Palestinian Political Prisoners. Demands and Contacts for Action. Sep 1st.
anul ajor | 31.08.2004 15:26
Palestinian Political Prisoners. Demands and Contacts for Action.
The ISM is supporting the 'Committee for the Families of Political Prisoners and Detainees in the West Bank' in their campaign against the appaling conditions suffered by the 7500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.
The Demands of the Prisoners and their Families Include:
1. Demand that prison guards immediately cease beating prisoners in their cells, the courtyards and during transport between prisons.
Demand that prison guards immediately cease shooting tear gas into prisoner's cells, into the courtyards and during transport between prisons. Demand that prison guards immediately cease entering prison cells with guns for the purpose of intimidating the prisoners.
2. Demand that the practice of subjecting prisoners to full body searches each time they enter or exit their cells cease immediately.
3. Demand an immediate cessation of the practice of keeping prisoners in solitary confinement for long periods of time, sometimes months or even years.
4. Demand that the practice of confiscating money from prisoners, revocation of visitations, and extended confinement to cells as punishment for 'crimes' such as singing or speaking too loudly cease immediately.
5. Demand that ill prisoners be given access to adequate medical treatment and that the withholding of necessary medications cease immediately.
6. Demand that all prisoners be allowed family visitation. Further demand that travel to/from the prison for families of prisoners be expedited. Currently families must travel 16 or 17 hours to for a 45 minute visit even if the distance is a few kilometers. Demand that the strip searching of families as a routine practice cease and that prisoners be allowed more than one visitor every two weeks.
7. Demand that the communication system between prisoners and families during visits improve. Currently prisoners are separated from visitors by two walls, one of glass and one of metal mesh that are difficult to see through and nearly impossible to hear through.
8. Demand that prisoner's diets be adequate to sustain health.
9. Demand that rules on items that prisoners can receive from families be consistent from visit to visit and not changing on the whim of the guard.
10. Demand that child prisoners be housed separately from adult prisoners and that there be separation of political and criminal prisoners.
These conditions violate Israeli law, regulations of Israeli prisons and international law.
More than 1500 prisoners began a open hunger strike on the 15th August in protest. Israel's Public Security Minister Tzachi Hanegbi has said the prisoners can "starve to death" for all he cares. "The prisoners can strike for a day, a month, even starve to death, as far as I am concerned."
Calendar of Solidarity Events
August 15th - A press conference at noon in Ramallah will kick off the campaign. Hunger Strike Solidarity Tents will be set up in the centre of cities in the West Bank. They will be occupied around the clock for as long as the prisoner's strike lasts.
August 18th - The Palestinian Prime Minister's Office has declared this day as a national day of solidarity with the prisoners. Government ministers, members of the PNC and heads of all political parties will join the public in the tents and fast in solidarity.
August 20th - After Jum'a prayers at mosques processions will march towards the solidarity tents.
August 21st - Palestinians in Israeli cities will march, together with supporters of other nationalities, to the prisons holding Palestinian political prisoners.
August 22nd - March to solidarity tents after church services.
August 23rd - Children of prisoners will lead a procession.
August 25th - All professionals involved in the justice system in Palestine will congregate at the tents and lead a procession to the centre of their cities.
August 26th - Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma, will lead a mass procession in Ramallah.
August 28th - Candlelight processions will be held at 8:00 pm.
August 29th - All members of the public are invited to join the open hunger strike.
We ask you to assist us in this campaign by sending letters, faxes, emails, or by telephoning the Israeli government to protest the treatment of Palestinian political prisoners and to demand that the demands of the striking prisoners be met.
Please copy any communication of protest and support to the Committee for Families (you will find addresses below). It is very important for prisoners and their families to know about the international solidarity with this important action.
Israeli Government Contacts:
Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon
Office of the Prime Minister
3 Kaplan Street, P O Box 187
Jerusalem 91919, Israel
Telegram:Prime Minister, Jerusalem Israel
Fax: +972 2 6705475
Minister of Justice, Yosef Lapid
Ministry of Justice
29 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010, Israel
Telegram: Justice Minister, Jerusalem Israel
Fax: +972 2 6285438
Minister of Defence, Shaul Mofaz
Ministry of Defense
37 Kaplan st.
Tel-Aviv 61909
Minister of Police, Tzahi Hanegbi
e-mail: or
Fax:+972-3-696-27-57/ +972-3-691-69-40 /
OR: Fax: +972-3-696-27
Ministry of Public Security, Kiryat Hamemshala
P.O.B. 18182
Jerusalem 91181
Tel: 972-2-5309999
Fax: 972-2-5847872
Please, send copy of your letters and mails to:
