it does have is a line blaming the US security services for allowing the first bombing to go ahead. Plus they are the Bad Guys in the film for a change.
It rocks.
Long kiss lone gunmen
15.09.2004 17:13
Additionally we've also managed to find somebody who is bringing 'In Plane Site' (52m), 'The Great Illusion' (2hrs) and 'The road to Tyranny' (> 2.5hrs)
We are going to have to choose just one of the two hour plus films and show the others another night I think as we only have four hours to screen stuff.