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Berkeley Precinct Campaign Group | 05.09.2004 14:53 | Sheffield

A number of groups have sprung up around the city, protesting about the installation of 3G mobile phone masts in their neighbourhood. About 130 are due for Sheffield - some may already be located near you, disguised as lampposts, flagpoles, etc.

The Berkeley Precinct Campaign Group (Ecclesall Road) stopped installation work there on 7 August and no further work has been carried out since. Passers-by will have noticed the 'living room' scene and the current 'beach/children's playground', designed to raise awareness. Local opposition is obvious - over 1000 people have signed our petition. This was presented to Sheffield City Council on 1 September. A next step appears to be the establishment of a city-wide forum. Currently we need to know of people who will turn out at Berkeley Precinct to protest when the contractors next arrive - enough of us can stop them. Please e-mail if you can be involved: and let us have your name and phone number.

The Government has declared the radiation levels from these masts to be safe, but their guidelines are based on 2G and previous generations of mobile phones. The Government has also been paid £23bn by the mobile phone companies to make the planning permission process simpler.

Published Dutch research (2003) found that exposure to 3G radiation caused nausea, headaches and tingling sensations. Mobile phone companies say that more reserach needs to be done. We agree, but whereas they claim insufficient research means we shouldn't worry, we want more research before more masts. We want the 'precautionary principle' to be adopted.

Useful websites:

Berkeley Precinct Campaign Group
- e-mail:


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what about the health of others?

14.09.2004 11:09

It's good that the community has come together to fight these masts, but why have you allowed the petition to be situated in the 'Labour Ready' Work agency, this is an American multi-national which offers workers/umeployed manual work on a daily no contract/no rights basis. They use Job centres etc, to force people into manual labour often in dangerous and unsuitable environments.

Is the health of the middle class residents of Hunters Bar more important than that of low paid workers and the unemployed. I would have expected more awareness from some of the excellent campaigners in the area.
