Syria tested chemical weapons on civilians in Darfur in June
T-EQ | 15.09.2004 00:59
The German daily Die Welt newspaper, in an advance release of its Wednesday edition, citing unnamed western security sources, said that injuries apparently caused by chemical arms were found on the bodies of the victims.
It said that witnesses quoted by an Arabic news website called ILAF in an article on August 2 had said that several frozen bodies arrived suddenly at the "Al-Fashr Hospital" in the Sudanese capital Khartoum in June.
Die Welt said the sources had indicated that the weapons tests were undertaken following a military exercise between Syria and Sudan.
Syrian officers were reported to have met in May with Sudanese military leaders in a Khartoum suburb to discuss the possibility of improving cooperation between their armies.
According to Die Welt, the Syrians had suggested close cooperation on developing chemical weapons, and it was proposed that the arms be tested on the rebel SPLA, the Sudan People's Liberation Army, in the south.
But given that the rebels were involved in peace talks, the newspaper continued, the Sudanese government proposed testing the arms on people in Darfur.
Details of what were in the weapons were not disclosed.
The Sudanese government has been accused of arming and backing Arab militias, known as Janjaweed, which have rampaged through the western Darfur region for the past 19 months.
An estimated 50,000 people have been killed and 1.4 million more uprooted in a campaign against Darfur's black African population, which began in February 2003 when Khartoum and the Janjaweed cracked down on a rebel uprising.
The United States has accused Syria of trying to acquire materials and the know-how to develop chemical weapons and claims that Sudan has been seeking to improve its capability to produce them for many years.
It said that witnesses quoted by an Arabic news website called ILAF in an article on August 2 had said that several frozen bodies arrived suddenly at the "Al-Fashr Hospital" in the Sudanese capital Khartoum in June.
Die Welt said the sources had indicated that the weapons tests were undertaken following a military exercise between Syria and Sudan.
Syrian officers were reported to have met in May with Sudanese military leaders in a Khartoum suburb to discuss the possibility of improving cooperation between their armies.
According to Die Welt, the Syrians had suggested close cooperation on developing chemical weapons, and it was proposed that the arms be tested on the rebel SPLA, the Sudan People's Liberation Army, in the south.
But given that the rebels were involved in peace talks, the newspaper continued, the Sudanese government proposed testing the arms on people in Darfur.
Details of what were in the weapons were not disclosed.
The Sudanese government has been accused of arming and backing Arab militias, known as Janjaweed, which have rampaged through the western Darfur region for the past 19 months.
An estimated 50,000 people have been killed and 1.4 million more uprooted in a campaign against Darfur's black African population, which began in February 2003 when Khartoum and the Janjaweed cracked down on a rebel uprising.
The United States has accused Syria of trying to acquire materials and the know-how to develop chemical weapons and claims that Sudan has been seeking to improve its capability to produce them for many years.
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FX of weapons or weaponized vaccine ?
15.09.2004 06:20
8 SEPTEMBER 2004 | KHARTOUM/GENEVA/NEW YORK -- In a unique follow-up to a June campaign that reached over 2 million children in Darfur with vaccination against measles, a campaign was launched yesterday to reach another 150 000 children from 9 months to 15 years in remote areas of North Darfur controlled by the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM).
For children suffering from chronic or acute malnutrition, measles can result in a high number of deaths. The first phase of the campaign will run from now until 13 September, to build confidence among the different factions for continuation of the initiative.
Delicate negotiations between the UN and the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM) in July and August concluded with an agreement that polio and measles vaccines would be provided to children in SLM-controlled areas.
Following the massive month-long campaign in June, death and illness rates amongst children due to measles have declined significantly. This additional campaign should immunize enough children to further reduce the likelihood of an outbreak for the coming three to four years. The campaign has been organized by the Ministry of Health, SLM, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.
