Terrorism Began at Deir Yassin
James F. Harrington | 01.09.2004 23:49 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression | Terror War
We are constantly reminded by our elected officials (and those whom have stolen their elections) and our pro-Israel filtered media, about the acts of revenge that Palestinian and Muslim groups have committed against the people of Israel, however we are almost never told about the brutal and inhuman acts of state terrorism that the nation of Israel has been inflicting against the people of Palestine, ever since its inception.
For over two thousand years, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived side by side in peace and harmony in Palestine. However, due to the inception of Zionism, this tranquility would come to an abrupt end shortly after the end of the second world war.
The one common denominator that the governments of Nazi Germany, Great Britain and The United States shared before World War II, was their mutual dislike of the Jewish people. Nothing can substantiate this more, than the callousness exhibited by the United States government in refusing to except many Jewish refugee's who had fled Nazi dominated Europe, weathered the ruff Atlantic seas, just to be turned away at the ports of New York and Boston prior to this country declaring war against Hitler's Germany.
Some of these shiploads of refugee's then went to the island nation of Cuba, where they were also turned away. Many ships returned to Nazi occupied France with the refugee's being immediately arrested and sent to concentration camps, where most of them died in the most unpleasant manner.
The British didn't welcome these Refugee's either. The plans had already been put in motion for creation of an Jewish state after the war. At one point, even Argentina was being considered for their new home. It was the Zionists long held dream to reclaim the "Promised Land" for their future Jewish state.
In the 1920's they began their mission by sending boatloads of Jewish settlers to Palestine. Jews throughout Europe were enticed to leave their countries in order to work hard to make this dream a reality.
Amoung these Jews were many from Romania. It was never the goal of the Zionist's to live peacefully beside their non-Jewish neighbors, as this would have been counter productive to their idea of an "pure" non-gentile, Jewish state.
The Arabs of Palestine, for the most part, were very tolerant of their new neighbors.
The "settler's" were not allowed by their Zionist leaders to reciprocate this kindness, but rather were ordered to remain to themselves and never associate with any Arabs. Any association with Arabs was dealt with in the most horrific fashion, often in ending in death from the Zionists.
These same Zionists would go to the market area and spray some paint on the fruits of the Arab venders, which was a sign for the Jews to not buy anything from a non-Jewish vender.
One time, after a Jewish man sought employment with an Arab, the Zionists found out and killed not only the Arabs, but the kindhearted Jew as well!
Many Romanian Jews fleed or tryed to flee, this hellish nightmare. At one time their was a complete boatload of them who were attempting to leave the "Promished Land". The Zionists made sure that their boat had a little accident out in the harbor. The new "Reverse Refugee's" were all blown up to kingdom come, thanks to Zionists Terrorists!
The peaceful village of Deir Yassin, which layed on the western outskirts of Jerusalem, was situated inside the area that the United Nations had designated for the future Palestinian state.
The leaders of Deir Yassin had agreed to an non-agression pact with the Zionist Jews. This was a very dangerous thing to do, as it immediately placed the residents of their town in danger from Arab nationalists.
Soon, however the Zionists were to show their gratitude to the gentle people of Deir Yassin. Shortly after midnight on April 10, 1948, members of the Stern and Irgun gangs Attacked the palestinian village of Deir Yassin and systematically murdered many of its inhabitants.
Men, women and children were brutally and savagely slaughtered by memebers of these two gangs. Pregnant women had their bellies slit open and their unborn babies torn from their wombs. The gang members then stomped on the babies or threw them against walls!
The Irgun Gang was headed by the future Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin. Izak Shamir was a member of the Stern Gang.
Upwards to 750,000 Palestinian's fled from their village's in great fear from these Terrorists!
The following month in may of 1948, David Ben Guren declared the birth of the State of Israel. He was very upset to hear about the horrible genocide that was committed against the Palestinian's at Deir Yassin and other towns.
One Israeli commander later commented, "What we did at Deir Yassin, saved us seventeen divisions!"
Last year, on September 24, 2003, there was a dedication of an memorial to the victims of Deir Yassin in Geneva, New York.
Members of Deir Yassin Remembered, which includes people of the Jewish, Christian and Moslem faiths attended this ceremony. One of the benefactors of this memorial happens to be Jewish.
Professor Daniel McGowan donated the land on which the memeorial rests. The bronze sculpture, which is mounted on a granite base, overlooks the beautful lake. It is a rendition of an uprooted olive tree, which is the symbol of the Palestinian people. It was designed by an award winning Palestinian American artist.
It is hoped that in honoring the Palestinian victims of Deir Yassin, just as we honor the Jewish victims of the holocaust, that we, the people of the world can move on and make this world one where truth and justice is the rule.
Please join with me and the other members of Deir Yassin Rememebered to help make this dream a reality, for trying to hide this painful event will surely lead to more innocent deaths and injustice.
We urge everyone, wherever you live, to start a Deir Yassin Remembered group in your community; high school or college. Contact your local press about your events.
Chances are they will ignore your letters and emails. I wrote letters and press release's regarding the memorial dedication at Geneva, New York, all to no avail. New Hampshire Public Radio (N.H.P.R.) will never allow anyone on their station, because they get major funding from various Jewish groups.
They are never shy about talking about the Jewish holocaust and often have guests on their shows that survived Hitlers death camps. But, they will never have a guest on one of their programs discussing Deir Yassin. Nor will they accept any calls from their listeners regarding this subject.
