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Stop the phone mast in London Fields

richieP | 03.09.2004 02:33 | Social Struggles | London

The campaign continues:update

T-Mobile wish to erect an enormous mobile phone mast in Richmond Road, Hackney. This will be next to London Fields park, a few metres away from a housing estate, on on the pavement! Hackney Council asked if anybody objected, and naturally many did. So the planning permission was turned down.

However luckily for T-Mobile, and just by chance, Hackney Council turned down the application TWO DAYS TOO LATE. By default T-Mobile now have permission to erect the phone mast that the people of the area clearly rejected. At 7.30am Thursday morning construction workers arrived to dig up the pavement and begin work. Unfortunately a few things got in their way. Firstly the barriers left there by T-Mobile the previous evening had been dismantled and disposed of. Secondly they were seen arring by people on the estate and an immediate protest was convened to stop them. The contruction firm left vowing to return at 4pm that day. They didn't but a large group of local people did (maybe they were watching us and thought better of it?). We reconvened at 6pm and these are some photos. They will return–so must we. If you live Hackney or you want to help an email address will be posted later. Further reports and photos to follow. Once again the event has revealed a number of things about living in Hackey: 1) Hackney Council is complicit and compliant in letting big business trample over ordinary people. 2) Our elected representatives don't give a toss about the people they are meant to represent. 3) There is something rotten and deeply suspicious at the heart of the Council. 4) The people of Hackey are great. T-Mobile want to erect a phone mast. We will stop them.



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Worrying trend that needs to be considered by phone mast opponents

03.09.2004 14:23

This 'accidentally on purpose''mistake' by councils of turning down planning applications a day or two late is starting to be trend that needs to be tackled by campaigners.

Up here in the north of England, Calderdale council did this twice in the space of two days in two different villages in the same pennine valley last weekend. The collusion between the phone networks and the councils is so cushty, that the villagers of both Norland and Triangle awoke to find hideous pylons erected in fields adjacent to their homes after being told before they mounted a campaign a la Hackney that the planning app had been turned down!

Be aware

Northern Mike

Uncover the covert mission

03.09.2004 21:18

Of course, the vast overkill in the erection of mobile phone masts is way beyond that necessary for the transmission of digital phone data. This is crap and those gibbering into their handsets and flashing useless texts and stupid photos to their friends shouldn't believe they need increasingly large and bizarre looking arrays put up on every street corner. Next time you see a single lone pole, check the size of the control box alongside
These masts are being erected to generate ELF waves and to relay HAARP, and are intimately connected with the globalists desire to control every element of the Earth and those who dwell on it. Thats how come these erections are springing up in remote Third World locations where hardly anyone has a mobile.
There are things you can do about this but every time I post into indymedia on this, the post gets shot down fast and remains in the hidden files
Be aware, Northern Mike, that you have people in Calderdale who are 'busting' this network and rendering it relatively harmless


stopping the diggers

03.09.2004 22:05

I am a resident of Wayman Court Estate, opposite the proposed phone mast and I have two children, 3 and 18 months. the mast will beam directly into their bedroom all day everyday. If they play in the park they will still get it. If they go to their local school or nursery, they will still be exposed.

On Thursday morning (2.9) at 8am, diggers arrived to begin construction. Residents of Wayman Court and Richmond Road, were quick to come to the scene and the digger was turned away. However, T-Mobile are insistant that they have a right to erect the mast and will be back.

I am organising a phone tree to stop the diggers when they arrive (It may be short notice or early in morning 8am+). If you wish to add your name, please email your number to Any other ideas, post onto this site.

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Mobile Phones in Emergencies

06.09.2004 23:04

I have a question. Who at the protest had a mobile phone??

It really annoys me when people protest about these things as almost everyone has a phone these days. I would love a mast near my house. I have no coverage which makes my phone pretty useless at home. I want coverage so I can get rid of my house phone. I have done some digging and these masts have to be put in fairly specific locations for them to be efficient and give good coverage for everyones phone to work efficiently.

