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Use Your Loaf is still here.

r | 27.08.2004 19:39 | Free Spaces | London

Two High Court bailiffs turned up at 7.35 in the
morning. But there were over 30 people defending the
place. Due to early morning stupidity they nearly got
through the door but got pushed out and dragged away.

The cops arrived and milled about aimlessly. The usual
team of confused builders also turned up but headed
for the cafe (they're getting well known there due to
repeated failed evictions). After faffing about for a
they all left. So we're still here for now!

The Cafe is on tonight (Friday 27th) from 7pm - 11pm -
doors will close at 11pm sharp.

Watch this space for future developments.

A big thanks to everyone who came down this morning -
especially those from far away!