We want to bring down the mortality rate for all children, not only those we have easy access to. Children pay the price for war when insecurity cuts them off from access to the most basic health services,†said UNICEF Representative in Sudan, JoAnna Van Gerpen. “Negotiations began in July with the SLM, who were very receptive to the idea but uncertain the logistics would work out.â€
Representative of the WHO in Sudan, Dr Guido Sabatinelli, and UNICEF’s Van Gerpen participated in yesterday's start-up of the campaign in North Darfur. “The logistics are incredibly complex,†Sabatinelli said, “The children are spread across a huge territory, so we have to reach them by every means possible, including camels and donkeys.†The UN’s World Food Programme has supported the campaign by providing a helicopter to move vaccines, vaccine carriers, syringes and other supplies into the remote region.
Sabatinelli noted that this campaign may signal the opening of more areas in the vast Darfur region for health and other services to be provided to the scattered population.
The campaign has been provided with contributions from Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, ECHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UNICEF Netherlands National Committee.
Measles campaigns usually take up to a year to organize because of the huge logistics involved. The vulnerability of children in Darfur called for urgent measures. The June and September campaigns in Darfur demonstrate the ability to carry out life-saving activities despite logistical, financial and political challenges when all parties put the interests of children first.
Measles vaccine proposed for global AIDS protection
In two separate presentations at the AIDS Vaccine 04 meeting in Lausanne, Dr Frederic Tangy from the Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida (ANRS) in Paris advocated the use of a licensed live attenuated measles vaccine – the very same one used in the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) system given to millions of children – as a vehicle to deliver an HIV vaccine for future generations.
The proposal marked a welcome shift in the direction of serious consideration of how to make future HIV vaccines available to infants and adolescents – especially girls - who are, in many countries, the populations most desperately in need of protection against the epidemic. A Swiss company, Berna Biotech, has already made prototypes based on a live measles vaccine with HIV genes inserted, and a progress report on this work was also presented.
The vision would be that a child would be vaccinated from before the age of one and boosted at around the age of 10 to achieve a level of immunity that could and should last until adulthood. Adults with pre-existing immunity to measles – or at least those who have been previously vaccinated – could either receive repeated doses of measles-based vaccine or a prime-boost using measles with another vector, both containing HIV-related sequences.
The arguments put forward in support of this strategy include the excellent safety record of this live vaccine, its remarkable ability to offer long-term and boostable protection against disease, and that large-scale manufacturing facilities in several countries produce tens of millions of doses at extremely low cost. By inserting HIV-related sequences in one or more of three distinct locations in the vaccine strain, immunity to HIV could be induced in addition to protection against measles at no extra cost.
There are, however, one or two problems identified in the course of the meeting.
The first difficulty is that no-one knows precisely what components of HIV, and in what form, should be included in such a vaccine. The very long-acting effect of the measles vaccine could itself generate serious problems, if the wrong elements were added to it. At worst, children vaccinated in infancy might have inappropriate immune responses and would be unable to benefit as adolescents from a better vaccine that might by then be available to them.
The second problem is that the idea of using an established vaccine in this way would need to be discussed and agreed with stakeholders who are not currently involved in the AIDS vaccine effort and were not represented at the meeting in Lausanne. Given that millions of children in developing countries are still dying each year from measles, nothing should be done that could in any way undermine public confidence in the vaccine programme.
Measles is far from being eradicated, and mass vaccination with the live vaccine is therefore likely to continue for decades to come. However, the same is hopefully not the case for polio.
Some researchers would like to include HIV antigens in a version of the currently licensed live Sabin polio vaccine.They point to animal studies in which polio-vectored SIV components have been one of the very few systems shown to protect monkeys against some particularly virulent forms of SIV. The only comparable protection has been achieved with live attenuated forms of SIV itself, which is unacceptable as a prototype for HIV in the light of evidence that such viruses do, eventually, cause SIV-related disease.
