Blair impeachment letter to MP - what do we have to lose by remaining silent?
Irate | 13.09.2004 17:04 | Globalisation
[Change the wording a bit, stick it to yer MP and we might just at least get a stir amongst the apathetics awaiting world fascism even if they don't realise it]
Dear [MP],
I am truly appalled by the present so-called Labour 'inner' governments stance and attitudes that so blindly follow the lead of - let's face it, the only words that now apply to some in the present US administration are - 'avaricious, cowardly thugs' of the worst kind.
I am a disabled person in later years and at this juncture feel very unsafe in disclosing any personal information electronically, bearing in mind the draconian Terrorism Act, Criminal Justice Act, RIP Act, Echelon and other such deep erosions of civil liberty demanded by the continual and almost frantic cries for Security by an 'elite' few too greedy and arrogant to realise why they even _need_ defence against the growing anger of an increasingly disenfranchised majority on this planet.
To this end I am finally writing to ask whether you have any intention of supporting the impeachment of the incumbent Prime Minister? His example to the public in this country can only lead to further breakdown of civil behaviour, let alone the terrible damage that is being done to inter-ethnic relations.
Why is it reconfirmed time after time that 'manipulation of the truth' just makes your thinking Joe-Average-with-morals shake his head in disgust? Isn't the blatancy of denial post-Hutton and Butler getting beyond belief - even for political stalwarts, at least those with head still not stuck in the proverbial? Weapons of Mass Delusion indeed.
What sort of a message do you think 'our leader' (who let us remember only captured 23% of the electorate) is providing our youth? Certainly one that appears to condone heinous global crimes (e.g. use of DU munitions in direct contravention of numerous international laws; i.e. a war crime) with a shrug and a grin - _over_and_over_again_. His examples to the youth of our once strong and (mostly!) fair-minded nation engender the very behaviour he so hypocritically rails against in his latest speeches. How can he possibly expect his lies, deceit, arrogance and blatant immorality to provoke anything more positive? An attitude of 'what's the point of caring about anything anymore when countless innocents have their lives destroyed for mere profit' seems to pervade even some of the kindest of minds these days.
Note the rising of so-called 'binge-Britain' - do you wonder what disgust, both personal and national, drives this destructive phenomenon? Likewise, equal parts of derision and hopelessness seem prevalent amongst those who make it their business to understand the underlying mechanisms of what is happening in our world - e.g. the links between Al Ciada [sic], Pakistan's ISI, Rove, Cheney, Feith, Ledeen and their ilk, Carlyle + Halliburton, the insatiable greed for oil whoever it 'belongs' to (all machine-owners are to some extent to blame for this one, not just the Mark Thatchers of this benighted planet); Irwin Stelzer and other such power-hungry money men who don't have to make an appointment to enter No10; the now glaring omissions in the official 9/11 report; Zionism, Nazism; gross corruption at the highest levels; inhumane trampling of freedom and democracy everywhere (except perhaps Venezuela!) all in the name of 'freedom and democracy' etc etc etc ad nauseum.
I find it hard to believe we have sunk so low. Historically, high officials have almost without fail resigned when faced with their gross mistakes - post-Butler report, despite the whitewash, I cannot understand how people like the PM can even face themselves, let alone the country that looks to them for leadership, unless they are totally in thrall to big money (i.e. post-modern Fascism).
I could write far more, devoting as I do considerable energy and time to studying the mechanisms that drive certain 'morally bankrupt and seemingly psychopathic' characters presently strutting the world stage but enough disgust for now - sufficient I trust to make any politician search his very soul to its' depths in this time of great changes by asking the question - 'Are we truly benefiting our constituents, our fellow human beings, the fate of our very world' by allowing the present depraved course to be continued unchecked? Is it not high time to stand up and be counted amongst the truly good people of this world, those making effective changes against immense odds for the betterment of the many rather than the few? Too much is at stake not to act.
Please consider the impeachment proposal very carefully - even if it has no chance of succeeding, the moral relief its exposure would bring to the majority of free, fair-minded people worldwide would do inestimable good. What the oppressed might perceive does not bear thinking about...
