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Activists banned from Israel

[the indefatigable poster] | 03.09.2004 17:53

Any response from ISM activists? Or will you censor and hide?


Lee Kaplan and David Bedein

Until recently, the International Solidarity Movement website openly encouraged lying and lawbreaking in supporting Palestinian “armed struggle” against Israeli “occupation.” However, an article last July caused much of this to be removed and led to ISM activists being stopped at Israeli borders and even deported.

The article in question exposed the activities of San Francisco ISM lead trainer Jamie Spector, a 33 year-old social worker who claims to be Jewish, after Lee Kaplan went undercover and attended an ISM session. Spector taught a class of about ten ISM “volunteers” who were to go to the Holy Land this summer and help endanger the lives of young Israeli soldiers in closed military zones. They would do this by destroying property and interfering with anti-terrorist operations, generally under Palestinian supervision. Spector taught her class of would-be terrorist enablers how to lie to the Israeli border police to get into Israel and create havoc for the PLO under the guise of “peace activists.”

Describing herself as a peace activist, Spector told her fellow travelers Israel must be destroyed. Breaking the law, interfering with checkpoints that suicide bombers pass in order to kill and preventing Israeli soldiers from protecting the people of
Israel was a noble goal to her. Perpetuating war and working to destroy Israel was making “peace.” Acting as a human shield for terrorists or for buildings that may be bomb-making factories was “preserving human rights.” And not telling Palestinian children to stop throwing stones at Israeli soldiers was somehow “justice.” Most of all, the people attending the San Francisco session were told to follow the instructions of our “Palestinian handlers," some of whom could be from Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The “groupthink” of these “volunteers” was Orwellian and frighteningly conspiratorial. They were there to lend aid to terrorists while telling themselves they were “peace activists.” But “peace," to them, was the annihilation of Israel.

The Israeli government declared Jamie Spector a “security threat” and did not allow her to enter the country, ordering her immediate deportation.

Of course, following the advice she had given her students, Spector “resisted," knowing that the National Lawyer’s Guild in San Francisco, a Stalinist legal group, would provide her with free legal aid. Israel, a democracy governed by the rule of law, gave Spector her hearing, costing Israel in administrative time, money and inconvenience, things that Spector has called “part of the work.”

Sources at the Israeli State Attorney General’s office confirmed they had read the July 2 article that revealed that not only was Jamie Spector a volunteer with the ISM (about which she lied to Israeli passport control), but she was also an ISM trainer who openly instructed participants how to violate Israeli law and join forces with Palestinians fighting Israeli soldiers throughout the country.

The judge in Spector’s case was understandably hesitant to welcome another ISM trainer into Israel whether she was of Jewish ancestry or not, ordering her deportation to Italy after 13 days of detention. Her pro bono, radical leftist lawyer in Israel filed an appeal with the Israel Supreme Court, which upheld the deportation.

In addition to Spector, 73 other ISM "volunteers" were caught and legally deported at Israel's frontiers this summer. That's nearly 75% of the approximately 100 ISM volunteers from the United States who went to Israel last year.

At a July 26th press conference, organized by ISM in Israel, Spector cynically declared by speakerphone, “Since I am a Jew, part of my Jewish identity is to help out not only the Jewish minority, but also other minorities who are suffering.” But writing in the Jerusalem Post on August 6, 2003, the coordinator for the ISM’s founders, Huwaida Arraf, an American-born Palestinian who is also known as Mrs. Adam Shapiro, wrote, “Palestinians have the right to resist occupation via legitimate armed struggle.” At a press conference in May, 2003, another ISM spokesman, Raphael Cohen, was asked how his group defines the “occupation.” He responded, “The Zionist presence in Palestine.” In other words, all Jews within Israel's pre-1967 borders, even those born there, and not just the West Bank and Gaza, are foreign occupiers and are legitimate targets for the ISM-supported “legitimate armed struggle," a rather strange position for a “peace” group.