Families Committee of Political Palestinian Prisoners
Mahmoud Ziadi
P.O.B. 2151
West Bank ñ Palestine
The ISM is supporting the 'Committee for the Families of Political Prisoners and Detainees in the West Bank' in their campaign against the appaling conditions suffered by the 7500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.
The Demands of the Prisoners and their Families Include:
1. Demand that prison guards immediately cease beating prisoners in their cells, the courtyards and during transport between prisons.
Demand that prison guards immediately cease shooting tear gas into prisoner's cells, into the courtyards and during transport between prisons. Demand that prison guards immediately cease entering prison cells with guns for the purpose of intimidating the prisoners.
2. Demand that the practice of subjecting prisoners to full body searches each time they enter or exit their cells cease immediately.
3. Demand an immediate cessation of the practice of keeping prisoners in solitary confinement for long periods of time, sometimes months or even years.
4. Demand that the practice of confiscating money from prisoners, revocation of visitations, and extended confinement to cells as punishment for 'crimes' such as singing or speaking too loudly cease immediately.
5. Demand that ill prisoners be given access to adequate medical treatment and that the withholding of necessary medications cease immediately.
6. Demand that all prisoners be allowed family visitation. Further demand that travel to/from the prison for families of prisoners be expedited. Currently families must travel 16 or 17 hours to for a 45 minute visit even if the distance is a few kilometers. Demand that the strip searching of families as a routine practice cease and that prisoners be allowed more than one visitor every two weeks.
7. Demand that the communication system between prisoners and families during visits improve. Currently prisoners are separated from visitors by two walls, one of glass and one of metal mesh that are difficult to see through and nearly impossible to hear through.
8. Demand that prisoner's diets be adequate to sustain health.
9. Demand that rules on items that prisoners can receive from families be consistent from visit to visit and not changing on the whim of the guard.
10. Demand that child prisoners be housed separately from adult prisoners and that there be separation of political and criminal prisoners.
These conditions violate Israeli law, regulations of Israeli prisons and international law.
More than 1500 prisoners began a open hunger strike on the 15th August in protest. Israel's Public Security Minister Tzachi Hanegbi has said the prisoners can "starve to death" for all he cares. "The prisoners can strike for a day, a month, even starve to death, as far as I am concerned."
Calendar of Solidarity Events
August 15th - A press conference at noon in Ramallah will kick off the campaign. Hunger Strike Solidarity Tents will be set up in the centre of cities in the West Bank. They will be occupied around the clock for as long as the prisoner's strike lasts.
August 18th - The Palestinian Prime Minister's Office has declared this day as a national day of solidarity with the prisoners. Government ministers, members of the PNC and heads of all political parties will join the public in the tents and fast in solidarity.
August 20th - After Jum'a prayers at mosques processions will march towards the solidarity tents.
August 21st - Palestinians in Israeli cities will march, together with supporters of other nationalities, to the prisons holding Palestinian political prisoners.
August 22nd - March to solidarity tents after church services.
August 23rd - Children of prisoners will lead a procession.
August 25th - All professionals involved in the justice system in Palestine will congregate at the tents and lead a procession to the centre of their cities.
August 26th - Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma, will lead a mass procession in Ramallah.
August 28th - Candlelight processions will be held at 8:00 pm.
August 29th - All members of the public are invited to join the open hunger strike.
We ask you to assist us in this campaign by sending letters, faxes, emails, or by telephoning the Israeli government to protest the treatment of Palestinian political prisoners and to demand that the demands of the striking prisoners be met.
Please copy any communication of protest and support to the Committee for Families (you will find addresses below). It is very important for prisoners and their families to know about the international solidarity with this important action.
Israeli Government Contacts:
Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon
Office of the Prime Minister
3 Kaplan Street, P O Box 187
Jerusalem 91919, Israel
Telegram:Prime Minister, Jerusalem Israel
Fax: +972 2 6705475

Minister of Justice, Yosef Lapid
Ministry of Justice
29 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010, Israel
Telegram: Justice Minister, Jerusalem Israel
Fax: +972 2 6285438

Minister of Defence, Shaul Mofaz
Ministry of Defense
37 Kaplan st.
Tel-Aviv 61909
Minister of Police, Tzahi Hanegbi

Fax:+972-3-696-27-57/ +972-3-691-69-40 /
OR: Fax: +972-3-696-27
Ministry of Public Security, Kiryat Hamemshala
P.O.B. 18182
Jerusalem 91181
Tel: 972-2-5309999
Fax: 972-2-5847872

Please, send copy of your letters and mails to:
Families Committee of Political Palestinian Prisoners
Mahmoud Ziadi
P.O.B. 2151
West Bank ñ Palestine

anul ajor