All details can be found at
Thanks for taking the time to read this overly long plea for redress and global justice.
Yours sincerely,
Dear [MP],
I am truly appalled by the present so-called Labour 'inner' governments stance and attitudes that so blindly follow the lead of - let's face it, the only words that now apply to some in the present US administration are - 'avaricious, cowardly thugs' of the worst kind.
I am a disabled person in later years and at this juncture feel very unsafe in disclosing any personal information electronically, bearing in mind the draconian Terrorism Act, Criminal Justice Act, RIP Act, Echelon and other such deep erosions of civil liberty demanded by the continual and almost frantic cries for Security by an 'elite' few too greedy and arrogant to realise why they even _need_ defence against the growing anger of an increasingly disenfranchised majority on this planet.
To this end I am finally writing to ask whether you have any intention of supporting the impeachment of the incumbent Prime Minister? His example to the public in this country can only lead to further breakdown of civil behaviour, let alone the terrible damage that is being done to inter-ethnic relations.
Why is it reconfirmed time after time that 'manipulation of the truth' just makes your thinking Joe-Average-with-morals shake his head in disgust? Isn't the blatancy of denial post-Hutton and Butler getting beyond belief - even for political stalwarts, at least those with head still not stuck in the proverbial? Weapons of Mass Delusion indeed.
What sort of a message do you think 'our leader' (who let us remember only captured 23% of the electorate) is providing our youth? Certainly one that appears to condone heinous global crimes (e.g. use of DU munitions in direct contravention of numerous international laws; i.e. a war crime) with a shrug and a grin - _over_and_over_again_. His examples to the youth of our once strong and (mostly!) fair-minded nation engender the very behaviour he so hypocritically rails against in his latest speeches. How can he possibly expect his lies, deceit, arrogance and blatant immorality to provoke anything more positive? An attitude of 'what's the point of caring about anything anymore when countless innocents have their lives destroyed for mere profit' seems to pervade even some of the kindest of minds these days.
Note the rising of so-called 'binge-Britain' - do you wonder what disgust, both personal and national, drives this destructive phenomenon? Likewise, equal parts of derision and hopelessness seem prevalent amongst those who make it their business to understand the underlying mechanisms of what is happening in our world - e.g. the links between Al Ciada [sic], Pakistan's ISI, Rove, Cheney, Feith, Ledeen and their ilk, Carlyle + Halliburton, the insatiable greed for oil whoever it 'belongs' to (all machine-owners are to some extent to blame for this one, not just the Mark Thatchers of this benighted planet); Irwin Stelzer and other such power-hungry money men who don't have to make an appointment to enter No10; the now glaring omissions in the official 9/11 report; Zionism, Nazism; gross corruption at the highest levels; inhumane trampling of freedom and democracy everywhere (except perhaps Venezuela!) all in the name of 'freedom and democracy' etc etc etc ad nauseum.
I find it hard to believe we have sunk so low. Historically, high officials have almost without fail resigned when faced with their gross mistakes - post-Butler report, despite the whitewash, I cannot understand how people like the PM can even face themselves, let alone the country that looks to them for leadership, unless they are totally in thrall to big money (i.e. post-modern Fascism).
I could write far more, devoting as I do considerable energy and time to studying the mechanisms that drive certain 'morally bankrupt and seemingly psychopathic' characters presently strutting the world stage but enough disgust for now - sufficient I trust to make any politician search his very soul to its' depths in this time of great changes by asking the question - 'Are we truly benefiting our constituents, our fellow human beings, the fate of our very world' by allowing the present depraved course to be continued unchecked? Is it not high time to stand up and be counted amongst the truly good people of this world, those making effective changes against immense odds for the betterment of the many rather than the few? Too much is at stake not to act.
Please consider the impeachment proposal very carefully - even if it has no chance of succeeding, the moral relief its exposure would bring to the majority of free, fair-minded people worldwide would do inestimable good. What the oppressed might perceive does not bear thinking about...
All details can be found at
Thanks for taking the time to read this overly long plea for redress and global justice.
Yours sincerely,