2 Videos: Peoples Photography 2004 / Going off the Rails
Rasta4i's | 31.08.2004 18:54 | Culture | Indymedia | World
2 Videos
Going off the Rails
1 Video
On Saturday 28 August, Luas passengers were bumped around on their way back to Sandyford. The Luas, Dublins newest modern set design came apart at the seams some what when leaving Stephens Green Tram Stop. The tram set off on its normal course on the left hand line out bound to Sandyford but soon hit a rut when skipped its track and made its way on to the incoming track where another tram was a short distance about 25m at the end of Harcourt street. The out bound tram managed to skip its left wheels straight across the paving and on to the other track, dragging its back carriage about 20m from the jump. The signalling must have kicked in and brought the Two trams to a halt. The operation to put the tram back on the track took about 4 hours confused passengers were told that the busses would take their tickets to get to their destinations.
Peoples Photography 2004
Peoples Photography is a non profit making open air photographic exhibition that is held once a year. The railings of St Stephens Green provide the exhibition space. The exhibition is open to all photographers and they decide what photographs will be included in their exhibit.
For more info go to www.peoples-photography.com
Maybe you should be preparing for 2005
I ran around with the camera and had a jolly good day.
Going off the Rails
1 Video
On Saturday 28 August, Luas passengers were bumped around on their way back to Sandyford. The Luas, Dublins newest modern set design came apart at the seams some what when leaving Stephens Green Tram Stop. The tram set off on its normal course on the left hand line out bound to Sandyford but soon hit a rut when skipped its track and made its way on to the incoming track where another tram was a short distance about 25m at the end of Harcourt street. The out bound tram managed to skip its left wheels straight across the paving and on to the other track, dragging its back carriage about 20m from the jump. The signalling must have kicked in and brought the Two trams to a halt. The operation to put the tram back on the track took about 4 hours confused passengers were told that the busses would take their tickets to get to their destinations.
Peoples Photography 2004
Peoples Photography is a non profit making open air photographic exhibition that is held once a year. The railings of St Stephens Green provide the exhibition space. The exhibition is open to all photographers and they decide what photographs will be included in their exhibit.
For more info go to www.peoples-photography.com
Maybe you should be preparing for 2005
I ran around with the camera and had a jolly good day.