Australian Feds Persecute British born Aus Family with 2yr old Baby
by victims Mark Flowers Wife Baby | 24.08.2004 07:29 | Repression
PHILIP RUDOCK MP Australian Federal Attorney General allows TORTURE of British born AUS FAMILY WITH BABY 4YRS ONGOING FEDERAL PSYCOLOGICAL TORTURE HUGE TEAM 40 PLUS NASTY FEDS ENCAMPED AROUND FAMILY unit .Indymedia AUS being hacked by Feds stop truth getting out ,Feds cut ph 20/8/04 telstra case no 112673769.print now please. incoming calls mob ph land ph email .indy comments replies in FEDS Control . Evil prevails when good people do nothing . please help us!
Australian Feds don’t want this truth out please post in Idymedia all Australian sites Aus Attorney Gen Persecutes Aus Women and baby Sydney Australia IM BRITISH BORN PLEASE HELP.
This very serious complaint of ongoing persecution and psychological torture against 3 current Australian Liberal government departments The Australian Federal Police and Centrelink Optical Surveillance I also believe ASIO because the extent of the electrical surveillance & phone tapping & access to my computer email , and post , placement of tracking devices , enter of home and property .From this point onward I will call them the AFP & COS ,ASIO FEDS I am fully aware of potential ramifications from making such a statement but simply have no choice but to do so The Australian Federal Government is hurting me my wife and our 2yr old son with great risk to our safety and well being !
Full Story to date 23/8/04
We current live at unit 15/5 Dural St Hornsby to date 15/8/04 we have been here almost 16 months the building consist of about 25 or so units . At last count the FEDS now tenant 12 or more of the units in the building . As well as another 10 or more line of sight units in other unit blocks at the rear of our 2nd floor unit balcony, 3 immediately inline to our balcony the others to the left and right .
The Hornsby head quarters for the FEDS intel gathering /torture of me and my family is the unit directly above ours is unit 23/5 Dural St Hornsby it is tenanted by a shift of FEDS , PETER McMILLAN FED car rego {PM3027} and his lovely partner are the original tenants ? And part of the FEDS team that happily carry out this Federal directed torture , from here they use various psychological torture ! In the form of {sleep deprivation /tempo raising /impact scare tactics etc etc. I don’t at this point possesses the resources to detect there electronic surveillance , but as the FEDS know that I am fully aware of there surveillance capabilities , and am capable of finding pin hole cameras or devices . I am certain the FEDS don’t want to risk additional physical proof getting in my hands .
God only knows what through floor listening devices the FEDS are using from unit 23 above us but its FEDS QUALITY no expense spared {they can here a pin drop without any question .} At a guess I would say holes drilled to say, within 5 mils above every room of our unit ,devices placed in them head sets and recording equipment on 24/7. I can here the FEDS scurry into position when my wife and I are about to be intermit , they have raised carpets to give maximum impact when dropping snooker balls/large ball bearings? or the like ,on the above concrete floor ,in the very early hours usually . They slide furniture around and drop very heavy items at a guess bowling ball ? or heaver { enough to feel it strongly through the whole building }. This scares our 2yr old who always questions what the sound is and why the man up stairs is knocking etc etc .
Heavy stamping of feet or the dropping of the heavy object is to install fear , this is usually inline with any nasty statement from a TV program {example a movie I am watching by chance or the news may have a statement about ,kid napping / shooting / or danger to a women ,} for full fear impact to me the FEDS drop there heavy objects immediately following that statement .This tactic , from my forced experience is to plant a seed of fear in me for my loved ones safety .
Tempo Raising the FEDS do this when my wife and I will be about to argue for the above reasons , they will start tapping loudly to lift our argument to a very tense level . I quickly became aware of this tactic and try under this terrible pressure to avoid argument with my wife whom I love with all my heart { she has suffered greatly as I have } by the Australian Government .
As soon as we venture outside to Dural St Hornsby the FEDS team swings into action anyone with a quality radio scanner , would here them communicating in some fabricated code , as it would take a team leader approach and a fair bit of coordination to organise a 24/7 team of about 40 Federal contracted scum . The FEDS drive by commences at speed revving engines screeching tyres no consideration for the fact that I am at times carrying my 2yr old who is being scared by the FEDS nasty actions on the street as well as at home .
Note these are not young hoons in hotted up cars doing this, {although the FEDS will change the strategy depending on exposure level I am close to } these are usually well dressed well paid Australian Federal Government employees and or contracted private firms Federally directed. Anyone who cares to look will notice 30 or more Federally themed number plated vehicles usually very late model racing past me/us whenever we are in the streets of Hornsby to date 15/8/04 . Just last month one of the FEDS cars rounded the traffic lights on the pacific highway Hornsby opposite the Hornsby train station . So close to the gutter just to give me a scare ! that they hit the gutter blowing out 2 tyres , it didn’t matter that I had my 2yr old in my arms and that to press the button for crossing positioned us just 1 foot from the gutter the FEDS car hit . Sending pieces of plastic wheel rim almost in the face of my son , only evasive action by me prevented my 2yr old thank God from being hit with the wheel rim pieces .I have dated video footage of the tyre mark and damage of the gutter . My son is still shocked about this incident and regularly mentions it , rego number of the FEDS contracted car that I have witnessed on other occasions is {ZGE 111} .
{AOY230} {APG30C} {AOA78U} {AOA88S} {ALQ98R} {AKB800} {AJX82U} {APC02W} {AOQ52P} {ABU40C} {APH83V} {ADG48B} {PM3027} {WAF632} {WJS294} {WDS788} {NXC29A} {NCI999} {SAIO75} {XEX999} {CTN980}
{APF22X} {AJM75X} {AFZ24F} {AF109} {AGT89C} {AIS54K} {AKD872} {ACJ45B} {AJE67L} {AHN532} {JW7703} {WAS363}
Because I complained to the Australian Federal welfare org CENTRELINK about possessing recorded evidence of Centrlink surveillance my family almost 4 years ago . This is a true factual account that will discredit the Australian Federal Government .I can prove a huge waste of public funds in this 4 years of persecution torture of myself my wife and our baby . The Federal Ombudsman Is Corrupt and refuses to investigate I have made available to the Ombudsman this report . The evidence I possess is in the form of video/photographs and recorded evidence as well as the verifiable , names of people and organisations that have been involved in this Persecution and Torture of me and my family including our 2yr old son . God knows its the truth .
Surveillance from what I understand should be of a covert nature and in our circumstances seemed to commence in this fashion . We had just moved into a rented house in November 2000 at { 10 Dulwich Rd Yeronga QLD 4104 Phone number 07-36300128 } The house at the opposite side on the corner of the main road was vacant . This is where I first noticed we were being watched by various people FEDS using trees of the property in an attempt to conceal themselves . I pointed this out to my wife on several occasions she did witness this but it was starting to scare her so I tried not to make a big deal about at the time , and told her it was probably Centrelink as I was receiving my social security at the time and we were trying to get a business venture of the ground . About mid December 2000 the neighbours to our right Mr Robert .G. Gough & Mrs Jill Gough of 365 Fairfield Rd Yeronga 4104 started receiving regular visits from the FEDS 2 men and a women in late Gov cars and wagons they always they had current LPG gas labels fitted to there number plates , and unusual registration windscreen stickers but were all with QLD plates . These 3 FEDS were aware that I noticed there visits . It was after the first visit from the feds that Mr & Mrs Gough started to report our movements and inform on us.
Mr Gough who is in his late 60yrs ? , would try to conceal himself from various positions in his garden , hand held phone in hand , not realising I could see him , he would be on the phone as soon as I started the engine of our car or truck , and then vehicle surveillance would start as soon as we entered the main road .
This reporting of our movements by the Goughs went on for a further 4 months with regular visits from the Feds 2 men and the women as mentioned above.
Then on the 25/3/01 I was attending my answer machine to see if any calls for work had come in from the advert I had placed in the local news paper re bobcat and truck for hire . I was some what shocked to hear the FEDS 2 men and a women talking about my movements on the answer machine recording . I can only assume at this point that one of the 3 talking had left there mobile phone on and continued to talk not knowing that it was by accident being recorded on my answer machine .{ this recording represented to me some form of proof that we were being harassed by COS /AFP,ASIO the FEDS finally proof !
So the next day or so 27th 28th/3/01, recorded proof in hand , I told Centrelink I wanted this surveillance stoped and that I retained the recorded proof .This this was a major mistake {to tell an Australian Federal Government Department you possess proof of persecution of you and your family via recorded evidence does not go over to well }
There would be telephone records held by Centrelink of my conversation re the recording . {these will most likely never see the light of day }. I am aware that all conversations are recorded by Centrelink as standard . From this point of complaint 27/3/01 to Centrelink Brisbane , things went from bad to worse .{ from covert surveillance to overt intimidation and outright persecution as it is now } to date 13/8/4 in Hornsby NSW.
We decided to sell up and leave QLD we moved out of number 10 Dulwich on approximately 20/4/01. We decided to head to Sydney hoping that this surveillance would stop by crossing the NSW border it did not !
A number of Qld FEDS vehicles followed us through the night to Sydney we were very distressed that this Federal Government persecution continued into NSW . QLD FEDS handed the operation over the NSW FEDS . We rented a unit in Sydney { 6/472b Mowbray Rd Lane Cove West NSW 2066 Phone number 02-94201969 } . . The FEDS took all available adjoining and surrounding rental premises {as is practice to our experience } . With a baby on the way due in around 6 months this compounded the extreme stress of the situation .
My wife pregnant and being away from her family who live in the Philippines and having no circle of friends or family in Sydney to help deal with this unimaginable situation . It made it hard for me to go off to work I was very worried about my wife . I started a sales position for a Surry Hills company Crowther Blayne & Associates to try and make some money with a baby on the way ! I had to endure the next six months of in car on train on foot harassment ,by what can only be described as a major Australian Federal Government team effort . I can only assume the motive is to brake us as a family or to push me to the point where I would lash out in some way against those doing this persecution . To brake me/us or to get some dirt on me at all cost , the Australian Feds Don’t care one little bit about pregnant women or new bourn babies !
At one point I purchased a camera in May/June 2001 with a large lens and started to photograph these overt/covert surveillance people from the Artarmon rail station Syd but the reaction from the AFP & COS was quite intimidating I believe the FEDS were given instruction from senior AFP/COS to make sure they intimidate me enough so that I would not to use the camera again. And at that point I was very scared for my life ! On that day by the time I had arrived at Syd Central Station there was plenty of stand over tactics being used by the FEDS { bumping shoving walking strait across my path } anything to get my attention and get there message across that I was not allowed to photograph there activities of persecuting me and my family .
With the resources available to the AFP and COS ASIO all forms of electronic surveillance are being used in order to sweep cars past us in the dead of night or any time. Example your just walking to the shop any where any place 24/7 FEDS surveillance cars would drive past in numbers , then one or 2 AFP/COS would follow you into the shop to intimidate by presence , or just to sink one into despair as to not be able to be free at any time ! This is the general FEDS practise .