This proposal flies in the face of moves in countries such as the United Kingdom to abandon live polio vaccine in favour of less potent but non-replicating vaccines given by injection. If the politics and other circumstances of the last refuges of the virus in Africa and Asia allow polio to be eradicated, will anyone really want to continue to use live polio vaccines? Those vaccines can – at a rate of less than one in a million – revert to forms that cause damage to the nervous system. It is claimed that with “high fidelity” variants of a key enzyme, this risk can be reduced. But since the only way to prove this would be through giving the vaccine to millions of people, will anyone ever be prepared to make the experiment, at the risk of re-introducing polio in a world where immunity to the disease would be waning fast?
AIDS is not Infectious
1/ No trace of the virus can be found in either the Kaposi´s sarcomas or the neurons of the central nervous system. most individuals suffering from AIDS, no virus particles can be found anywhere in the body. The abundance of uninfected T-cells in ALL AIDS patients is the fatal, definitive argument against the many false claims for high viral loads or burdens in AIDS patients. If T-cells remain uninfected, there are no viruses to infect them. ...many people dying of AIDS-like conditions, ranging from Kaposi´s sarcoma to immune deficiencies and various opportunistic infections, have never been infected by HIV in the first place. The CDC does not include most of these antibody-negative cases in its AIDS figures, rendering these people invisible.
According to the CDC´s own statistics, at least 25 percent of all official AIDS cases have never been tested for antibodies against HIV, many of whom might turn out to be negative.
2/ After neutralizing the virus with the immune response (antibodies), an HIV-positive person requires an average of one thousand unprotectred sexual contacts to pass this virus along just one. (P.H. Duesberg, AIDS Acquired by Drug Consumption, 201-177; J.A. Jacquez, J.S. Koopman, C.P. Simon, and I.M. Longini Jr., Role of the Primary Infection in Epidemics of HIV Infection in Gay Cohorts, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 7 (1994): 1169-1184.
3/ HIV should cause AIDS within a few weeks of infection. Blood from AIDS patients was injected into several chimpanzees in 1983, before the availability of HIV tests. The animals were infected by HIV, as later evidenced by antibodies against the virus, but in ten years (probably more now) none has yet developed any sickness. Roughly 150 other lab chimpanzees, injected with purified HIV since 1984, have proved that antibodies against the virus are generated within a month of inoculation just as in humans, but again, none has developed symptoms to this very day. (When a House Officer Getrs AIDS, New England Journal of Medicine (1989). In short, no animal becomes sick from HIV, although monkeys and other test animals do suffer disease from human viruses causing polio, flu, hepatitis, and other conditions.
Ten years later there is not even one case in the scientific literature of a health care worker who ever contracted presumably infectious AIDS from a patient. The complete failure of four hundred thousand AIDS patients to transmit their diseases to even one of their unvaccinated doctors in ten years can only mean one thing: AIDS is not infectious.
However, several thousand health care workers have by now been diagnosed with AIDS, but these individuals belong to the same AIDS risk groups as 90 percent of all AIDS cases -- homosexuals and intravenous drug users.
The literature invludes more than 4,621 clinically diagnosed AIDS cases that are all HIV-free. To cover up this discrepancy with overwhelming correlation, HIV-free AIDS cases were renamed in 1992 as idiopathic CD4-lymphocytopenia (ICL) cases by the CDC and Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Infecious disease do not discriminate between sexes. AIDS attacks men ten times more than women in Europe and the United States.
Farr´s Law: Infectious diseases spread exponentially. AIDS does not. 1 in 250 Americans (0.4 percent) have been positive ever since HIV could be detected in 1984. The HIV epidemic is constant and thus old, but the AIDS epidemic is increasing and thus new. ...the number of HIV-infected Americans has been an unchanging 1 million since HIV was able to be tested in 1985.
AIDS does not meet the classical epidemiological criteria of an infectious disease. The virus could barely be detected even in late-stage AIDS patients. There is no HIV reactivation and no HIV in MOST AIDS patients.
