Say NO! To an other Silicon Valley
A.J.T. | 12.09.2004 20:41 | Culture | Cambridge | Oxford
FIN - Tampere is planning to make itself an e-Tampere (i.e. electronic-Tampere). This means building Tampere city by pumping other people’s money into the city cash register. Usually Business in the area have to, or must, give several thousand EUR bribes s.c. “gifts” to make the city run.
This region is known in Finland for their false judgements for socialism and money floods to city run via false judgements. Tampere is also the best know city in Finland for its messes in economy and money usage.
City’s educational institutions are and prepared people for socialistic aims and dogmas, which explains why people from this region are not very welcome else in Finland, even some exceptions do exist.
As Tampere Technical University Information Manager Jussi-Pekka Pispa himself has very revealingly said “…when Tampere is going to be made an information society - an e-Tampere”/1/, there is no doubt, that this city’s aim would not be something else, than a Nordic Silicon Valley to support European and Russia military industry.
Anyone –well, maybe except MIT and BBC-, who has listened Harvard Business School lectures on Silicon Valley industry knows about the Silicon Valley secrets and realises, why there is room only for one big family.
Tampere University of Technology’s ex-Information Manager
Åke Tyvi
Ps. By the way Jukka-Pekka Pispa; you got my post, while I was suffering from some attack after effects I got in my park-apartment at Tampere. And I do not want keep this to myself; the same men from Finland’s Security Police “Finski KGP”, that you came with you, to see me and some foreign security personnel at the ferry, have now lost their Boss. Makes me ponder how did you got your post and to whom do you work for?
/1/ Source:
I would like to devote this to J-P Pispa: "There is a difference being a boy scout and a half militarist."
- Åke Tyvi
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FIN - Tampere labour town in Finland has used a typical socialist nation’s technique to dump ideology and skilful workers on abroad as a combined package; Usually these common people do not make the difference, have been used and brain-washed by the political machinery. They have been educated to function a bit same like their Islamic suicide bombers, who commit the dirty work by using themselves as a weapon. In this case a political message carrier.
A genius idea preventing people not run small-businesses and explaining them how wonderful it is to be a common labour. For the same thing these people have partially succeeded in overtaking part of government machinery – people from red zone university making false judgement to pour money into Tampere region economy.
When these people travel all over the world and inside a nation, they will spread “pre inserted and programmed” message of socialist ideology and Stalinism with false bases as expert lever workers.
Like cancer is spreads all over without people really thinking the motives behind the scenes.
If you really would like to hire someone, just make sure you understand a bit more, than on what cost it comes to you.
Tampere is a “Robin Hood” city, were businessmen loose their money due to political convictions. I do not like poor, homeless, unemployment or injustice, but when some of these things are due to socialism practiced Finland, then I have to say “no thank you”.
Besides, this nation has got some five million inhabitants and these people agree on property owning against the law, so in case you have some extra nuclear heads, just point them to our major cities; NY as a Megapol having the same size and the same problems.
When police no longer makes reports of an offence to common people, they can not take home insurances and they need to protect their rights with illegal arms. A bit different picture you might get from your National Broadcasting Corporation’s (YLE) news, but that is all because they can not say these things to you in public.
Security police top were suspended for illegal tapping scandal on telecommunication identification and that is only the top of the ice-burg.
And in case you want to point a guilty person, then you better start seeking our police commissioners and lawyers – in a small nation they are like a family (with blood ties too). Nice place to some, but a real hell to most small-businessmen. Same people preventing us to have our privileges admit hand-gun licences, so no-one much cares about them any longer. Only a madman would not protect one’s life.
Just in case you meet someone with money and influence, you wouldn't mind telling him too. And send a copy to CIA in case they need to be updated.
FIN - Tampere is planning to make itself an e-Tampere (i.e. electronic-Tampere). This means building Tampere city by pumping other people’s money into the city cash register. Usually Business in the area have to, or must, give several thousand EUR bribes s.c. “gifts” to make the city run.
This region is known in Finland for their false judgements for socialism and money floods to city run via false judgements. Tampere is also the best know city in Finland for its messes in economy and money usage.
City’s educational institutions are and prepared people for socialistic aims and dogmas, which explains why people from this region are not very welcome else in Finland, even some exceptions do exist.
As Tampere Technical University Information Manager Jussi-Pekka Pispa himself has very revealingly said “…when Tampere is going to be made an information society - an e-Tampere”/1/, there is no doubt, that this city’s aim would not be something else, than a Nordic Silicon Valley to support European and Russia military industry.
Anyone –well, maybe except MIT and BBC-, who has listened Harvard Business School lectures on Silicon Valley industry knows about the Silicon Valley secrets and realises, why there is room only for one big family.
Tampere University of Technology’s ex-Information Manager
Åke Tyvi
Ps. By the way Jukka-Pekka Pispa; you got my post, while I was suffering from some attack after effects I got in my park-apartment at Tampere. And I do not want keep this to myself; the same men from Finland’s Security Police “Finski KGP”, that you came with you, to see me and some foreign security personnel at the ferry, have now lost their Boss. Makes me ponder how did you got your post and to whom do you work for?
/1/ Source:

I would like to devote this to J-P Pispa: "There is a difference being a boy scout and a half militarist."
- Åke Tyvi
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FIN - Tampere labour town in Finland has used a typical socialist nation’s technique to dump ideology and skilful workers on abroad as a combined package; Usually these common people do not make the difference, have been used and brain-washed by the political machinery. They have been educated to function a bit same like their Islamic suicide bombers, who commit the dirty work by using themselves as a weapon. In this case a political message carrier.
A genius idea preventing people not run small-businesses and explaining them how wonderful it is to be a common labour. For the same thing these people have partially succeeded in overtaking part of government machinery – people from red zone university making false judgement to pour money into Tampere region economy.
When these people travel all over the world and inside a nation, they will spread “pre inserted and programmed” message of socialist ideology and Stalinism with false bases as expert lever workers.
Like cancer is spreads all over without people really thinking the motives behind the scenes.
If you really would like to hire someone, just make sure you understand a bit more, than on what cost it comes to you.
Tampere is a “Robin Hood” city, were businessmen loose their money due to political convictions. I do not like poor, homeless, unemployment or injustice, but when some of these things are due to socialism practiced Finland, then I have to say “no thank you”.
Besides, this nation has got some five million inhabitants and these people agree on property owning against the law, so in case you have some extra nuclear heads, just point them to our major cities; NY as a Megapol having the same size and the same problems.
When police no longer makes reports of an offence to common people, they can not take home insurances and they need to protect their rights with illegal arms. A bit different picture you might get from your National Broadcasting Corporation’s (YLE) news, but that is all because they can not say these things to you in public.
Security police top were suspended for illegal tapping scandal on telecommunication identification and that is only the top of the ice-burg.
And in case you want to point a guilty person, then you better start seeking our police commissioners and lawyers – in a small nation they are like a family (with blood ties too). Nice place to some, but a real hell to most small-businessmen. Same people preventing us to have our privileges admit hand-gun licences, so no-one much cares about them any longer. Only a madman would not protect one’s life.
Just in case you meet someone with money and influence, you wouldn't mind telling him too. And send a copy to CIA in case they need to be updated.