I have tried in the past on various occasions to go out in the early hours say 3am to see how extensive the surveillance was ,and would very quickly have my answer as a team of FEDS cars would be covering any possible opportunity to get away from this persecution . Every street I would cross would be quickly covered by car or on foot surveillance this is at 3am for God sake ,with no one around on Sydney suburban streets only the FEDS AFP COS ,ASIO ? Surveillance . I can only assume this type of operation is to install fear {We can hear you /see you 24/7 } .We are being dogged our every move 24/7 by the AFP COS , ASIO FEDS ?
My wife has suffered as I have and our 2yr old baby and we continue to do so , over this horrid Australian Federal Persecution situation. At times we have both felt life is not worth living like this . And it was just as intense during the final weeks and days before our baby was born at the Royal North Shore Hospital on the 11/10/01. FEDS outside ,Whilst my wife underwent an emergency operation to deliver our baby. It was a very dangerous delivery as our baby and my wife were at a critical point. I will always hold the hold the COS and AFP , FEDS ASIO intimidation as a factor for the unnecessary stress placed on my wife and I during the birth of our baby . Surveillance encircled us at the hospital , I witnessed I believe senior AFP or COS FEDS personnel speaking with on duty doctors I assume to justify there team presence in the maternity ward of the Royal North Sure Hospital the days before and after the 11/10/01.
Whilst my wife was recovering in hospital I arranged for us to move temporarily to the Blue Mountains on a remote farm property cabin we rented for 3 weeks just to give her some time to recover from her operation to give birth , and being remote no surveillance could get on the property ?
It was approximately 25/10/01 when we moved from the Mowbray Rd Lane Cove Syd address up to the Blue Mountains Cabin During this time at the cabin we gathered our thoughts tried to relax with our baby .
We left the Blue Mts approximately on 17/11/01 we decided to go back to Queensland , we had a short stay on the Gold Coast so that I could go to Brisbane to get an apartment .
We moved into { Centre Point unit 29/69 Leichardt St Spring Hill Brisbane QLD 4000 ph number 07- 38320122 } on approximately 30/11/01 .
With in a week the FEDS AFP / COS had the Rented the adjoining apartment ! { Centre Point Management would retain records of tenant FEDS AFP/COS in the apartment adjoining ours } FEDS AFP/COS also rented all available line of sight apartments {as is practice to date 23/8/04}
The FEDS would have balcony gatherings with upwards of 10 team members , in line with our apartment with lots of laughter to distress us . At one time I yelled very strong words across from my balcony at them no complaint ever came it never does as they are the FEDS AFP/COS . I photographed in full view the FEDS apartments and its tenants many times they were aware but never complained {how could they} the FEDS are the ones braking the Law against us .
The FEDS continued with there oppressive tactics to achieve this I believe phone tapping electronic surveillance would be a major factor ,combined with vehicle and on foot large FEDS team effort ,stand over intimidation .
We moved out of the Centre Point Apartments approximately 29/2/02 to try and get a house to achieve a fenced perimeter . And I did try to do so as below verifies , but FEDS activities around the Crosby Rd property location made me concerned for my wife and baby . So we ended up taking a unit .
We moved into a unit this address 1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Qld 4011 ph numbers 07-38621409 & 07-38623323 and this address is significant as this was the last step before we left the country to try and be free of the AFP/COS FEDS . The real estate company was/is Alma Clark Real Estate at Clayfield Brisbane Qld The reason this rental premises is so important is that before we took tenancy of the Riverton St property I signed for another house rental at {186 Crosby Rd Albion Brisbane} also with the same Alma Clark real estate company. We needed a house to have some boundary between us and the AFP/COS FEDS ,as it was becoming to much stress in rental units since this persecution commenced. As the FEDS had been taking possession of all adjoining units above below properties. I believe for placement of through wall listening devices .
The house I selected 186 Crosby Rd Albion Brisbane fine but the day before I was due to take tenancy from Alma Clark Real Estate Brisbane I drove to the house ,and had not announced my intention to do so before leaving my Centre Point apartment , as I was certain full listening devices from the adjoining FEDS apartment would alert them to my intention of checking this new rental house for FEDS activities . I drove there with upwards of 10 car FEDS surveillance following in front rear . I arrived at the house and was not surprised to see the neighbouring house next to the one I was about to rent was in the process of a major move out { trucks people carrying furniture etc } I believe the FEDS had made some arrangement with the owners/tenants? of the house beside 186 Crosby Rd and were in the process of moving FEDS in just as I had witnessed them do previously. {I believe private detectives were contracted by FEDS for most of the surveillance in Brisbane }
I had my camera with me and started to take photos of the people moving out , I just told them I liked the property but for some reason the police were called . I was sitting in the garden of my Alma Clark rental 186 Crosby Rd it was approximately 27/2/02 about 2pm when a Sergeant of the local Police station came up to me , and questioned my presence . I told him that I was the new tenant and gave him the name of the Alma Clark real estate company Brisbane ,he was later to check with Alma Clark real estate to confirm my story .
One important point the police sergeant made to me { his words } was there had been complaints of privet detectives racing around in cars sniffing around my rental property . This was significant but I could not tell the police sergeant that I was the reason that the FEDS recruited the private detectives that were sniffing around 186 Crosby Rd ...
I went strait to Alma Clark real estate company and told them I would not be able to take 186 Crosby Rd Rental , but would take any other unit on there books . I decided it would be safer for my wife and baby to be in a busy street unit as this FEDS persecution was intensifying . I rented the above mentioned unit 1/81 Riverton Street Clayfield Brisbane QLD . Approximate move in date 1/3/02 , is was very stressful to witness the FEDS take possession of at least 7 other very close proximity rental units/houses on the same day we moved in ! {the same day } in Riverton St and at every exit street corner as well as the 2 or more available units in our building . One of them directly above us this I believe was used for electronic surveillance 24/7 and many people were coming and going from this above unit almost in a shift like fashion { these units were vacant the day we moved in } as said we witnessed 6 or 7 removal trucks and units being tenanted on the day we moved in , .We were so distressed , to even walk in Riverton St with our baby in the pram provoked a strong presence of FEDS recruits, speeding cars fast revving engines racing past us in an intimidating fashion { note these were/are not young hoons in hotted up cars } many were/are very well dressed people in late model expensive cars some abbreviated number plate themes seemed to match private detectives out of the Brisbane yellow pages . Because of the size of this FEDS operation with upwards of 10 vehicle overt/covert in car persecution I believe many Brisbane Private Detective agencies have been utilised at one point during this period .
Please note I contacted Alma Clark Realty Clayfeild Brisbane by phone on the 2/12/03 requesting the address of the house I rejected { 186 Crosby Rd Albion Qld } at first they told me they would not supply me the details but then called back today 3/12/03 and gave me the address . Alma Clark Realty should also be able to confirm the name of the Police Sergeant who contacted them approximately on the 27/2/02 to confirm my tenancy of the 186 Crosby Rd house that I latter that day rejected, and my acceptance of 1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Unit . Also I believe they would be able to confirm the AFP/COS FEDS tenancy of the unit above us at 1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Brisbane .
During the above period I was also searching for work and got an interview for a Brisbane company I attended the first interview and they asked me to come back the next day .{ this was approximately the last week of February 2002 } The next day by accident, I was to early for the interview and drove toward the Brisbane river to take up some spare time , a road took me to a Brisbane Yacht Club it was a dead end road I had noticed that surveillance cars had backed off completely as I entered this long road to the Sailing Club . As I reached the very end of this road there was a large parking area with a view of the river the time was about 11am . And already parked , were 3 cars all with Qld number plates with the letters AFP , I parked and waited just 10 metres away the occupants were men and I did recognise them from in car surveillance .
These AFP plated cars left about 20 minutes later and I
felt certain at that point this was , as I had thought an Australian Federal Police run operation .But in conjunction with the Centrelink Optical Surveillance . FEDS . I never got the job from that interview .
I started work at a company called TMPC Publishing 34 Station Street Nundah Qld 4012 Phone 07- 38660000 approximate commencement date 20/2/02 just prior to moving from Centrepoint Apartments . This was my first employment since returning to Queensland and this is also the first time I became aware that the FEDS had now resorted to placing one of there people in TMPC { I now know this to be general FEDS practise} I believe to report my movements and specifically co-ordinate immediate rolling surveillance to sweep past me should I put a foot outside the office of TMPC . I assume they did not expect that I would be able to notice this mans placement and the reporting he was doing. The name of the person the AFP/FEDS placed in TMPC with me is Warren Morris he arrived at TMPC several days after I was employed . I witnessed Mr Morris notify my movements to AFP/FEDS for a ten week period ! Please Note TMPC is a company that is very security conscious with video surveillance at all entrances so without having a AFP/FEDS person inside with me AFP/COS could not see me , to co-ordinate immediate emotional distressing in car drive bys and on foot intimidation . TMPC can verify this Mr Warren Morris employment and the AFP/FEDS will be found to also have been employing Mr Warren Morris .
The AFP/COS FEDS had a complete operation around TMPC Nundah Qld during my term of employment there ,which is walking distance from Nundah Centrelink . And Centrelink did contact me during the May 2002 period regarding my employment at TMPC I explained my registered business losses the fact that the ATO had written me stating that I had no dept to them , and that I retained a letter from Centrelink stating I could retain my pension for my son , Centrelink decided to consider it an over payment . But I walked to Nundah Centrelink QLD that day and demanded all and any payment I was receiving be immediately stoped !
There would be documentation to verify these Centrelink records .
The significant point re cancelling of my pension at Nundah Qld Centrelink branch at the end of May 2002 , was that as soon as I did this, for the next 1 to 2 days the Surveillance completely backed of STOPED .
But then recommenced I believe under a full Australian Federal Police run operation that continues to date, this would I believe make sense of all international AFP FEDS actions so far .
My wife and I felt trapped and so stressed with overwhelming numbers of AFP/COS FEDS recruits harassing our ever movement we decided it was time to use our $5000 dollars of emergency money to leave the country in hope that by doing so the AFP/COS FEDS would leave us in peace { they did not !}. My wife needed her family to support her she was emotionally drained and with baby of only 8 months I would say she was to the point of a nervous breakdown with this AFP/COS FEDS persecution { I felt the same emotionally but had no choice but to keep going to get my wife and baby home to the support of her family }
On the way to the Brisbane GPO to collect our babies passport May 2002
on the Brisbane streets leading in to the city a { 3 lane one way street } with my wife and baby in the car the AFP/COS FEDS enclosed around us using 4 cars .My car positioned in the middle lane AFP/COS/FEDS cars left right front and rear no more than a metre from hitting our car . By the time we parked in the city and walked into the GPO my wife was badly shaken by the ordeal in the car ,forgetting the babies photos that we needed for the passport and nearly braking down when the post office man requested them I asked her to hold on, and that she would soon be home to the Philippines , we got some other photos and submitted our sons passport documentation .
