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now uc-imc and new mexico are off the air!

now uc-imc and new mexico are off the air! | 27.08.2004 07:39 | Indymedia | London

and some say there is no plot , how many Imc's have to disappear before you wonder what is up?

that makes five free speach sights that have gone down this week alone.
and when they come back they have changed their programming standards.
(s/f imc - nessie has disappeared) some one is posting in his name and this person IS NOT NESSIE! after reading his work for years now I know nessie's style and this is a fony!
it's time to wake up and take action before we are squeezed out. And replaced by the "Voice of America"

now uc-imc and new mexico are off the air!


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calm down

27.08.2004 09:04

every time one of these articles gets posted, it turns out a router or server crashed somewhere, no sinister plots going on. have you checked with any indymedia techs yet to ask if there's a problem before posting up here?


Pfff... why check with the techies!

27.08.2004 09:09

It isn't like the techies actually run the servers in question or anything, or would be informed of the status of those sites, or that they might have the skills to diagnose what the problem might be...

Nah. Don't ask the techies.
