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The ''War on Drugs and Terror'' in Colombia haunting the imperial liers

Colombia solidarity | 25.08.2004 16:16 | Social Struggles | Terror War

Like all things, the truth comes out eventually, although slowly. Uncle Sam’s leading exponent of the ''War on Drugs and Terror'' in the Western hemisphere is a blood thirsty fascist drug trafficker repressing political opposition in Colombia.

Read the report on Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez at the National Security Archive:

Colombia solidarity
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The "war on drugs" is a sham

25.08.2004 16:41

The so-called "war on drugs" is a sham. Western countries are being flooded with hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. Western governments need to be legalizing drugs, not pretending to fight them. As for Columbia the drug problem in Columbia is largely the fault of the Columbian government with American help. One of the main producers of cocaine in Columbia is right-wing groups allied to the government of Uribe, who have tried and failed to pin the blame on the FARC rebels. The Columbian govt are also responsible for appalling human rights abuses on Columibian peasants.