Also at their July 26 press conference, the ISM presented ISM volunteer, Ann Petter, who won the right to enter Israel through Ben Gurion Airport after 34 days of fighting a deportation order that was handled pro bono by the “ISM corps” of lawyers. Petter was admitted on the condition she not engage in any demonstrations and go anywhere near Israel's separation and security fence. It remains to be seen whether she will comply.

Petter, a 44-year-old publicist from New York, is employed as a graphic designer and visual artist at the publishing company, Simon and Shuster, and will now become the ex officio ISM press spokeswoman in Jerusalem. She recently commented she “does not have time to breathe,” due to the demands from the world press now seeking her out.

Petter described how she participated in demonstrations against the war in Iraq and is opposed to many American government policies as well as those of Israel's government. Last year, she found ISM on the Internet and joined the organization. She also explained how she manipulated her way into Israel accompanying Hetty Epstein, a 79 year-old concentration camp survivor. Hetty was also involved with the ISM and complained that the last time that she tried to enter Israel, she had undergone a 5-hour interrogation session and a full body search (or so she claimed). She feared the same thing would occur again, and so Ann Petter accompanied her to offer some “protection.” Instead, Petter was herself interrogated, searched, and put into a detention center for 34 days.

The Israeli police tried to deport Petter, telling her they would use force if necessary, but she refused to leave. The police handcuffed and carried her to a van that took them to an airplane where she refused to board, something she was trained to do by the ISM. If the plane had belonged to Israel’s El Al airline, the police would have had no problem deporting her. But since it was another airline, the police would not put on a flight someone who refused to board voluntarily. Petter then demanded to see a lawyer, leading to her detention. For that reason, the Israeli police chose El Al as the modus operandi to deport Jamie Spector.

This is proof that no matter how peaceful and lawful ISM members present themselves, their organization cannot hide its real activities.

A reporter present at the ISM training seminar, held at the Faisal Internet Hostel near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, reported the following planned ISM activities for the ‘ISM Freedom Summer 2004’.

Roadblock Removal:

ISM members were instructed to dig out piles of rocks and dirt that the IDF uses as roadblocks to stop suicide bombers. This would be done by hand, but “local coordinators” promised to arrange for a bulldozer whenever possible. The local coordinators’ committees are organized by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in each area to coordinate actions with the ISM.

Hassle Checkpoints:

Groups of three to four ISM members were instructed to observe IDF checkpoints of their choosing and to distract and “hassle the soldiers," so as to allow Palestinians to bypass checkpoints whenever possible. Whether any of those Palestinians were carrying bombs or weapons to murder Israelis was irrelevant.

Human Shields:

ISM members were asked to join Palestinians in sneaking around checkpoints, breaking curfew and protesting. ISM trainers advised that “the checkpoint watch will get more heated when ISM members argue with soldiers in an attempt to get Palestinians through.”

ISM trainers advised that when Palestinians could not get through, they should act as “human shields for Palestinians”, to help them pass. In the words of one ISM trainer, “Soldiers will be less likely to shoot or use violence when Westerners are present. Usually, they also carry a camera or video camera, because filming soldiers often makes them leave.”


ISM trainers encouraged their members to do independent art or video projects during their stays in the Holy Land, “so that they can be active in spreading anti-Israel information when they reach home.” Some ISM members volunteer at the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) offices in Beit Lechem, or, more commonly, at the ISM media office in Beit Shour. ISM trainers also suggested staging “protests as photo ops.”

Hospitality with Terrorists:

ISM members were also encouraged to act as human shields and stay in the family homes of terrorists, or in houses scheduled for destruction, including any used as bomb making factories. In San Francisco, one ISM leader, Paul LaRudee of El Cerrito, California, openly wrote a letter detailing how he spent the night with the family of a suicide bomber. Since such bombers usually work with organized terrorist groups, it is of interest what direct contact LaRudee makes with overseas terrorists.

Preparing for Demonstrations and Possible Arrest:

During arrest, ISM trainers advised, “It is helpful to have discussed in advance whether to go limp/sit or walk with police to the van.”