We sold all of our possessions and had a garage sale at 1/81 Riverton St ,our plan being to leave Australia behind us as this AFP/COS persecution was to much to handle ! We had hoped that this would end as soon as we left the country . On the day of move out we phoned for a taxi { I had witnessed the AFP had been using some taxis for in car surveillance at times previously , and when the taxi arrived I did recognise the driver .
It was the first of June 2002 when we phoned the taxi , and walked out of the {1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Qld } as we put the baby in the taxi and then our baggage , the AFP/FEDS tenants above our unit that we had only seen coming and going in shifts . Walked out in a display that was simply meant to sink our hopes . They the AFP were this very moment 1/6/02 leaving 81 Riverton St same time as us , 2 women and one man {just part of the 24/7 team coming and going } .
There above listening surveillance job finished . This was not a hotel it was suburban units . They laughed and smirked at us , they had over night bags in hand , this was the view we had leaving Riverton St Note my wife clearly witnessed this AFP walk out , but for the most part she tries not to look at them ,it is to much for her to deal with !
Only a week or so before we had witnessed lots of removal trucks emptying the other 7 or so AFP rental properties immediate to our location.
1/6/02 we road the taxi to the SDK Hotel { run by Centre Point Apartment management our recent landlord } We only planed to stay 4 days or so as we were due to fly out of Brisbane International Airport to the Philippines on the 5/6/02 on Singapore Airlines flight SQ246 at 00.15am We were given a room at the hotel and tried to relax , but the AFP were really applying so much pressure overwhelming on foot overt intimidation tactics . This continued through the night constantly banging the walls of the adjoining room and sliding doors abruptly to disturb any chance of peace note this was from late to early morning .
I hoped it was just a last passing shot at us before we left the country , it was not ! With this intense persecution continuing at the hotel we decided to check out on the morning 2/6/02 . We arranged a bus to take us to my parents house on the Sunshine Coast Qld, there were more than 10 AFP/FEDS recruited vehicles making there selves very visible to me as we road the bus , there were also several AFP recruits on the bus with us .
We stayed 2 nights with my parents , unable to explain the intense pressure we were under by the AFP , and we hoped and prayed it would soon end when we got on the plane . About 6pm on the 4/6/02 we said our good bys at my parents. We boarded the Sun Air pick up bus services loaded our baggage got on with our baby waved good by as the AFP/FEDS were driving overt surveillance cars up and down my parents suburban rd .
There were 10 plus AFP cars following us to Brisbane International Airport we arrived after 8pm on the 4/6/02 still hopeful this AFP/FEDS would stop now that we were leaving the country . I was shattered to see several AFP couples and individuals joining the que at check in. I clearly recognised them and could again . I had seen these AFP people during on foot and in car surveillance in the recent past of that period on several occasions .
And now they were about to board our flight to the Philippines on Singapore Air SQ246 at 00.15am on the 5/6/02 . And Singapore Airlines Flight records will confirm AFP personnel assigned to surveillance duty of myself and my family were on this flight . If attainable Via legal measures .
At the AFP controlled Brisbane International Departure Lounge we were sitting in silence with our baby our hopes shattered of being free of this AFP persecution . I was telling my wife that maybe the AFP were just making sure we were going to the Philippines and would soon stop. It was around 10pm 4/6/02 with about 2hrs before our flight we sat in close proximity of the toilets and amenities when one of the AFP couples that were in the check in que beside us crossed behind our seated position the man continued the women stoped 3 metres to the rear of me and gave a very sarcastic smirk looking me right in the eyes and verballed something that I cant recall ? as she put some rubbish in the bin . At that point {in the AFP controlled , heavily camera surveillance Brisbane International departure lounge as stated at about 10pm on the 4/6/02} I could hold back no longer and let her have my full thoughts of her in very loud very colourful language many other passengers witnessed the outburst from me . She just walked away from us and hid with her partner towards the end of the departure lounge bar from memory .
The significant point is that an extremely loud 20 second outburst from myself a passenger about to board an international flight, directed towards a fellow passenger would attract attention of the AFP and complaint from that passenger or at least the partner of the women . Because if I was wrong in recognising this AFP couple and targeting my outburst at this AFP women in that environment with only 9 months since the September 11 tragedy . I am certain I would of at the very least been questioned by the AFP immediately but the AFP did not because this is an AFP persecution . No complaint came from anyone !
Because of this outburst my wife started shaking un controllably I took her and our baby to the baby change room and for 45 minutes promised I would never lose my control with these AFP again she didn’t feel she could get on the plane but we eventually went back out to the departure lounge and she was still shaking but less . We managed to board the flight it left at 12.15am .
We landed in Singapore at 605 am on the 5/6/02 had a 3hr stop over AFP surveillance with us continuously , but they had backed of a bit since my outburst in Brisbane departure lounge . We boarded flight SQ72 Singapore Air at 945am on the 5/6/02 and left Singapore .We arrived in the Philippines at 13.15 local time on the 5/6/02 .
As we passed through the Manila Airport walk ways it was very evident to me that the Philippines officials had been informed of this {AFP fabrication } to justify this surveillance of me ! Please note that I am a very seasoned traveller to the Philippines more than 20 times over many years , and have never experienced Philippines Officials interest in me at any time before this date 5/6/02. AFP fabricated this state of interest.
We were met at Manila International Airport by my wife’s family and driven to the Great Eastern Hotel Quezon City . Leaving Manila airport I was aware we had Philippines surveillance vehicles with us under the AFP control . On the morning of the 6/6/02 at the above mentioned hotel I noticed Australian nationals AFP surveillance at the hotel , this was almost the last time I would see AFP Australian nationals doing this surveillance in the Philippines until I departed about 4 weeks later . From this point onward the AFP I believe coordinated with Philippine Officials involvement 24/7 surveillance in the Philippines . We checked out of the hotel a week latter .
I had rented a house in Quezon City { we had been under constant 24/7 AFP surveillance In Quezon City } I furnished the house made sure that my wife and baby were okay and then purchased a one way ticket to London England on British Airways Flight Departed Manila International Airport on the 24/6/02 Evening flight standard route from Manila to London one stop , arriving at London Heathrow Airport on the morning of the 26/6/02 about 6 am London time . I witnessed AFP Australian nationals surveillance at Manila Airport and on the flight to London .
I was picked up at Heathrow Airport by my cousin who lived in Basildon . The AFP car surveillance of 10 plus vehicles commenced on departure of the London Airport 26/6/02. The AFP standard surveillance practice {in my case overt persecution } that I had experienced now since November 2000 , some 19 months , that included the same renting all line of sight properties all adjoining properties to any place I stayed in England ,my aunties house Basildon ,a Swiss Cottage room I rented, and then back to my cousins house Basildon .
The standard AFP full team of in car upwards of 10 vehicles and on foot upwards of 20 people surveillance commenced on my arrival in England . AFP applied intense pressure to me whilst in London . For the next 4
months in London I struggled with this intimidation of a large team of English AFP recruits Australian AFP directed .I believe English officials would have been informed re this AFP operation with an AFP fabrication of lies to justify it .
I just managed to support my wife and baby in the Philippines . One publishing company I worked for in London as a salesman was called Setform a large publisher 20 plus titles The AFP placed a recruit in my department with in a week , to report my movements just the same as they had done in TMPC publishing Nundah Qld Aus , this AFP recruits name was Keith ……..? ! Setform London could supply his full name it was approximately August 2002 it would be confirmed that this person was also employed by the AFP. I did approach this Keith in private for minutes at a time in stairwells of Setform London on several occasions to try and convince him myself and my family were suffering because of this intense AFP situation , and that I was a good family man innocent and non deserving of this persecution .
Keith made no complaint to any of my Setform directors and or other staff members re my short to the point discussions with him as he was employed by the AFP. I believe Keith was very close to helping me , and had I had more time at Setform I may have been able to convince Keith to help me with vital information I required to approach the officials of this persecution legally .
Being under so much pressure I was not doing very well re my employment as a commission sales person with small retainer , it equated to borderline existents in London { you can not function well with this type of psychological torture applied by the AFP }
Setform offered me a commission only position and I could not accept it without the retainer so I looked for other work in London and was given a job with { the Automotive Purchasing News } this was a small company also in London . The AFP quickly acquired / rented all line of site properties to this work premises .
The AFP had also rented one of the rooms in the boarding house I was dwelling in at Swiss Cottage . The other tenants and landlord were confused as to the reason that the AFP tenant was never in his room of corse AFP un known to them .
But the day the landlord brought the {tenant AFP } to look over the only vacant room at my Swiss Cottage address approximately September 2002, I immediately recognised him as an AFP that I had now seen in Australia and I believe in transit through Singapore Airport previously, he just smirked and greeted me .All though I had a lock on my door this would not of been sufficient to keep the AFP out. I believe the AFP were accessing my room and since I was under full surveillance there was plenty of opportunity to access my personal property , as stated previously this is overt persecution !, on my arrival home to this Swiss Cottage address from work ,timed for visual torment 2 AFP were waiting at my floor elevator they entered with standard smirk ,man and women I believe they just wanted to let me know they had been there in my room .
I was running out of money to pay rent etc etc and got to the point of preparing to sleep in my cheap car . But I phoned my cousin who allowed me to stay at there house , I did some handy man work locally in the South End region of England close to my Grand Mothers house , I was an emotional wreck at this point and badly needed to see my wife and baby but because of this AFP pressure had not been able to earn enough to purchase a ticket to the Philippines I was in such a state that I had no option but to speak with my Grand Mother , she was happy to help me with some money for ticket e to get home to see my family .
I was exhausted extremely stressed emotionally drained . English AFP recruits were particularly intimidating at times pursuing me at high speed in cars , and speeding cars at me when I would be crossing the road .
I managed to leave London on the 21/10/02 on Gulf Air flight {6y}departed Heathrow 20.30pm ,arrived Abu Dhabi 06.35am 22/10/02 Departed Abu Dhabi 12.15pm Gulf Air Flight { 254Y } Arrived Manila 01.25am on the 23/10/02 . Note all flights that are mentioned will be found to have AFP on board whom are involved in this persecution of me and my family .
My wife’s brothers picked me up in the early hours from manila Airport on the 23/10/02 because it was around 3am there was almost no traffic on the Manila streets heading to Quezon City accept the AFP Philippine recruits vehicles about 5plus visual for psychological impact .
23/10/02 I arrived at my Quezon City Philippines rental property I was so pleased to see my wife I had missed her greatly , and my sons 1st birthday 11/10/02 . With in 2 weeks the AFP had all line of site surveillance in place and at times when I would go to the local shopping centre AFP Philippine recruits would drive past in quiet streets with 3 or 4 locals in car and make actions as if raising a weapon from the car when driving past me , although very intimidating I soon realised this was more of the same AFP persecution scare tactics , it did ad to my grave concerns of this AFP operation .
I had 3 months with my wife and baby in the Philippines but we quickly started to run out of money with no employment. My wife was very distressed when I informed her of the the close proximity of the AFP surveillance she was also emotionally drained and in tears and told me to find a way to stop this AFP persecution as it was far to much to handle .