The argument from authority cites the overwhelming evidence for HIV, without becoming too specific. In another form, it rebuffs inquisitive epidemiologists for lacking clinical experience while bypassing medical critics for having no epidemiological training. In other words, unless one is an expert in everything, one may not question anything. - source
weapons made in a lab...
Mycloplasm - weapons grade disease with a Fungi-like structure
Mycoplasmas are a specific and unique species of bacteria - the smallest free-living organism known on the planet. The primary differences between mycoplasmas and other bacteria is that bacteria have a solid cell-wall structure and they can grow in the simplest culture media. Mycoplasmas however, do not have a cell wall, and like a tiny jellyfish with a pliable membrane, can take on many different shapes which make them difficult to identify, even under a high powered electron microscope. Mycoplasmas can also be very hard to culture in the laboratory and are often missed as pathogenic causes of diseases for this reason.
The accepted name was chosen because Mycoplasmas were observed to have a fungi-like structure (Mycology is the study of fungi - hence "Myco") and it also had a flowing plasma-like structure without a cell wall - hence "plasma". The first strains were isolated from cattle with arthritis and pleuro-pneumonia in 1898 at the Pasteur Institute. The first human strain was isolated in 1932 from an abscessed wound. The first connection between mycoplasmas and rheumatoid diseases was made in 1939 by Drs. Swift and Brown. Unfortunately, mycoplasmas didn't become part of the medical school curriculum until the late 1950's when one specific strain was identified and proven to be the cause of atypical pneumonia, and named Mycoplasma pneumonia. The association between immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders with mycoplasmas was first reported in the mid 1970s in patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia (an autoimmune disease) and infection with four species of mycoplasma that had localized in joint tissue. Since that time, scientific testing methodologies have made critical technological progress and along with it, more mycoplasma species have been identified and recorded in animals, humans and even plants. -
By Leslie Taylor, ND
mycoplasmas often establish covert and chronic infections of target cells that lead to either invalid and misleading data or introduction of mycoplasmas or their products into reagents dedicated to therapeutic or research purposes. The recent emphasis on isolating viral agents, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, from human primary lymphocytic cells has also demonstrated the frequent cocultivation of mycoplasmas of human origin. Often, the unwanted sources of exogenous mycoplasmas are serum products and filter-"sterilized"(450 nm) solutions; cross-contamination by already infected cell cultures, viral stocks, or immunologic preparations; breaks in technique, including aerosols from the respiratory tract or by mouth pipetting; ignorance of the mycoplasma problem; or scientific indifference. Mycoplasmas: Sophisticated, Reemerging, and Burdened by Their Notoriety Joel B. Baseman* and Joseph G. Tully
MYCOPLASMA: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
The mycoplasma acts by entering into the individual cells of the body, depending upon your genetic predisposition. You may develop neurological diseases if the pathogen destroys certain cells in your brain, or you may develop Crohn's colitis if the pathogen invades and destroys cells in the lower bowel.
Once the mycoplasma gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident or a vaccination that doesn't take, the mycoplasma can become triggered.
Because it is only the DNA particle of the bacterium, it doesn't have any organelles to process its own nutrients, so it grows by uptaking pre-formed sterols from its host cell and it literally kills the cell; the cell ruptures and what is left gets dumped into the bloodstream.
(AIDS victims: gay men who volunteered for Hepatitis B. vaccine trials in 1980.)
In January 1983 Dr John Findbeiner, writing in Medical World News warned that the hepatitis B. vaccine:
"Might be contaminated with a pathogen responsible for the AIDS epidemic."
Alan Cantwell, a Los Angeles doctor confirms in his book AIDS The Mystery and the Solution that investigations revealed that the first 26 cases of AIDS in the U.S. were from New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, the three cities that carried out the most extensive early hepatitis B. vaccine trials. Dr Cladd Stevens of the New York Blood Centre assembled 212 men out of the 1083 who had taken part in the hepatitis B. vaccine trials and found 85 of them with AIDS.