My friends children have phones for emergencies and to let their parents know if they are going to be late or if they are in trouble. They feel more at ease and safe in the knowledge that they can contact their parents if they need to.
We live in an unsafe world where you can be mugged on your doorstep and no one helps. What if a lone woman was attacked and there was no-one around, she tries to use her mobile but because there was very poor coverage she couldn't call for help because a group of selfish locals wouldn't let the operator put it's mast in the prime location..........Apparently even the police have to use mobile phones sometimes.

Bob (Bedfordshire)

Here Here!

15.10.2004 09:59

I could not agree more. I think Hacney Council are absolutely scandalous. Why on earth do residents of Hackney find themselves paying more council tax then any other Borough, when the council does absolutely nothing in return?! Do we get free parking? NO! Do we get clean streets? NO! Do we get safe streets? NO! Do we get our bins emptied? Well yes, but one bin between 3 flats is hardly adequate provision...

And now the council has pretended to take action on behalf of the local population, whilst probably still pocketing a huge backhand payment from T Mobile and going ahead with the phone mast erection.

I'm so proud of everyone who is fighting this. We must not stop.


Merton Council is even worse

15.10.2004 15:10

Merton council keep insisting that they have no choice but to let all mast applications through. As a result there are masts on residential streets, metres from children’s bedrooms and on top of school buildings. While many other councils around the country actually manage to block mast proposals, Merton says they haven’t got a legal leg to stand on. Their head of planning, Mr Steve Clark, who also happens to hold the title 'Head of Public Protection' cites that due to Planning Policy Guidance number 8 released by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, councils are not able to take health issues into account because of paragraph 30. However a number of court cases, particularly ‘Yasmin Skelt v First Secretary of State and Orange PCS Limited’ (, on 26 September 2003, have effectively overturned this paragraph, which means that Councils must take health issues into account.
Merton council have been repeatedly informed of the dangers and health risks of these masts but just like Tony Blair, they fail acknowledge anything they don’t like in order to trivialise it. Mr Steve Clark was offered a free place at the leukaemia conference last month but failed to attend or send anyone else from planning or even the entire council in his place. One can only wonder what these people might be gaining in return for ignoring and hurting so many people like this. The very people they are supposed to be protecting from this sort of underhanded behavior. I'm so glad to see the people of Hackney actually doing something about it because while councils like Hackney and Merton continue in this way, how can anyone expect people to have any trust what so ever in our elected representatives?

Simon Densley
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Mobile Phone Mast

12.09.2005 20:33

I understand why some people protest regarding a mobile phone mast, yes they look ugly and I am not saying as of they that they cause health problems.

But think of this out of the people who protested, do these people have a mobile phone?

If they dont put the masts up, what would happen in an emergency and there was no space left on the nearest transmitter to make that urgent call?

Think on people, there is no signs that these cuase health issues. We have lived with TV masts for more than 30 years! You dont walk like a zombie when you pass someones Sat dish do you?


Protesters on the phone.

29.09.2005 16:20

I also get annoyed when I see protesters with mobile phones. I go to protests, and I own a mobile phone which I use when I am in Europe.(which is not very often, - the rest of the time i don't use one.) I turn it on for a few minutes 3 or 4 times a day to allow text messages to be received. People often get annoyed with me when they try to call and they can't understand why I would have the phone switched off. I have never been to a protest over a phone mast, although I would love to go to one.

It's interesting to see the number of people who simply cannot imagine that somebody would not have a mobile phone.

David, a TV satelite dish is not a transmitter. There is some domestic satelite equipment that transmits, but the instalation of such equipment is subject to strict regulations, especially regarding the possibility of any person placing their body into the tranmission path while the equipment is operational. Such equipment must be installed by trained professionals, so that uninformed individuals like you can't nuke your head, but why don't you go ahead and try it out, if you don't beleive me. I wouldn't advise it though, It's a fairly concentrated beam.