More than any young mother of first child should ever have to endure nothing short of a despicable act by the AFP
Approximately 16/1/03 we had to move to my wife’s brothers home in the province regions Philippines it was a difficult place to live but we had no choice and no money , I had arranged to use an expired Singapore airlines ticket the one I first left Australia with and was very lucky that Sing Air allowed me to travel on this ticket back to Australia . I said good by to my wife and baby on the 22/1/03 and road a bus to Manila then a taxi to the Manila Airport .
I flew out of the Philippines very worried for my wife and baby who I had left with very little money as I needed to pay for my travel expenses I had { $150 pounds uk money } of which it cost a 100 pounds to pay immigration for overstaying my visa I was not prepaid for this, and put it down to AFP extreme stress . I departed Manila Airport at 6.00pm 22/1/03 Sing Air flight SQ075 landed in Singapore Airport 9.25pm 22/1/03 departed 1050am on the 23/1/03 flight SQ245 arrived Brisbane Australia 23/1/03 at 815pm with only 50 pounds uk money in my pocket . It would be confirmed that the AFP were present with me on all of the above flights .
Fortunately I had prearranged accommodation for a week at the SDK Centre Point Brisbane via the phone in the Philippines with the new Manager Barry this was out of desperation as although the AFP gave us hell there previously before leaving Australia.
I had no choice no money and no accommodation ,this is the result of what the AFP are doing to us . I arrived at the door of the Centre Point 69 Lichardt St Spring Hill Brisbane Qld at about 1030pm 23/1/03 . I was met by the then Manager BARRY ……..
{The current managers are Mr & Mrs Nicholes who could confirm BARRYS surname }
The AFP had obviously prompted Mr Barry …… as we had never met he greeted me by name without question it was dark he did not request any I/D just gave me keys to the SDK hotel over the road , I went to my room exhausted with almost no money I had lost a lot of weight was so depressed and to the point of wanting to take my own life , if not for my wife and baby I may off . The AFP had been given access to the store room above my room by the Centre Point / SDK hotel Manager Barry …… This was my first night back in Brisbane 11pm or so on the 23/1/03 . The AFP started stamping on the sealing above me continually through the night . The AFP new I was out of money away from my wife and baby and were applying extreme pressure .
The next day the 24/1/03 I changed the 50 pound note it gave me around AUD $130. I needed to get my uk mobile phone a new sim card I went to an Optus shop near Queen Street mall AFP swarming me , I saw a surveillance car stop and 2 people I believe to be AFP get out laughing and cross the road to the Optus shop , I went back to another phone shop to avoid the AFP but they did not have the sim card I needed so desperately needing my phone to keep contact with my wife I went back to the Optus shop , the usual process is to just give you a sim card package and the young man serving me was about to, but the manager a lady stepped in and took my phone out the back of the shop ,out of sight and was gone for about 10 minutes and returned with my phone saying it was fine now .But I beleive my phone was tampered with by the AFP as said they crossed the road in front of me and entered the shop prior . This Optus Shop manager should be able to confirm the AFP were there .
I spent the next week trying to get work I had almost no food to eat for that
Period and the AFP recruits were swarming me on the streets of Brisbane , the bill for the room came put under my door . By Barry ……….The Centre Point/SDK manager who would be found to have been assisting the AFP.
I had no choice now I was almost on the streets of Brisbane with no money no food no job all forced by the AFP.
I phoned my mother I was an emotional wreck my parents threw me a lifeline , I got a bus to there Buderim home my parents said I looked very stressed and heaps under weight . I could not confide the reasons to them at that time . On the 2nd night about 2/2/03 I heard rustling in the below bush of my parents bush garden pole house I went to the balcony to witness a person I believe to be an AFP recruit crawling through the bush he hid knowing that I had spotted him , I believe the AFP were trying to fit listening devices under the bottom level room . At the first opportunity the Fed backed tracked into the darkness out of sight .
The AFP quickly rented all the line of sight houses available very close my parents home I do know the addresses . At one point in my room at my parents house I was text messaging my wife { I had hoped these could not be read by the AFP but that was not the case , the AFP just to sink home some emotional torture ,let out distant laughter and made sure I could here the loud text message 6 beep tone that instructs message received , note this was very late at night and was just a small example of the emotional distress they the AFP were and are inflicting on us as a family . This was just the AFP way to let me know that not even the most intimate conversations or text messages between myself and my wife passed without the AFP knowing .
I managed to re establish my Centrelink parenting pension and quickly sent my wife enough money to move her and my baby to much better but very small humble dwelling in the Philippines . Thanks to my parents I got back on my feet in about 2 months . I had some money and a car , I went back to Brisbane for work , got a cheap room and worked at the community TV station Bris 31 selling air space , there was limited opportunities at Bris 31 and with this AFP high pressure invading every employment situation I was not making any good money .
The AFP new I was close to a complete brake down , missing my wife and son badly the AFP were expecting me to go back to the Philippines they knew I had just enough money to do so , the date must have been approximately 25/5/03 I was in a Brisbane City at a Dick Smith Store when the AFP brought in I believe a Philippine Official {as stated I have been going to the Philippines around 18yrs I believe this man was a Philippines Official brought to Australia by the AFP for what reason I cant be sure ?}
This Philippines Official walked past me took a very good look at me I believe he was with a senior AFP, in a Brisbane Dick Smith Store I assume to be able clearly I/D me in the Philippines ? I don’t know but took it as a serious threat ! and I am very reluctant to go back to the Philippines at this time , as life is very cheap there and I believe this AFP operation has highlighted and threatened me and my families safety in the Philippines .
About the end of May 2003 I decided to go back to Sydney .I arrived in Sydney and stayed at the Lamrock Lodge { back packers } 19 Lamrock Ave Bondi Beach NSW 2026 the address of my current drivers licence . I stayed 7 to 10 days ? Whilst desperately searching for work . At this point I was badly missing my wife and baby son I was being stood over intimidated with sheer size and presence of this current to date AFP operation . My wife was reluctant to return to Australia for obvious reasons with this AFP persecution going on .
I was getting very scared I would not see my son for long time . I was very concerned by the recent experience with the Philippines Official that I believe AFP had brought to Australia yes I was scared to go back to the Philippines , and my wife scared to come home to Australia . This situation I believe favoured the AFP motive they had seen me brake down in public at the telephone talking to my wife pleading with her to come home as I truly believed the AFP would set me up in the Philippines or worse ? And I was starting to think I would not see my wife and baby again . My wife thank God reassured me she would come home as soon as I had a place for us all to stay .My wife would confirm I was a broken man emotionally at that point . My wife gave me the hope I needed to keep going .
The next day after publicly braking down in the Bondi phone box around the 3/6/03 AFP recruits decided to start crossing my path holding hands with young toddlers about same age as my own 18 month old son these tactics I believe were used by the AFP to take me to the brink of despair in hope that I would lash out at the AFP or commit suicide . I WAS CLOSE TO IT , BUT WENT TO CHURCH .
I went to a local Bondi Centre Church and spoke with the lady standing in for the priest she was very nice as were the other church goers they could all see that I was a broken man emotionally . I confided this terrible AFP problem to the lady priest it helped me gain hope.
On one occasion an AFP man came out of a Lamrock Street dwelling to cross my path overtly in my full view placing a microphone in his ear , I did yell abuse at him calling him AFP etc etc he made no complaint . The AFP reply was with a police paddy wagon following me to Gosford and back the next day , The AFP used the police presence to try and intimidate me further .
I found a job in Gosford on the 10/6/03 the company was called Expo Exhibitions 14/31 Dwyer St North Gosford Phone 02-43 222544 . The AFP promptly rented several offices in the same row as Expo Exhibition ,The AFP did this in a progressive manor over the next 2 or 3 weeks I assume so that this large AFP team would not noticed , note these offices were beside the railway line at Gosford in a long strait line.
There were only about 3 offices out of around 10 tenanted when I arrived to start working for Expo on the 10/6/03 with a small number of cars in the car park. By the time I left on or around the 21/7/03 there was a large number of AFP recruits cars in the car park and around 7 of 10 offices rented I would say 3 or more taken by the AFP . I believe this AFP operation was being noticed by my Expo employer , I am aware that the then new/? General Manager did notice. and shortly after my employment was terminated .
The letter says that I did not make enough sales but I can prove that I was the only one making sales during this period more than $30,000 in sales for Expo . This GM? did have a private investigating back ground and quite frankly the numbers of AFP recruits cars with number plates expressing actual 007 themes , or PI , or SS or GOV any number of ego driven expressions relating to the surveillance they do . Which explains some what the mind level of these AFP public and private recruits and the overt nature of what the AFP are trying to do to me re the intimidation etc etc . The FEDS recruit dangerous ego driven people to do there dirty work .
The commuting I did from Hornsby on a daily basis to work was with large number of AFP in car surveillance overt dangerous driving tactics tale gating , cutting off , blinding lights rear , I would have to turn all mirrors in my car out of my eyesight . If investigated it would be found that the landlords of these offices at 31 Dwyer St North Gosford NSW did rent them to the AFP.
On the 9/6/03 I took tenancy of our current address 15/5 Dural Street Hornsby NSW 2077 Phone 02-99872451
The AFP have moved into all available adjoining units and all line of sight units and continue to dwell . at this moment the AFP are electronically surveillance us from the above unit 23/5 Dural St Hornsby they also use various other psychological torture methods from the above unit . To date 15/8/04 I am concerned the strength of these devices could cause harm long term and we have a baby here !
This is a major overt AFP directed persecution operation here in Hornsby NSW 2077 . Surrounding our rental unit the local Hornsby Police are aware of this AFP operation our unit is only 150 metres from the Hornsby Police station and court house . And with upwards of 10 AFP cars of recruits overtly driving past me at speed and at times speeding at me when I have crossed the road with my baby in my arms . The AFP have at times I believe arranged for the Police to make there presence to me in the form early morning daylight displays blue flashing lights on occasions when I have been preparing to send letters of complaint to the NSW Ombudsman etc etc
I possess video footage of the AFP recruits in cars in Hornsby as well as footage of all known AFP rental premises in Hornsby and because I do know some the various AFP rental units they are using I believe the local Hornsby Real Estate companies would be able to confirm the AFP presence .
My wife arrived back in Sydney with our baby from the Philippines on the 29/6/03 also on Singapore Airlines ,and had to face great anguish and fear to do so knowing the AFP are still continuing this persecution it has at times since brought her close to a nervous brake down as it has myself .
I witnessed AFP greet there own partners at Sydney International Airport from the same flight as my wife’s I assume the FEDS had maintained a surveillance operation in the Philippines expecting my retune.
I started to work at the Pacific Union Company 4 Hercules St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Ph 02-92113721 on the 1/9/03 The AFP are continuing a full team operation around my work place and have to date 8/12/03 placed 3 AFP recruits in my place of employment one being Criss Sharp , Toby Argile & Kristina …….. as said previously the AFP are aware that I would be able to spot there people . The AFP recruit called Toby Argile I have previously witnessed surveillance me during home to work train travel , the AFP women Kristina had forgotten to remove her standard GOV I/D hanging from her waist line when by chance I was going downstairs , and she was coming up stairs with my boss for interview .She saw that I had noticed it and removed it promptly .