Observing Troop Movements:

ISM trainers assigned some of the volunteers to engage in “Spotting and reporting IDF troops in military operations and reporting their whereabouts to armed Palestinian units.”

Birthright :

An article last November titled “Campus Rally for Terror" quoted ISM organizer Adam Shapiro saying that most of the ISM “volunteers” fly for free to Israel through the Birthright program. They lie and manipulate the program, which is funded by wealthy Jewish philanthropists who want to encourage Jewish emigration to Israel and to educate American-Jewish youth about the Holy Land. At the time of the article’s publication, Birthright spokespeople issued a statement that they would be careful to avoid such persons who may want to exploit the program. Yet, this summer at least five members of ISM say Birthright transported them to Israel, including Jessica Rutter. And since Rutter has been involved in high level pro-PLO activity on her campus for the past four years, it seems Birthright hasn't been careful at all.

ISM Direct Involvement with Terrorists:

Hisham Jam Joun, the chief ISM trainer in Jerusalem, introduced himself at the Faisal Internet Hostel as a veteran fighter for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which the US State Department and the Israeli government has designated a terrorist organization and outlawed. Jam Joun introduced the framework of ISM activities as follows:

-The first week will entail actions to protest what the ISM considers to be an ongoing war.

-The second week would focus on the liberation of Jerusalem; the third week on the liberation of Palestinian prisoners (terrorists and murderers); the fourth week on the dismantling of Israeli roadblocks; and, finally, the fifth week will focus on settlements.

-The entire 14-day program would conclude with an ISM-organized, 14-day march from Jenin to Jerusalem. All ISM members are expected to participate.

Jam Joun stated the goal of the ISM, since its foundation, has been to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine (Israel). He stressed that the ISM's main strategy is to use citizens from other countries against the Israeli army. ISM co-founder George Rishmawi has been quoted in the past as saying if internationals get killed, it advances the Palestinian cause in the international media.

Jam Joun also said Palestinian terrorists distinguish ISM participants from other Westerners who could be considered threats or targets because ISM has many contacts throughout the West Bank and Gaza, and contacts in every village that inform various terrorist groups operating or living in those areas who is working with them. He said the ISM does not interfere with the actions of terrorist groups; however, occasionally a wanted terrorist will pass by ISM meetings or outposts and ISM members are instructed to be courteous and exchange greetings.

According to Jam Joun, the ISM follows Palestinian leadership because its goal is to teach the Palestinian people how to help themselves. All operations of the ISM are done at the request of the Palestinian civilians that live in the areas and cities in which the ISM operates.

Jam Joun explained briefly what an ISM participant does by volunteering, whether in the Holy Land, Europe, or in the United States. He told a reporter that every week there is at least one large-scale demonstration. The ISM has media contacts and makes use of other resources, such as civilian contacts in various villages, to monitor the territories and be aware of what is happening all the time. By doing this, the ISM is always prepared to send participants immediately to areas of conflict when they are needed. The decision to go to an area of conflict or any city is always the decision of the volunteer, Jam Joun said.

Joun then stressed three principles of the ISM:

1. Palestinian-led and consensus-based decisions (the same as taught in San Francisco).

2. “The local Palestinian community decides what kinds of actions are appropriate for them. ISM's role is to assist, not to direct. ISM members work in groups and make decisions that everyone in the group can live with.”

3. Understanding Palestinian culture. Indirect confrontation is common in the Middle East, as are rumors and exaggerations. Don't make any distinctions between Christians and Muslims, never say anything negative about rock throwing (also stressed in San Francisco), women wear modest clothing. No drinking, don't point the bottom of your foot at anyone (an insult in the Arab world) and don't vocalize your support for any particular political/military faction over another. If you see a fighter (anyone with a weapon), don't take pictures, just say "hi" and move on. Jam Joun said trainers refuse ISM membership to anyone who can't go by the three principles or who can't respect the local culture (this could even include "honor killings" of women who have lost their virginity).

Needless to say, all the above is hardly the modus operandi of a “peace movement.”

[the indefatigable poster]