On May 11 1987, Pearce Wright, accomplished science-editor of London's The Times ran a front page story with the headline...
"Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus."
An outside consultant to the World Health Organisation had reported to The Times that the WHO having found a connection between their smallpox inoculation programmes and the incidence of "AIDS" in Zambia, Zaire and Brazil had engaged his firm to investigate. Which they did, and found the suspicion correct. However when the report was given to the WHO they would not publish the findings.
Pearce Wright wrote:
"The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African States which top the table of most affected countries; why Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American Country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of AIDS to the US. Brazil was the only South American country covered in the eradication of smallpox campaign and has the highest incidence of AIDS in that region, Zaire has 33 million smallpox vaccinations, Zambia 19 million, Tanzania 14 million and so on... Haiti had 14,000 citizens living in Central Africa, they had smallpox inoculations there and eventually returned home."
"After a meeting of 50 experts near Geneva this month it was revealed that up to 75 million (one third of the population of South Africa) could have AIDS within the next five years."
capt wardrobe
Translation of die Welt article
15.09.2004 10:47
Syria tests chemical weapons on Sudanese
Secret services: dozens of victims
By Jacques Schuster
Berlin – Syrian spezial units deployed chemical weapons against the Black African population of Darfu in June of this year. The action, in which dozens of people lost their lives, proceeded in agreement with the Sudanese government. Western secret services have come to this conclusion. They are supported by reports from eye-witnesses, which were published in various Arab Media.
If one follows the documentation of the western intelligence services, which die Welt has in its possession, Syrian officers met in May of this year with representatives of the Sudanese army in a suburb of Khartoum. The discussions concerned the question of how military cooperation could be extended. According to the secret service information, the Syrian delegation is said to have offered Sudan closer cooperation in the field of chemical warfare. At the same time, the sources go on, it was suggested that the effect of chemical weapons be examined on the rebels of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA). Since in May Khartoum was involved in peace negotiations with the rebels, the Sudanese delegation apparently suggested testing the weapons on the Black African population.
To this end at least aircraft of the Syrian civilian airline Syrian Arab Airlines flew from Damascus to Khartoum, on board specialists of the Syrian College of chemical warfare together with their technical equipment.
It cannot be precisely established when the deployment in Darfur began. However Sudanese eye-witnesses reported in an article on the Arabic website “llaf” on 2nd August strange events in Khartoum’s Al-Fashr-Hospital. In June several dozen frozen corpses were suddenly brought into the hospital. They showed signs of strange injuries all over their bodies. After a short time Sudanese soldiers are said to have sealed off a wing of the building. If one believes these witnesses, access thereafter was only permitted by an unknown team of Syrian doctors. After a few days Sudanese forces took the bodies away.
For some time military experts have possessed information concerning a Sudanese-Syrian cooperation in the field of chemical weapons research. Moreover reports emanate repeatedly from Syrian opposition figures, telling of the testing of chemical weapons on detainees.
15.09.2004 14:43
"...witnesses quoted by an Arabic news website called ILAF..."
"...Die Welt said the sources had indicated..."
All a bit vague, don't you think?
And then we come to the real meat of this so-called "news report":
"The United States has accused Syria of trying to acquire materials and the know-how to develop chemical weapons and claims that Sudan has been seeking to improve its capability to produce them for many years."
Oh, they're trying to acquire WMD, are they? Now where have we heard that before?
Sounds like this is the latest from Donald Rumsfeld's "Office of Special Plans":,2763,999737,00.html
Also known as Rumsfeld's "Department of Lying".
"CLEAN BREAK. A New Strategy for Securing The Realm" Program is not far...
15.09.2004 14:46
"Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the realm" , it means the program for invasion of the Syria, is ready since 1995.
Perhaps peoples are not yet ready !
They need T-OQ news !
If you want to know how to reshape the Middle East and attack the Syria read "A Clean Break" the NEOCONS LIKUDNIK PROGRAM written in 1995