Many AFP recruits have at times at distance whilst walking across my path displayed there I/D in an overt exhibition on the street , I assume to install fear ,cheek, we are untouchable ? The three AFP with in my place of work were there to inform on my every movement keep the pressure up none stop. They will be found to be associated with the AFP . I did not come back to this employer after Christmas .2003.
Following this employment I started working for GDS International 1/1/04 again selling advertising space , I was there until June 2004. One of the FEDS who of corse joined with me name was Glen Tido , it took me about 1 week to sus him out with absolute certainty . He was really pushing me hard under FEDS direction , he was failing as a salesman kept taking 2 weeks off at a time now and again just to stay in the job because of the sell in 2 month
policy at GDS or your out the door. Unlike me I have been selling advertising space on and of for more than 15 years . He couldn’t handle the fact that I had his measure he was caught out , so he had to push for a result FEDS wanted me out of there , as I was starting to make some money Glen Tido made his move in the Pub below the GDS office . He was drunk and verballing me in a real threatening manor FEDS needed me to brake the law or lose my job as they do now . On this occasion I lost it I saw red a fight broke out . Glen Tido was soon asked to leave GDS everyone thought he was a very suspicious person I could not tell them he was and is a FED .
The Feds don’t want me to earn to much money , money will bring lawyers and some form of security .Glen Tido will be found to be a FED along with Sara ….? Im now out of work at home trying to expose this federal attack . 23/8/04
I would like to make the point that I do not have a criminal record or background . I am a producer of an Australian Stranger Danger Video for Children endorsed by QLD state schools and child care centres copies of letters available , and that I am of good character and a loving father and husband .
The AFP /FEDS are rotating large numbers of surveillance personnel . They are doing this to me without any consideration for my wife and baby and the harm they are causing us. I assume they are doing this because they cannot charge me with anything as I have no criminal record and obey the law, and the fact that I told them Centrelink AFP/FEDS of the recording of there personnel on my answer machine 4yrs ago . I feel this has threatened the AFP/COS/FEDS establishment as I have sadly caught them out , God knows how much I would love to have not . And the FEDS know I don’t want one bit of this but they wont stop hurting me and my wife and baby . It seems to be the self preservation attitude governments have at all cost .
It should also be pointed out that approximately 18 years ago in the Brisbane supreme court I won a case against the Australian federal police . The Government never forgets !
And that Centrelink to date refuses to supply my complete file regarding Centrelink Optical Surveillance .
I do have a friend who has a marijuana drug addiction and has convictions for this . This combined with my many trips to the Philippines may of assisted the AFP to achieve phone tapping and surveillance rights against me ?
Although I do not have the legal ability to seek information on vehicle number plates I do possess photographs of the said AFP and AFP recruited vehicles . And Video footage , and the answer machine recorded tape with AFP/COS talking about my movements .
The following names are of AFP recruits that have actively assisted the AFP / COS with this operation .
Mr Robert .G. Gough & Mrs Jill Gough 365 Fairfeild Rd Yeronga Qld
Mr Warren Morris TMPC Publishers 34 Station Street Nundah Qld
Keith …… Setform Publishers London England
Barry ……. Manager Centre point / SDK hotel 69 Leichardt St Spring Hill Brisbane Qld
Chris Sharp , Toby Arguile , Kristine ? Pacific Union Surry Hills NSW
Frank & Leoni Managers of Nundah Self Storage QLD
Glen Tido ? Sara ? GDS International Sydney
Peter McMillan {above our unit } 23/5 Dural St Hornsby {Terrorising} us and our child
Note any peoples names here connected with a place of employment joined the company just days after I did . And yes through forced im able to spot all undercover FEDS.
Businesses who could confirm AFP involvement at dates stated .
Alma Clark Real-estate Clayfeild Qld
Singapore Airlines
Brittish Airways
Gulf Air
Centre Point apartments Spring Hill QLD previous management
Hornsby Real Estate companies
Optus Shop Brisbane .
I do hold grave fears that the AFP/COS FEDS may try to set me up in some way be it here or in the Philippines As they will have plenty to answer for when the truth comes out .
A quote from Centrelink.
Where offences may have been committed against the Commonwealth and where cases fall within referral guidelines, they are investigated (or referred to the Australian Federal Police if appropriate) and referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions for possible prosecution action.
From July 1999, under the Enhanced Investigation Initiative, selected private firms were contracted to provide surveillance services. These firms help investigate cases of serious social security fraud where traditional methods of investigation are unsuccessful. Firms providing these services receive only information necessary to conduct surveillance and a specialist Centrelink surveillance project officer controls each case. Contracts with firms selected to undertake surveillance work contain strong privacy and confidentiality safeguards.
FaCS closely monitored the progress of this initiative and regularly reported on the initiative.
In 1999-2000, surveillance providers had received 1 446 cases. Of these, 1 063 were finalised and resulted in a debt or reduced payment in 747 cases (70 per cent).
Savings to future outlays as a result of cancelled or reduced payments total
$4 167 982. Debts of $3 996 113 were identified for recovery action.
. A letter for Mr Mark Latham current Australian federal opposition leader.
{ do you care about women and babies }
You’re in the position to help us if you choose to do so . I have tried to reach your office .The persecution of myself and my family is going on this very moment in Hornsby NSW by a large Australian Federal Government team If you are told and accept there are legitimate reasons for this overt {Note not covert } persecution of me and my family by the current Government including the Australian Federal Police then you are happy to accept a total fabrication of lies and will put this in the to hard basket ? In GODS name we have a 2yr old please don’t let us down, look at the massive waste of public money here, against any results gained for the Government . I have broken no laws im a family man and Im also the producer of the only true Children’s Stranger Danger video endorsed by a QLD state schools and many child care groups . Help us please .Under these circumstances I fear that we are at great imminent risk ,the stress is beyond measure . The facts are below ! Even the Commonwealth Ombudsman refuses to Investigate this matter , Evan though I have offered to supply Video and Photographic & recorded evidence they refuse to look at it ! Look at it Mr Latham !
PHILIP RUDOCK MP TORTURE of AUS FAMILY WITH BABY LIBERAL DIRT UNIT 4YRS ONGOING FEDERAL PSYCOLOGICAL TORTURE HUGE TEAM 40 PLUS NASTY FEDS ENCAMPED AROUND FAMILY unit . Indymedia being hacked by Feds stop truth getting out ,Feds cut ph 20/8/04 telstra case no 112673769.print now please. incoming calls mob ph land ph email . indy comments replies in FEDS Control . Evil prevails when good people do nothing . please help us!
This very serious complaint of ongoing persecution and psychological torture against 3 current Australian Liberal government departments The Australian Federal Police and Centrelink Optical Surveillance I also believe ASIO because the extent of the electrical surveillance & phone tapping & access to my computer email , and post , placement of tracking devices , enter of home and property .From this point onward I will call them the AFP & COS ,ASIO FEDS I am fully aware of potential ramifications from making such a statement but simply have no choice but to do so The Australian Federal Government is hurting me my wife and our 2yr old son with great risk to our safety and well being !
Full Story to date 23/8/04
We current live at unit 15/5 Dural St Hornsby to date 15/8/04 we have been here almost 16 months the building consist of about 25 or so units . At last count the FEDS now tenant 12 or more of the units in the building . As well as another 10 or more line of sight units in other unit blocks at the rear of our 2nd floor unit balcony, 3 immediately inline to our balcony the others to the left and right .
The Hornsby head quarters for the FEDS intel gathering /torture of me and my family is the unit directly above ours is unit 23/5 Dural St Hornsby it is tenanted by a shift of FEDS , PETER McMILLAN FED car rego {PM3027} and his lovely partner are the original tenants ? And part of the FEDS team that happily carry out this Federal directed torture , from here they use various psychological torture ! In the form of {sleep deprivation /tempo raising /impact scare tactics etc etc. I don’t at this point possesses the resources to detect there electronic surveillance , but as the FEDS know that I am fully aware of there surveillance capabilities , and am capable of finding pin hole cameras or devices . I am certain the FEDS don’t want to risk additional physical proof getting in my hands .
God only knows what through floor listening devices the FEDS are using from unit 23 above us but its FEDS QUALITY no expense spared {they can here a pin drop without any question .} At a guess I would say holes drilled to say, within 5 mils above every room of our unit ,devices placed in them head sets and recording equipment on 24/7. I can here the FEDS scurry into position when my wife and I are about to be intermit , they have raised carpets to give maximum impact when dropping snooker balls/large ball bearings? or the like ,on the above concrete floor ,in the very early hours usually . They slide furniture around and drop very heavy items at a guess bowling ball ? or heaver { enough to feel it strongly through the whole building }. This scares our 2yr old who always questions what the sound is and why the man up stairs is knocking etc etc .
Heavy stamping of feet or the dropping of the heavy object is to install fear , this is usually inline with any nasty statement from a TV program {example a movie I am watching by chance or the news may have a statement about ,kid napping / shooting / or danger to a women ,} for full fear impact to me the FEDS drop there heavy objects immediately following that statement .This tactic , from my forced experience is to plant a seed of fear in me for my loved ones safety .
Tempo Raising the FEDS do this when my wife and I will be about to argue for the above reasons , they will start tapping loudly to lift our argument to a very tense level . I quickly became aware of this tactic and try under this terrible pressure to avoid argument with my wife whom I love with all my heart { she has suffered greatly as I have } by the Australian Government .
As soon as we venture outside to Dural St Hornsby the FEDS team swings into action anyone with a quality radio scanner , would here them communicating in some fabricated code , as it would take a team leader approach and a fair bit of coordination to organise a 24/7 team of about 40 Federal contracted scum . The FEDS drive by commences at speed revving engines screeching tyres no consideration for the fact that I am at times carrying my 2yr old who is being scared by the FEDS nasty actions on the street as well as at home .
Note these are not young hoons in hotted up cars doing this, {although the FEDS will change the strategy depending on exposure level I am close to } these are usually well dressed well paid Australian Federal Government employees and or contracted private firms Federally directed. Anyone who cares to look will notice 30 or more Federally themed number plated vehicles usually very late model racing past me/us whenever we are in the streets of Hornsby to date 15/8/04 . Just last month one of the FEDS cars rounded the traffic lights on the pacific highway Hornsby opposite the Hornsby train station . So close to the gutter just to give me a scare ! that they hit the gutter blowing out 2 tyres , it didn’t matter that I had my 2yr old in my arms and that to press the button for crossing positioned us just 1 foot from the gutter the FEDS car hit . Sending pieces of plastic wheel rim almost in the face of my son , only evasive action by me prevented my 2yr old thank God from being hit with the wheel rim pieces .I have dated video footage of the tyre mark and damage of the gutter . My son is still shocked about this incident and regularly mentions it , rego number of the FEDS contracted car that I have witnessed on other occasions is {ZGE 111} .
