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Fast in solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners

ftp | 05.09.2004 21:45 | London


Solidarity Fast on Paddington Green, London – Monday 06/09 – Sunday 12/09/04

Activists with experience of human rights work in occupied Palestine begin a
week-long water-only fast and vigil in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners
who have temporarily suspended an open-ended hunger strike to engage in
negotiations with Israeli prison authorities regarding basic humanitarian

Over 3000 Palestinian political prisoners joined the hunger strike,
initiated August 15th, demanding an end to arbitrary beatings, prolonged
solitary confinement, the firing of teargas canisters into cells, and
physical and psychological torture. Further demands include the right to
increased family visits, telephone access, the right to continue with higher
education by correspondence, removal of glass divides between prisoners and
their families during visits and an end to public strip searches.

The solidarity fast also seeks to draw attention to the alarming increase in
internment without trial and the denial of basic human rights being endured
by Iraqis, Afghanis and others interned in US and UK administered detention
centres and prisons worldwide.

The lack of due process, the lack of disclosure, use of secret evidence and
detention without trial affecting hundreds of UK and foreign nationals in
Britain mirrors similar policies practised in the United States and Israel
and the territories they are occupying.

A fast and vigil tent will be maintained 24-hours a day from September 6th
to 12th on Paddington Green to highlight the detention of UK and foreign
nationals in Britain.

Activists from Palestine, Iraq, Britain, South Africa, Poland, Ireland and
the US will be taking part in the fast and vigil.

The fast will commence at 1 p.m. on Monday the 6th of September
For further information please contact Caoimhe (Cueeva) on 07771584133,
Romani on 07866474408, or Osama on 07833381660.

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"have temporarily suspended an open-ended hunger strike"

05.09.2004 22:14

How is this different from ending a hunger strike, when hunger striking is a binary choice - you eat, or you starve? If you temporarily suspend a hunger strike, isn't that more a 'protest fast'?

Steve B

suspended means ........

06.09.2004 00:02

...... suspended, not ended. My understanding is that for many prisoners this means taking milk as a concession to the jailers, so that negotiations can take place.


protest and hunger strike now taking place

06.09.2004 16:36

The hunger strike and solidarity protest is now taking place. Protesters are near the green near the back of the police station. Please come down and show support.
