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THEWALLMUSTFALL | 27.08.2004 14:03 | European Social Forum | Social Struggles


A group of activists from around the country will be camping close to
MBM/EDO technology from 29th August to Sept 2nd. MBM/EDO, on the Home Farm
industrial Estate, Moulsecoomb, Brighton has a $145 million dollar with the
UK/US governments for the supply of bomb release mechanisms for the
occupation of Iraq. Activists hope the camp will kickstart a grassroots
campaign of direct action to disrupt production at the factory.

Previous actions include a blockade of the factory. protesters erected metal
fencing on the access road to the industrial estate preventing employees
from getting to work. David Jones, Managing Director of EDO/MBM reported
that the disruption to the company cost £17 000. Every penny lost by the
company compromises their ability to supply goods which have contributed to
the 13, 336 civilian casualties since the US/UK invasion of Iraq.

contact 07891405923 for interviews etc

I enclose a letter from the activists to employees of EDO/MBM:

to the workers of EDO/MBM
EDO/MBM Technologies make bomb release mechanisms that make it possible for
US and UK warplanes to bomb more women and more children more quickly. This
facilitates the illegal occupation of Iraq that has benefited only
multinational corporations looking to make a fast buck at the expense of
more trivial concerns like human rights and social justice.
As the occupation continues, it becomes depressingly clear that UK/US
objectives in Iraq are expansion, not liberation as so often claimed.
EDO/MBM provide the technology to make this possible.
Since the invasion, it is very hard to see any evidence of an honest attempt
to create a democratic process in which the Iraqi people can have confidence
The feared mukkhabarat secret police have been rehired by U.S. Governors,
the death penalty has been reinstated and it is still illegal to form trades
unions. With basic infrastructure shattered, unemployment at 70%, and the
civilian death toll currently listed at 13,663 can you honestly say that you
are proud of what your company is supporting in Iraq
This Labour Government came to power in 1997 with a promise of ethical
foreign policy and Stricter controls on arms dealing. Instead, we have been
to war 5 times and continue to arm regimes who abuse fundamental human
rights. It has never been easier for dealers in human misery.
In the absence of moral governance it is necessary for citizens to act in a
moral fashion. Can you honestly say, after the bombing of Fallujah, Baghdad
and Najaf, the torture and degradation at Abu Ghraib prison, and the
corporate exploitation of Iraq, that you are convinced of the morality of
the occupation that EDO props up.
As a worker for a company supporting the occupation you are complicit in war
crimes committed by the UK, US and other customers of MBM/EDO. Are you happy
with that?

The activists at the factory today pledge to resist EDO/MBM. We will not
stand by while local companies profit from blood and murder. Why don’t you
join us?



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  1. Camp progress — Dusty