{AOY230} {APG30C} {AOA78U} {AOA88S} {ALQ98R} {AKB800} {AJX82U} {APC02W} {AOQ52P} {ABU40C} {APH83V} {ADG48B} {PM3027} {WAF632} {WJS294} {WDS788} {NXC29A} {NCI999} {SAIO75} {XEX999} {CTN980}
{APF22X} {AJM75X} {AFZ24F} {AF109} {AGT89C} {AIS54K} {AKD872} {ACJ45B} {AJE67L} {AHN532} {JW7703} {WAS363}
Because I complained to the Australian Federal welfare org CENTRELINK about possessing recorded evidence of Centrlink surveillance my family almost 4 years ago . This is a true factual account that will discredit the Australian Federal Government .I can prove a huge waste of public funds in this 4 years of persecution torture of myself my wife and our baby . The Federal Ombudsman Is Corrupt and refuses to investigate I have made available to the Ombudsman this report . The evidence I possess is in the form of video/photographs and recorded evidence as well as the verifiable , names of people and organisations that have been involved in this Persecution and Torture of me and my family including our 2yr old son . God knows its the truth .
Surveillance from what I understand should be of a covert nature and in our circumstances seemed to commence in this fashion . We had just moved into a rented house in November 2000 at { 10 Dulwich Rd Yeronga QLD 4104 Phone number 07-36300128 } The house at the opposite side on the corner of the main road was vacant . This is where I first noticed we were being watched by various people FEDS using trees of the property in an attempt to conceal themselves . I pointed this out to my wife on several occasions she did witness this but it was starting to scare her so I tried not to make a big deal about at the time , and told her it was probably Centrelink as I was receiving my social security at the time and we were trying to get a business venture of the ground . About mid December 2000 the neighbours to our right Mr Robert .G. Gough & Mrs Jill Gough of 365 Fairfield Rd Yeronga 4104 started receiving regular visits from the FEDS 2 men and a women in late Gov cars and wagons they always they had current LPG gas labels fitted to there number plates , and unusual registration windscreen stickers but were all with QLD plates . These 3 FEDS were aware that I noticed there visits . It was after the first visit from the feds that Mr & Mrs Gough started to report our movements and inform on us.
Mr Gough who is in his late 60yrs ? , would try to conceal himself from various positions in his garden , hand held phone in hand , not realising I could see him , he would be on the phone as soon as I started the engine of our car or truck , and then vehicle surveillance would start as soon as we entered the main road .
This reporting of our movements by the Goughs went on for a further 4 months with regular visits from the Feds 2 men and the women as mentioned above.
Then on the 25/3/01 I was attending my answer machine to see if any calls for work had come in from the advert I had placed in the local news paper re bobcat and truck for hire . I was some what shocked to hear the FEDS 2 men and a women talking about my movements on the answer machine recording . I can only assume at this point that one of the 3 talking had left there mobile phone on and continued to talk not knowing that it was by accident being recorded on my answer machine .{ this recording represented to me some form of proof that we were being harassed by COS /AFP,ASIO the FEDS finally proof !
So the next day or so 27th 28th/3/01, recorded proof in hand , I told Centrelink I wanted this surveillance stoped and that I retained the recorded proof .This this was a major mistake {to tell an Australian Federal Government Department you possess proof of persecution of you and your family via recorded evidence does not go over to well }
There would be telephone records held by Centrelink of my conversation re the recording . {these will most likely never see the light of day }. I am aware that all conversations are recorded by Centrelink as standard . From this point of complaint 27/3/01 to Centrelink Brisbane , things went from bad to worse .{ from covert surveillance to overt intimidation and outright persecution as it is now } to date 13/8/4 in Hornsby NSW.
We decided to sell up and leave QLD we moved out of number 10 Dulwich on approximately 20/4/01. We decided to head to Sydney hoping that this surveillance would stop by crossing the NSW border it did not !
A number of Qld FEDS vehicles followed us through the night to Sydney we were very distressed that this Federal Government persecution continued into NSW . QLD FEDS handed the operation over the NSW FEDS . We rented a unit in Sydney { 6/472b Mowbray Rd Lane Cove West NSW 2066 Phone number 02-94201969 } . . The FEDS took all available adjoining and surrounding rental premises {as is practice to our experience } . With a baby on the way due in around 6 months this compounded the extreme stress of the situation .
My wife pregnant and being away from her family who live in the Philippines and having no circle of friends or family in Sydney to help deal with this unimaginable situation . It made it hard for me to go off to work I was very worried about my wife . I started a sales position for a Surry Hills company Crowther Blayne & Associates to try and make some money with a baby on the way ! I had to endure the next six months of in car on train on foot harassment ,by what can only be described as a major Australian Federal Government team effort . I can only assume the motive is to brake us as a family or to push me to the point where I would lash out in some way against those doing this persecution . To brake me/us or to get some dirt on me at all cost , the Australian Feds Don’t care one little bit about pregnant women or new bourn babies !
At one point I purchased a camera in May/June 2001 with a large lens and started to photograph these overt/covert surveillance people from the Artarmon rail station Syd but the reaction from the AFP & COS was quite intimidating I believe the FEDS were given instruction from senior AFP/COS to make sure they intimidate me enough so that I would not to use the camera again. And at that point I was very scared for my life ! On that day by the time I had arrived at Syd Central Station there was plenty of stand over tactics being used by the FEDS { bumping shoving walking strait across my path } anything to get my attention and get there message across that I was not allowed to photograph there activities of persecuting me and my family .
With the resources available to the AFP and COS ASIO all forms of electronic surveillance are being used in order to sweep cars past us in the dead of night or any time. Example your just walking to the shop any where any place 24/7 FEDS surveillance cars would drive past in numbers , then one or 2 AFP/COS would follow you into the shop to intimidate by presence , or just to sink one into despair as to not be able to be free at any time ! This is the general FEDS practise .
I have tried in the past on various occasions to go out in the early hours say 3am to see how extensive the surveillance was ,and would very quickly have my answer as a team of FEDS cars would be covering any possible opportunity to get away from this persecution . Every street I would cross would be quickly covered by car or on foot surveillance this is at 3am for God sake ,with no one around on Sydney suburban streets only the FEDS AFP COS ,ASIO ? Surveillance . I can only assume this type of operation is to install fear {We can hear you /see you 24/7 } .We are being dogged our every move 24/7 by the AFP COS , ASIO FEDS ?
My wife has suffered as I have and our 2yr old baby and we continue to do so , over this horrid Australian Federal Persecution situation. At times we have both felt life is not worth living like this . And it was just as intense during the final weeks and days before our baby was born at the Royal North Shore Hospital on the 11/10/01. FEDS outside ,Whilst my wife underwent an emergency operation to deliver our baby. It was a very dangerous delivery as our baby and my wife were at a critical point. I will always hold the hold the COS and AFP , FEDS ASIO intimidation as a factor for the unnecessary stress placed on my wife and I during the birth of our baby . Surveillance encircled us at the hospital , I witnessed I believe senior AFP or COS FEDS personnel speaking with on duty doctors I assume to justify there team presence in the maternity ward of the Royal North Sure Hospital the days before and after the 11/10/01.
Whilst my wife was recovering in hospital I arranged for us to move temporarily to the Blue Mountains on a remote farm property cabin we rented for 3 weeks just to give her some time to recover from her operation to give birth , and being remote no surveillance could get on the property ?
It was approximately 25/10/01 when we moved from the Mowbray Rd Lane Cove Syd address up to the Blue Mountains Cabin During this time at the cabin we gathered our thoughts tried to relax with our baby .
We left the Blue Mts approximately on 17/11/01 we decided to go back to Queensland , we had a short stay on the Gold Coast so that I could go to Brisbane to get an apartment .
We moved into { Centre Point unit 29/69 Leichardt St Spring Hill Brisbane QLD 4000 ph number 07- 38320122 } on approximately 30/11/01 .
With in a week the FEDS AFP / COS had the Rented the adjoining apartment ! { Centre Point Management would retain records of tenant FEDS AFP/COS in the apartment adjoining ours } FEDS AFP/COS also rented all available line of sight apartments {as is practice to date 23/8/04}
The FEDS would have balcony gatherings with upwards of 10 team members , in line with our apartment with lots of laughter to distress us . At one time I yelled very strong words across from my balcony at them no complaint ever came it never does as they are the FEDS AFP/COS . I photographed in full view the FEDS apartments and its tenants many times they were aware but never complained {how could they} the FEDS are the ones braking the Law against us .
The FEDS continued with there oppressive tactics to achieve this I believe phone tapping electronic surveillance would be a major factor ,combined with vehicle and on foot large FEDS team effort ,stand over intimidation .
We moved out of the Centre Point Apartments approximately 29/2/02 to try and get a house to achieve a fenced perimeter . And I did try to do so as below verifies , but FEDS activities around the Crosby Rd property location made me concerned for my wife and baby . So we ended up taking a unit .
We moved into a unit this address 1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Qld 4011 ph numbers 07-38621409 & 07-38623323 and this address is significant as this was the last step before we left the country to try and be free of the AFP/COS FEDS . The real estate company was/is Alma Clark Real Estate at Clayfield Brisbane Qld The reason this rental premises is so important is that before we took tenancy of the Riverton St property I signed for another house rental at {186 Crosby Rd Albion Brisbane} also with the same Alma Clark real estate company. We needed a house to have some boundary between us and the AFP/COS FEDS ,as it was becoming to much stress in rental units since this persecution commenced. As the FEDS had been taking possession of all adjoining units above below properties. I believe for placement of through wall listening devices .
The house I selected 186 Crosby Rd Albion Brisbane fine but the day before I was due to take tenancy from Alma Clark Real Estate Brisbane I drove to the house ,and had not announced my intention to do so before leaving my Centre Point apartment , as I was certain full listening devices from the adjoining FEDS apartment would alert them to my intention of checking this new rental house for FEDS activities . I drove there with upwards of 10 car FEDS surveillance following in front rear . I arrived at the house and was not surprised to see the neighbouring house next to the one I was about to rent was in the process of a major move out { trucks people carrying furniture etc } I believe the FEDS had made some arrangement with the owners/tenants? of the house beside 186 Crosby Rd and were in the process of moving FEDS in just as I had witnessed them do previously. {I believe private detectives were contracted by FEDS for most of the surveillance in Brisbane }
I had my camera with me and started to take photos of the people moving out , I just told them I liked the property but for some reason the police were called . I was sitting in the garden of my Alma Clark rental 186 Crosby Rd it was approximately 27/2/02 about 2pm when a Sergeant of the local Police station came up to me , and questioned my presence . I told him that I was the new tenant and gave him the name of the Alma Clark real estate company Brisbane ,he was later to check with Alma Clark real estate to confirm my story .
One important point the police sergeant made to me { his words } was there had been complaints of privet detectives racing around in cars sniffing around my rental property . This was significant but I could not tell the police sergeant that I was the reason that the FEDS recruited the private detectives that were sniffing around 186 Crosby Rd ...
