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Real2Reel Vol2 videos available now

real2reel | 13.09.2004 17:40 | Indymedia


It's been over a year since the release of the first compilation of Real2Reel videos. Now a second volume is available and feature 14 videos produced between September 2003 and September 2004. All the content is provided under the Creative Commons licence which means you are free (and encouraged) to copy and distribute the content as long as it isn't done for commercial purposes. Most of these videos have been available to download as modem friendly, low bandwidth versions from Indymedia UK. However, now they are available as a screening quality PAL MPEG1 VCD, which is compatible with most DVD players. The CD is also PC FRIENDLY and HTML enriched to provide access to additional content such as audio files.

It's been a difficult period for Real2Reel. We had our nice big external hard drive blown up at DSEi, our camera and all it's accesories stolen the day before an eviction attempt at the Wombles occupied social centre and then our minidisc recorder stolen at another social centre. But somehow, we've manged to continue covering grassroot direct action and protest in one form or another. We hope to get more focused in the near future and put together some more indepth issue based stuff as well as our more usual feel good shorts. Hope you find them useful...

Our website can be found via where you can find out further information about Real2Reel. To get in touch, email or phone phone 07050 618445. If you fancy donating some money to help us cover expenses and maintain our equipment, cheques can be sent payable to Real2Reel c/o PO Box 77, Totnes, Devon or contact us for bank account details.

Real2Reel Volume 2, contents...

1. Sky Roma (5 minutes)
A demo held outside the Sky Studio in Rome on the 3rd October and attended by a media activists (and their footballs) from around europe and beyond.

2. Tractors and Trollies (4'40")
Farmers, campaigners and consumers travelled from all over the UK to converge on London on the 13th October 2003 to express their opposition to the governments plans to allow the commerciallisation of genetically modified crops.

3. The Trials and tribulations of the Littlemoor Four (5 minutes)
Four people were arrested while trying to stop a farmer from planting genetically modfied maize. They are aquitted when they go to court but the prosecution appeals and the high court later orders a 'retrial'. So here they are again, await yet another trial having already been found not guilty.

4. No Allianz For Bayer GM (3m 35s)
On 14th October 2003, the offices of Allianz in London recieved a visit from anti-GM campaigners. Allianz is the major shareholder of Bayer AG which is the main company pushing for commercialisation of GM crops in the UK.

5. Bayer Noise (5 minutes)
A noise demo by anti-GM protesters is thwarted by police abusing Section 14 of the Public Order Act. This video illustrates how the police misuse their powers to unlawfully deny people their rights.

6. Buy Nothing Day (1m 43s)
A short video reminder for Buy Nothing Day which takes place at the end of November. The filming took place in Plymouth in Nov 2002.

7. DSEi Mission Impossible / Water Sports (3m 25s)
Water proof protesters take on the navy using green dragon inflatable boats and against all the odds, they manage to delay two war ships from getting into the docks for the arms fare.

8. Indefensible (5m 35s - full version is 29 mins)
Covering several days of protests againt the DSEi arms fare held in Londons Docklands, this collabrative video was produced by the Indymedia UK video group and contains Real2Reel footage including the excel blockade, and the boat action.

9. LARC (1m 35s)
A quick film about the London Action Resource Centre which was made for an evening of films, presentations and discussion about reclaiming space.

10. Exhibition of Resistance to BP and Big Oil (2m 25s)
A squatted shop front provides the venue for a week long alternative art exhibtion about big oil and climate change.

11. Big Brother (1m 35s)
The police take an unhealthy interest in the comings and goings of people at the occupied social centre at 93 Fortess Rd, Kentish Town. This would have been part of a longer piece about the (now evicted) social centre but the camera was then stolen.

12. Award Night at the ex-Grand Banks / Super troopers (3m 19s)
The cameras are out again in force as the wombles top the bill at the ex-Grand Banks, yet another occupied social centre (now evicted).

13. Rampart Street (9 minutes)
Quickly thrown together for a presentation about social centres at the European Creative Forum, this two part video covers a number of events that took place at the Rampart during it's first few months.

14. Love Bomb (3m 25s)
Feb 14th 2003. Venus reclaims love from commercialisation on Valentines day.

Additional content includes...

Interviews and audio reports:
+ Speeches at Tractors & Trollies (1hr)
+ Bush statue countdown
+ Interview at women prison demo
+ Activists after Caterpiller action
+ Cyclist reaches Bu$h motorcade
+ Audioscape from arms traders dinner

Pieces prepared for radio or mobile sound systems:
+ DSEi Sept 2003 (1hr 34m)
+ Birmingham NEC Car Show 2002 (41m)
+ Nothing FM, buy nothing day (31m)
+ Feb 15th 2002 Anti War radio (2hr)

For our latest work, check indymedia



Hide the following 3 comments

ok, but how do we get them?

13.09.2004 21:09

I'd like to get hold of all these videos, where do I get them?



14.09.2004 00:26

free... as in lunch...

If you've got broadband then you can download most of the videos as high quality MPG1 or VP3 from V2V or NGVISION (see the IMC UK VIDEO PAGE for links)

If you want us to send you the videos on VCD, we ask that you cover the costs. You can do this by sending us a stamped addressed envelope and some stamps or blank CDs. However, this means that you need to contact us first to find out where we are at any given time, otherwise your letter will end up sitting around for weeks in our shared PO box.

We can also do Paypal if you'd prefer but perhaps the easiest and quickest way would be to pop some money into our bank account which can be done over the counter at any Abbey National. Email us your postal address and we'll send you the bank details and when you've made the transfer we'll send you the disk - simple.

Got no money? Well neither has Real2Reel. It might only cost a quid or two to produce and send you a CD, however that would soon add up if we were to send CDs to everyone who asks without asking for donations towards costs. We also give CDs away for free at various events, screenings and info stalls etc. so any donations help to subsodise our more generous moments.

Nice big fat donations that far exceed the cost of producing CDs would also be lovely as they would finance the purchase of blank miniDV tapes so we can continue to make films. And if it was a REALLY fat donation - well that might go somewhere towards the massive costs we incured replacing our stolen camera and minidisk recorder.

thanks and enjoy



Update : links to real2reel videos online

31.12.2009 22:43


Over the years that real2reel have been posting videos and links to indymedia, technology and bandwidth have improved but websites have come and gone. While indymedia is still here, many of the sites which hosted our videos are long gone and any video you can still get at is usually only very low bandwidth versions which might have been great five years ago but are now rightly considered to be very poor quality in comparison with other videos now available online.

We've started going trawling the net and our own archives to get all those videos online again in as good quality as possible. We've been posting the videos to and from there they are also uploaded to youtube, and other sites.

We've set up a wordpress blog from which you can pull feeds.
You can also follow our new twitter account to hear about new videos as they are posted.

Find all the videos on Blip TV here
(archives here

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