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NY Media In ISM slander campaign against 'violent anarchists'

reader | 28.08.2004 14:29 | World

latest anti protest media

New York Police Are casting ISM as a violent anarchist group in the lead up to Rep Convention



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28.08.2004 17:00

Everyone knows that the ISM are violent and support violence against civilians, but anarchists? I doubt anyone in the ISM has the brains to understand that anarchism is more than jumping under bulldozers and beating up Jewish children.

fight the racist ISM

"Everyone knows that the ISM are violent"

28.08.2004 17:27

I suppose some evidence is a bit mush to ask for? Never mind hey, keep the slander rolling! Noam Chomsky was in the Gestappo! The Zapatistas are antisemites - look how few jews there are in Chiapas!



28.08.2004 21:31

ISM drink the blood of babies, and kiss the anus of a cat in dark blood rituals. Those, almost half of them, Jewish ISM members are anti-semitic self-haters, who don't realise it is Israel's GOD GIVEN RIGHT to steal land, destroy homes and murder arabs.


a response

29.08.2004 09:38

Dear Madam or Sir,

I was applauled when reading online the article entitled "Anarchists hot for
mayhem", by Patrice O'Shaughnessy. The article seems to be merelly, and
most uncritically, relaying a police press release or press conference,
without any effort to check the facts or indepenantly assess the

While portaining the ISM as a violent group is simply ludicrous (any
evidence to back this claim up?) the personal attack on Mr Jaggi Singh is
the best example of the lack of care taken in checking any facts.

You can find online the transcripts of the discussion that took place in the
canadian parliament, concerning his case under the heading 'human rights'.
In particular Mr. Svend Robinson (Burnaby—Douglas, NDP) asks:

"I will as well draw to the attention of the House the appalling treatment
of Jaggi Singh. Jaggi Singh was a demonstrator who was arrested in Quebec
City and who remains the only demonstrator not to have been freed on bail.
His offence was supposedly using a weapon, a 25 foot catapult that hurled
teddy bears. In fact this was no threat to anyone.

I have to ask: Why is Jaggi Singh the only protester who was arrested during
the protest who remains in jail? Why does the crown believe that he who was
not convicted of any violent offence is dangerous enough to be kept in
prison? This is an outrage. [...]"

This article is quite telling of the state of our democracy: A 'free' press
relaying without checking the statements issued by the police, a government
institution! Stalin would have been proud!

I am looking forward to the published correction and appology,



05.09.2004 20:33

Everyone know's that the International Solidarity Movement is a non-violent peace group who couragousley and selflessly go out to the illegally occupied territories in Palestine to highlight the dialy atrocities commited by the Israeli Defense Force ( IDF ) against ordinary unarmed Palestinian civillians.

Racheal Corrie R.I.P ( US ) and Tom Hurndall R.I.P ( UK ) who were unarmed and identifyable was murdered by the IDF.

John the hippie

ISMer's and the Global Community.....

05.09.2004 21:02

Shalom friends,

well done to the good people that join up with the ISM and visit the illegally occupied territories to help bring the plight of the Palestinians to the attention of the world's media. The Kach terrorist organisation ( The 'Settlers' ) are the main cuause a concern in the illegally occupied territories becouse they want to grab and steal land for the water aquifiers. The following policies is what we as a global community need to introduce via Sharon and his Religo-military regieme.

The ongoing loss of life in Palestine and Israel is both tragic and completely unacceptable, and demands an immediate non-violent legal remedy.

2. The ongoing occupation of Palestine by Israel is illegal (despite repeated vetoes by the United States which attempt to deny this fact).

3. The illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel is the primary root cause of violent resistance by Palestinians, and is therefore counter to the interests of "security" for Israel.

4. The "separation wall/security fence" being constructed by Israel is illegal and intends to unlawfully annexe further Palestinian land, which in turn will increase violent Palestinian resistance and is therefore counter to the "security" interests of Israel.

5. A guaranteed ceasefire on behalf of the resisting factions within Palestine would signal a genuine offer for a just and peaceful settlement to the conflict.

6. A guaranteed ceasefire on behalf of the Israeli Government would signal a genuine offer for a just and peaceful settlement to the conflict.

7. Citizens of the world whose security is directly threatened by inaction and corruption of nation/state governments and the United Nations have both a legal and moral right to effect a non-violent legal remedy in order to protect themselves and future generations.


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