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Colin Powell Not going to Athens due to anti-war demo

Reader | 28.08.2004 09:45



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Not Welcome

29.08.2004 09:21

What's the use representing a global tyrannt, if you can't appear on the world stage?

Powell will never forget the 2004 Olympics, the one he could not attend.

This is a victory for truth and sanity and a defeat for dictatorships.

The Earth

Think !

29.08.2004 10:44

Are you seriously suggesting that Powell didn't attend the Olympics because of a few protests ? I am staggered at the naievty of some people. Wake up, think, why would Powell stay away ? What else is happening in the world ? Why would he need to be somewhere else ?

Got it yet ?

What the press are failing to mention

29.08.2004 10:55

The State Dept originally said that the protests were the main reason for the cancellation. The press are now no longer reporting this, including the supposedly "left-wing" Guardian, as shown by the link above.

Quote from the earlier AP report in the Washington Post:
"Powell Drops Greece Trip; Concern for Games Cited
Associated Press
Sunday, August 29, 2004; Page A07

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell canceled his trip to Greece at the last minute partly because of concern that his presence -- expected to be met with antiwar protests -- might disrupt the closing ceremony of the Olympics, State Department officials said yesterday.

Powell's decision, announced just hours before he was to depart, came after anti-American protests were held in Athens on Friday. The demonstrations featured "Powell Go Home" placards.

The secretary was not concerned about his own security, but he felt that the Greek organizers were entitled to carry out the Sunday night ceremony without the potential for distraction that his presence might cause, said two State Department officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Many Greeks wondered why Powell planned to visit this weekend, knowing his presence would probably provoke protests. Until Powell announced his visit, there were none of the anti-American demonstrations that had been feared in the run-up to the games.

He discussed the situation on Friday with Greek Foreign Minister Petros Molyviatis. Powell said he hopes to travel to Athens in October."

Now they're all saying it's because he's got "urgent business at home". Heh heh! Like none of that was going on a few days ago. Don't you just love the corporate press, and how they roll over on command?