I went strait to Alma Clark real estate company and told them I would not be able to take 186 Crosby Rd Rental , but would take any other unit on there books . I decided it would be safer for my wife and baby to be in a busy street unit as this FEDS persecution was intensifying . I rented the above mentioned unit 1/81 Riverton Street Clayfield Brisbane QLD . Approximate move in date 1/3/02 , is was very stressful to witness the FEDS take possession of at least 7 other very close proximity rental units/houses on the same day we moved in ! {the same day } in Riverton St and at every exit street corner as well as the 2 or more available units in our building . One of them directly above us this I believe was used for electronic surveillance 24/7 and many people were coming and going from this above unit almost in a shift like fashion { these units were vacant the day we moved in } as said we witnessed 6 or 7 removal trucks and units being tenanted on the day we moved in , .We were so distressed , to even walk in Riverton St with our baby in the pram provoked a strong presence of FEDS recruits, speeding cars fast revving engines racing past us in an intimidating fashion { note these were/are not young hoons in hotted up cars } many were/are very well dressed people in late model expensive cars some abbreviated number plate themes seemed to match private detectives out of the Brisbane yellow pages . Because of the size of this FEDS operation with upwards of 10 vehicle overt/covert in car persecution I believe many Brisbane Private Detective agencies have been utilised at one point during this period .
Please note I contacted Alma Clark Realty Clayfeild Brisbane by phone on the 2/12/03 requesting the address of the house I rejected { 186 Crosby Rd Albion Qld } at first they told me they would not supply me the details but then called back today 3/12/03 and gave me the address . Alma Clark Realty should also be able to confirm the name of the Police Sergeant who contacted them approximately on the 27/2/02 to confirm my tenancy of the 186 Crosby Rd house that I latter that day rejected, and my acceptance of 1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Unit . Also I believe they would be able to confirm the AFP/COS FEDS tenancy of the unit above us at 1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Brisbane .
During the above period I was also searching for work and got an interview for a Brisbane company I attended the first interview and they asked me to come back the next day .{ this was approximately the last week of February 2002 } The next day by accident, I was to early for the interview and drove toward the Brisbane river to take up some spare time , a road took me to a Brisbane Yacht Club it was a dead end road I had noticed that surveillance cars had backed off completely as I entered this long road to the Sailing Club . As I reached the very end of this road there was a large parking area with a view of the river the time was about 11am . And already parked , were 3 cars all with Qld number plates with the letters AFP , I parked and waited just 10 metres away the occupants were men and I did recognise them from in car surveillance .
These AFP plated cars left about 20 minutes later and I
felt certain at that point this was , as I had thought an Australian Federal Police run operation .But in conjunction with the Centrelink Optical Surveillance . FEDS . I never got the job from that interview .
I started work at a company called TMPC Publishing 34 Station Street Nundah Qld 4012 Phone 07- 38660000 approximate commencement date 20/2/02 just prior to moving from Centrepoint Apartments . This was my first employment since returning to Queensland and this is also the first time I became aware that the FEDS had now resorted to placing one of there people in TMPC { I now know this to be general FEDS practise} I believe to report my movements and specifically co-ordinate immediate rolling surveillance to sweep past me should I put a foot outside the office of TMPC . I assume they did not expect that I would be able to notice this mans placement and the reporting he was doing. The name of the person the AFP/FEDS placed in TMPC with me is Warren Morris he arrived at TMPC several days after I was employed . I witnessed Mr Morris notify my movements to AFP/FEDS for a ten week period ! Please Note TMPC is a company that is very security conscious with video surveillance at all entrances so without having a AFP/FEDS person inside with me AFP/COS could not see me , to co-ordinate immediate emotional distressing in car drive bys and on foot intimidation . TMPC can verify this Mr Warren Morris employment and the AFP/FEDS will be found to also have been employing Mr Warren Morris .
The AFP/COS FEDS had a complete operation around TMPC Nundah Qld during my term of employment there ,which is walking distance from Nundah Centrelink . And Centrelink did contact me during the May 2002 period regarding my employment at TMPC I explained my registered business losses the fact that the ATO had written me stating that I had no dept to them , and that I retained a letter from Centrelink stating I could retain my pension for my son , Centrelink decided to consider it an over payment . But I walked to Nundah Centrelink QLD that day and demanded all and any payment I was receiving be immediately stoped !
There would be documentation to verify these Centrelink records .
The significant point re cancelling of my pension at Nundah Qld Centrelink branch at the end of May 2002 , was that as soon as I did this, for the next 1 to 2 days the Surveillance completely backed of STOPED .
But then recommenced I believe under a full Australian Federal Police run operation that continues to date, this would I believe make sense of all international AFP FEDS actions so far .
My wife and I felt trapped and so stressed with overwhelming numbers of AFP/COS FEDS recruits harassing our ever movement we decided it was time to use our $5000 dollars of emergency money to leave the country in hope that by doing so the AFP/COS FEDS would leave us in peace { they did not !}. My wife needed her family to support her she was emotionally drained and with baby of only 8 months I would say she was to the point of a nervous breakdown with this AFP/COS FEDS persecution { I felt the same emotionally but had no choice but to keep going to get my wife and baby home to the support of her family }
On the way to the Brisbane GPO to collect our babies passport May 2002
on the Brisbane streets leading in to the city a { 3 lane one way street } with my wife and baby in the car the AFP/COS FEDS enclosed around us using 4 cars .My car positioned in the middle lane AFP/COS/FEDS cars left right front and rear no more than a metre from hitting our car . By the time we parked in the city and walked into the GPO my wife was badly shaken by the ordeal in the car ,forgetting the babies photos that we needed for the passport and nearly braking down when the post office man requested them I asked her to hold on, and that she would soon be home to the Philippines , we got some other photos and submitted our sons passport documentation .
We sold all of our possessions and had a garage sale at 1/81 Riverton St ,our plan being to leave Australia behind us as this AFP/COS persecution was to much to handle ! We had hoped that this would end as soon as we left the country . On the day of move out we phoned for a taxi { I had witnessed the AFP had been using some taxis for in car surveillance at times previously , and when the taxi arrived I did recognise the driver .
It was the first of June 2002 when we phoned the taxi , and walked out of the {1/81 Riverton St Clayfield Qld } as we put the baby in the taxi and then our baggage , the AFP/FEDS tenants above our unit that we had only seen coming and going in shifts . Walked out in a display that was simply meant to sink our hopes . They the AFP were this very moment 1/6/02 leaving 81 Riverton St same time as us , 2 women and one man {just part of the 24/7 team coming and going } .
There above listening surveillance job finished . This was not a hotel it was suburban units . They laughed and smirked at us , they had over night bags in hand , this was the view we had leaving Riverton St Note my wife clearly witnessed this AFP walk out , but for the most part she tries not to look at them ,it is to much for her to deal with !
Only a week or so before we had witnessed lots of removal trucks emptying the other 7 or so AFP rental properties immediate to our location.
1/6/02 we road the taxi to the SDK Hotel { run by Centre Point Apartment management our recent landlord } We only planed to stay 4 days or so as we were due to fly out of Brisbane International Airport to the Philippines on the 5/6/02 on Singapore Airlines flight SQ246 at 00.15am We were given a room at the hotel and tried to relax , but the AFP were really applying so much pressure overwhelming on foot overt intimidation tactics . This continued through the night constantly banging the walls of the adjoining room and sliding doors abruptly to disturb any chance of peace note this was from late to early morning .
I hoped it was just a last passing shot at us before we left the country , it was not ! With this intense persecution continuing at the hotel we decided to check out on the morning 2/6/02 . We arranged a bus to take us to my parents house on the Sunshine Coast Qld, there were more than 10 AFP/FEDS recruited vehicles making there selves very visible to me as we road the bus , there were also several AFP recruits on the bus with us .
We stayed 2 nights with my parents , unable to explain the intense pressure we were under by the AFP , and we hoped and prayed it would soon end when we got on the plane . About 6pm on the 4/6/02 we said our good bys at my parents. We boarded the Sun Air pick up bus services loaded our baggage got on with our baby waved good by as the AFP/FEDS were driving overt surveillance cars up and down my parents suburban rd .
There were 10 plus AFP cars following us to Brisbane International Airport we arrived after 8pm on the 4/6/02 still hopeful this AFP/FEDS would stop now that we were leaving the country . I was shattered to see several AFP couples and individuals joining the que at check in. I clearly recognised them and could again . I had seen these AFP people during on foot and in car surveillance in the recent past of that period on several occasions .
And now they were about to board our flight to the Philippines on Singapore Air SQ246 at 00.15am on the 5/6/02 . And Singapore Airlines Flight records will confirm AFP personnel assigned to surveillance duty of myself and my family were on this flight . If attainable Via legal measures .
At the AFP controlled Brisbane International Departure Lounge we were sitting in silence with our baby our hopes shattered of being free of this AFP persecution . I was telling my wife that maybe the AFP were just making sure we were going to the Philippines and would soon stop. It was around 10pm 4/6/02 with about 2hrs before our flight we sat in close proximity of the toilets and amenities when one of the AFP couples that were in the check in que beside us crossed behind our seated position the man continued the women stoped 3 metres to the rear of me and gave a very sarcastic smirk looking me right in the eyes and verballed something that I cant recall ? as she put some rubbish in the bin . At that point {in the AFP controlled , heavily camera surveillance Brisbane International departure lounge as stated at about 10pm on the 4/6/02} I could hold back no longer and let her have my full thoughts of her in very loud very colourful language many other passengers witnessed the outburst from me . She just walked away from us and hid with her partner towards the end of the departure lounge bar from memory .
The significant point is that an extremely loud 20 second outburst from myself a passenger about to board an international flight, directed towards a fellow passenger would attract attention of the AFP and complaint from that passenger or at least the partner of the women . Because if I was wrong in recognising this AFP couple and targeting my outburst at this AFP women in that environment with only 9 months since the September 11 tragedy . I am certain I would of at the very least been questioned by the AFP immediately but the AFP did not because this is an AFP persecution . No complaint came from anyone !
Because of this outburst my wife started shaking un controllably I took her and our baby to the baby change room and for 45 minutes promised I would never lose my control with these AFP again she didn’t feel she could get on the plane but we eventually went back out to the departure lounge and she was still shaking but less . We managed to board the flight it left at 12.15am .
We landed in Singapore at 605 am on the 5/6/02 had a 3hr stop over AFP surveillance with us continuously , but they had backed of a bit since my outburst in Brisbane departure lounge . We boarded flight SQ72 Singapore Air at 945am on the 5/6/02 and left Singapore .We arrived in the Philippines at 13.15 local time on the 5/6/02 .
As we passed through the Manila Airport walk ways it was very evident to me that the Philippines officials had been informed of this {AFP fabrication } to justify this surveillance of me ! Please note that I am a very seasoned traveller to the Philippines more than 20 times over many years , and have never experienced Philippines Officials interest in me at any time before this date 5/6/02. AFP fabricated this state of interest.