A large veil of secrecy has been put in place to keep the American people from ever knowing the truth about Deir Yassin. All modern day terrorism is the result of the terrorism that was perpetrated against the Palestinian people at Deir Yassin and other small villages, by the fascist Zionists, in order to help in the birth of their beloved Israel, a birth that was saturated with the blood of hundreds of innocent Palestinian's.
To learn more about Deir Yassin Remembered, visit their website at:
The one common denominator that the governments of Nazi Germany, Great Britain and The United States shared before World War II, was their mutual dislike of the Jewish people. Nothing can substantiate this more, than the callousness exhibited by the United States government in refusing to except many Jewish refugee's who had fled Nazi dominated Europe, weathered the ruff Atlantic seas, just to be turned away at the ports of New York and Boston prior to this country declaring war against Hitler's Germany.
Some of these shiploads of refugee's then went to the island nation of Cuba, where they were also turned away. Many ships returned to Nazi occupied France with the refugee's being immediately arrested and sent to concentration camps, where most of them died in the most unpleasant manner.
The British didn't welcome these Refugee's either. The plans had already been put in motion for creation of an Jewish state after the war. At one point, even Argentina was being considered for their new home. It was the Zionists long held dream to reclaim the "Promised Land" for their future Jewish state.
In the 1920's they began their mission by sending boatloads of Jewish settlers to Palestine. Jews throughout Europe were enticed to leave their countries in order to work hard to make this dream a reality.
Amoung these Jews were many from Romania. It was never the goal of the Zionist's to live peacefully beside their non-Jewish neighbors, as this would have been counter productive to their idea of an "pure" non-gentile, Jewish state.
The Arabs of Palestine, for the most part, were very tolerant of their new neighbors.
The "settler's" were not allowed by their Zionist leaders to reciprocate this kindness, but rather were ordered to remain to themselves and never associate with any Arabs. Any association with Arabs was dealt with in the most horrific fashion, often in ending in death from the Zionists.
These same Zionists would go to the market area and spray some paint on the fruits of the Arab venders, which was a sign for the Jews to not buy anything from a non-Jewish vender.
One time, after a Jewish man sought employment with an Arab, the Zionists found out and killed not only the Arabs, but the kindhearted Jew as well!
Many Romanian Jews fleed or tryed to flee, this hellish nightmare. At one time their was a complete boatload of them who were attempting to leave the "Promished Land". The Zionists made sure that their boat had a little accident out in the harbor. The new "Reverse Refugee's" were all blown up to kingdom come, thanks to Zionists Terrorists!
The peaceful village of Deir Yassin, which layed on the western outskirts of Jerusalem, was situated inside the area that the United Nations had designated for the future Palestinian state.
The leaders of Deir Yassin had agreed to an non-agression pact with the Zionist Jews. This was a very dangerous thing to do, as it immediately placed the residents of their town in danger from Arab nationalists.
Soon, however the Zionists were to show their gratitude to the gentle people of Deir Yassin. Shortly after midnight on April 10, 1948, members of the Stern and Irgun gangs Attacked the palestinian village of Deir Yassin and systematically murdered many of its inhabitants.
Men, women and children were brutally and savagely slaughtered by memebers of these two gangs. Pregnant women had their bellies slit open and their unborn babies torn from their wombs. The gang members then stomped on the babies or threw them against walls!
The Irgun Gang was headed by the future Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin. Izak Shamir was a member of the Stern Gang.
Upwards to 750,000 Palestinian's fled from their village's in great fear from these Terrorists!
The following month in may of 1948, David Ben Guren declared the birth of the State of Israel. He was very upset to hear about the horrible genocide that was committed against the Palestinian's at Deir Yassin and other towns.
One Israeli commander later commented, "What we did at Deir Yassin, saved us seventeen divisions!"
Last year, on September 24, 2003, there was a dedication of an memorial to the victims of Deir Yassin in Geneva, New York.
Members of Deir Yassin Remembered, which includes people of the Jewish, Christian and Moslem faiths attended this ceremony. One of the benefactors of this memorial happens to be Jewish.
Professor Daniel McGowan donated the land on which the memeorial rests. The bronze sculpture, which is mounted on a granite base, overlooks the beautful lake. It is a rendition of an uprooted olive tree, which is the symbol of the Palestinian people. It was designed by an award winning Palestinian American artist.
It is hoped that in honoring the Palestinian victims of Deir Yassin, just as we honor the Jewish victims of the holocaust, that we, the people of the world can move on and make this world one where truth and justice is the rule.
Please join with me and the other members of Deir Yassin Rememebered to help make this dream a reality, for trying to hide this painful event will surely lead to more innocent deaths and injustice.
We urge everyone, wherever you live, to start a Deir Yassin Remembered group in your community; high school or college. Contact your local press about your events.
Chances are they will ignore your letters and emails. I wrote letters and press release's regarding the memorial dedication at Geneva, New York, all to no avail. New Hampshire Public Radio (N.H.P.R.) will never allow anyone on their station, because they get major funding from various Jewish groups.
They are never shy about talking about the Jewish holocaust and often have guests on their shows that survived Hitlers death camps. But, they will never have a guest on one of their programs discussing Deir Yassin. Nor will they accept any calls from their listeners regarding this subject.
A large veil of secrecy has been put in place to keep the American people from ever knowing the truth about Deir Yassin. All modern day terrorism is the result of the terrorism that was perpetrated against the Palestinian people at Deir Yassin and other small villages, by the fascist Zionists, in order to help in the birth of their beloved Israel, a birth that was saturated with the blood of hundreds of innocent Palestinian's.
To learn more about Deir Yassin Remembered, visit their website at:

James F. Harrington
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