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Peace is Possible - event to support work of peace village in Israel

Elise | 26.08.2004 21:50 | Oxford

Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam (Oasis of Peace) is a village in Israel established jointly by Jews and Palestinian Arabs of Israeli citizenship and engaged in educational work for peace, equality and understanding between the two peoples.

Sunday September 5th 2004
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Friends Meeting House, 43 St Giles, Oxford

The Oxford Branch of Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam (The Oasis of Peace) is holding an evening of storytelling, music and middle-eastern food in support of the work of the village.

Tickets (inc food) £10 (£6 unwaged), children under 11 £5 Tickets from Dorothy Darke, 21 Hyde Place, OX2 7JB Please enclose an sae. Cheques to “OXFORD NS/WaS”

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27.08.2004 14:53

This Oasis of peace is used by the Israelis for propaganda purposes. While Palestine is being destroyed this 'Oasis' inside Isreal projects an image of Isreal caring for Palestine. Even though those Palestinians who work at the school are treated as lesser humans by the aparthied system. It may be more of a mirage than an oasis.



29.08.2004 13:13

Please give more details to back this accusation.


bob mcbob

Info please

31.08.2004 12:35

I'd also like some information to back this up.

The Arab residents of the village that I've met, and the people I know who've visited the village, would be very upset to hear these accusations.



31.08.2004 22:29

I have met palestinians who told me it was a mirage. It was a long time ago
that i looked at it. Im pretty sure it recieves financial and vocal support
from the Israeli government. They hold it up as an example of trying to make
peace while most of their investment in education goes elsewhere.

Any one involved in this project should already be aware of such accusations that
are made towards it. Im sure it is a very good and i think more schools should teach
a mixture of Isreali and Palestinian kids - inside isreal- both in Hebrew and Arabic.

People in the Uk should know both the positive and negative sides of these stories. Palestinians are very, very far from being united on certain points. If some of them say this Oasis is really a mirage I think you should at least be aware of this.

Im sure everyone realises Palestinians are second class, to say the least, in the middle east, especialy in isreal. I hope nobody is arguing against this point!

Honest John