We were met at Manila International Airport by my wife’s family and driven to the Great Eastern Hotel Quezon City . Leaving Manila airport I was aware we had Philippines surveillance vehicles with us under the AFP control . On the morning of the 6/6/02 at the above mentioned hotel I noticed Australian nationals AFP surveillance at the hotel , this was almost the last time I would see AFP Australian nationals doing this surveillance in the Philippines until I departed about 4 weeks later . From this point onward the AFP I believe coordinated with Philippine Officials involvement 24/7 surveillance in the Philippines . We checked out of the hotel a week latter .
I had rented a house in Quezon City { we had been under constant 24/7 AFP surveillance In Quezon City } I furnished the house made sure that my wife and baby were okay and then purchased a one way ticket to London England on British Airways Flight Departed Manila International Airport on the 24/6/02 Evening flight standard route from Manila to London one stop , arriving at London Heathrow Airport on the morning of the 26/6/02 about 6 am London time . I witnessed AFP Australian nationals surveillance at Manila Airport and on the flight to London .
I was picked up at Heathrow Airport by my cousin who lived in Basildon . The AFP car surveillance of 10 plus vehicles commenced on departure of the London Airport 26/6/02. The AFP standard surveillance practice {in my case overt persecution } that I had experienced now since November 2000 , some 19 months , that included the same renting all line of sight properties all adjoining properties to any place I stayed in England ,my aunties house Basildon ,a Swiss Cottage room I rented, and then back to my cousins house Basildon .
The standard AFP full team of in car upwards of 10 vehicles and on foot upwards of 20 people surveillance commenced on my arrival in England . AFP applied intense pressure to me whilst in London . For the next 4
months in London I struggled with this intimidation of a large team of English AFP recruits Australian AFP directed .I believe English officials would have been informed re this AFP operation with an AFP fabrication of lies to justify it .
I just managed to support my wife and baby in the Philippines . One publishing company I worked for in London as a salesman was called Setform a large publisher 20 plus titles The AFP placed a recruit in my department with in a week , to report my movements just the same as they had done in TMPC publishing Nundah Qld Aus , this AFP recruits name was Keith ……..? ! Setform London could supply his full name it was approximately August 2002 it would be confirmed that this person was also employed by the AFP. I did approach this Keith in private for minutes at a time in stairwells of Setform London on several occasions to try and convince him myself and my family were suffering because of this intense AFP situation , and that I was a good family man innocent and non deserving of this persecution .
Keith made no complaint to any of my Setform directors and or other staff members re my short to the point discussions with him as he was employed by the AFP. I believe Keith was very close to helping me , and had I had more time at Setform I may have been able to convince Keith to help me with vital information I required to approach the officials of this persecution legally .
Being under so much pressure I was not doing very well re my employment as a commission sales person with small retainer , it equated to borderline existents in London { you can not function well with this type of psychological torture applied by the AFP }
Setform offered me a commission only position and I could not accept it without the retainer so I looked for other work in London and was given a job with { the Automotive Purchasing News } this was a small company also in London . The AFP quickly acquired / rented all line of site properties to this work premises .
The AFP had also rented one of the rooms in the boarding house I was dwelling in at Swiss Cottage . The other tenants and landlord were confused as to the reason that the AFP tenant was never in his room of corse AFP un known to them .
But the day the landlord brought the {tenant AFP } to look over the only vacant room at my Swiss Cottage address approximately September 2002, I immediately recognised him as an AFP that I had now seen in Australia and I believe in transit through Singapore Airport previously, he just smirked and greeted me .All though I had a lock on my door this would not of been sufficient to keep the AFP out. I believe the AFP were accessing my room and since I was under full surveillance there was plenty of opportunity to access my personal property , as stated previously this is overt persecution !, on my arrival home to this Swiss Cottage address from work ,timed for visual torment 2 AFP were waiting at my floor elevator they entered with standard smirk ,man and women I believe they just wanted to let me know they had been there in my room .
I was running out of money to pay rent etc etc and got to the point of preparing to sleep in my cheap car . But I phoned my cousin who allowed me to stay at there house , I did some handy man work locally in the South End region of England close to my Grand Mothers house , I was an emotional wreck at this point and badly needed to see my wife and baby but because of this AFP pressure had not been able to earn enough to purchase a ticket to the Philippines I was in such a state that I had no option but to speak with my Grand Mother , she was happy to help me with some money for ticket e to get home to see my family .
I was exhausted extremely stressed emotionally drained . English AFP recruits were particularly intimidating at times pursuing me at high speed in cars , and speeding cars at me when I would be crossing the road .
I managed to leave London on the 21/10/02 on Gulf Air flight {6y}departed Heathrow 20.30pm ,arrived Abu Dhabi 06.35am 22/10/02 Departed Abu Dhabi 12.15pm Gulf Air Flight { 254Y } Arrived Manila 01.25am on the 23/10/02 . Note all flights that are mentioned will be found to have AFP on board whom are involved in this persecution of me and my family .
My wife’s brothers picked me up in the early hours from manila Airport on the 23/10/02 because it was around 3am there was almost no traffic on the Manila streets heading to Quezon City accept the AFP Philippine recruits vehicles about 5plus visual for psychological impact .
23/10/02 I arrived at my Quezon City Philippines rental property I was so pleased to see my wife I had missed her greatly , and my sons 1st birthday 11/10/02 . With in 2 weeks the AFP had all line of site surveillance in place and at times when I would go to the local shopping centre AFP Philippine recruits would drive past in quiet streets with 3 or 4 locals in car and make actions as if raising a weapon from the car when driving past me , although very intimidating I soon realised this was more of the same AFP persecution scare tactics , it did ad to my grave concerns of this AFP operation .
I had 3 months with my wife and baby in the Philippines but we quickly started to run out of money with no employment. My wife was very distressed when I informed her of the the close proximity of the AFP surveillance she was also emotionally drained and in tears and told me to find a way to stop this AFP persecution as it was far to much to handle .
More than any young mother of first child should ever have to endure nothing short of a despicable act by the AFP
Approximately 16/1/03 we had to move to my wife’s brothers home in the province regions Philippines it was a difficult place to live but we had no choice and no money , I had arranged to use an expired Singapore airlines ticket the one I first left Australia with and was very lucky that Sing Air allowed me to travel on this ticket back to Australia . I said good by to my wife and baby on the 22/1/03 and road a bus to Manila then a taxi to the Manila Airport .
I flew out of the Philippines very worried for my wife and baby who I had left with very little money as I needed to pay for my travel expenses I had { $150 pounds uk money } of which it cost a 100 pounds to pay immigration for overstaying my visa I was not prepaid for this, and put it down to AFP extreme stress . I departed Manila Airport at 6.00pm 22/1/03 Sing Air flight SQ075 landed in Singapore Airport 9.25pm 22/1/03 departed 1050am on the 23/1/03 flight SQ245 arrived Brisbane Australia 23/1/03 at 815pm with only 50 pounds uk money in my pocket . It would be confirmed that the AFP were present with me on all of the above flights .
Fortunately I had prearranged accommodation for a week at the SDK Centre Point Brisbane via the phone in the Philippines with the new Manager Barry this was out of desperation as although the AFP gave us hell there previously before leaving Australia.
I had no choice no money and no accommodation ,this is the result of what the AFP are doing to us . I arrived at the door of the Centre Point 69 Lichardt St Spring Hill Brisbane Qld at about 1030pm 23/1/03 . I was met by the then Manager BARRY ……..
{The current managers are Mr & Mrs Nicholes who could confirm BARRYS surname }
The AFP had obviously prompted Mr Barry …… as we had never met he greeted me by name without question it was dark he did not request any I/D just gave me keys to the SDK hotel over the road , I went to my room exhausted with almost no money I had lost a lot of weight was so depressed and to the point of wanting to take my own life , if not for my wife and baby I may off . The AFP had been given access to the store room above my room by the Centre Point / SDK hotel Manager Barry …… This was my first night back in Brisbane 11pm or so on the 23/1/03 . The AFP started stamping on the sealing above me continually through the night . The AFP new I was out of money away from my wife and baby and were applying extreme pressure .
The next day the 24/1/03 I changed the 50 pound note it gave me around AUD $130. I needed to get my uk mobile phone a new sim card I went to an Optus shop near Queen Street mall AFP swarming me , I saw a surveillance car stop and 2 people I believe to be AFP get out laughing and cross the road to the Optus shop , I went back to another phone shop to avoid the AFP but they did not have the sim card I needed so desperately needing my phone to keep contact with my wife I went back to the Optus shop , the usual process is to just give you a sim card package and the young man serving me was about to, but the manager a lady stepped in and took my phone out the back of the shop ,out of sight and was gone for about 10 minutes and returned with my phone saying it was fine now .But I beleive my phone was tampered with by the AFP as said they crossed the road in front of me and entered the shop prior . This Optus Shop manager should be able to confirm the AFP were there .
I spent the next week trying to get work I had almost no food to eat for that
Period and the AFP recruits were swarming me on the streets of Brisbane , the bill for the room came put under my door . By Barry ……….The Centre Point/SDK manager who would be found to have been assisting the AFP.
I had no choice now I was almost on the streets of Brisbane with no money no food no job all forced by the AFP.
I phoned my mother I was an emotional wreck my parents threw me a lifeline , I got a bus to there Buderim home my parents said I looked very stressed and heaps under weight . I could not confide the reasons to them at that time . On the 2nd night about 2/2/03 I heard rustling in the below bush of my parents bush garden pole house I went to the balcony to witness a person I believe to be an AFP recruit crawling through the bush he hid knowing that I had spotted him , I believe the AFP were trying to fit listening devices under the bottom level room . At the first opportunity the Fed backed tracked into the darkness out of sight .
The AFP quickly rented all the line of sight houses available very close my parents home I do know the addresses . At one point in my room at my parents house I was text messaging my wife { I had hoped these could not be read by the AFP but that was not the case , the AFP just to sink home some emotional torture ,let out distant laughter and made sure I could here the loud text message 6 beep tone that instructs message received , note this was very late at night and was just a small example of the emotional distress they the AFP were and are inflicting on us as a family . This was just the AFP way to let me know that not even the most intimate conversations or text messages between myself and my wife passed without the AFP knowing .
I managed to re establish my Centrelink parenting pension and quickly sent my wife enough money to move her and my baby to much better but very small humble dwelling in the Philippines . Thanks to my parents I got back on my feet in about 2 months . I had some money and a car , I went back to Brisbane for work , got a cheap room and worked at the community TV station Bris 31 selling air space , there was limited opportunities at Bris 31 and with this AFP high pressure invading every employment situation I was not making any good money .
The AFP new I was close to a complete brake down , missing my wife and son badly the AFP were expecting me to go back to the Philippines they knew I had just enough money to do so , the date must have been approximately 25/5/03 I was in a Brisbane City at a Dick Smith Store when the AFP brought in I believe a Philippine Official {as stated I have been going to the Philippines around 18yrs I believe this man was a Philippines Official brought to Australia by the AFP for what reason I cant be sure ?}
This Philippines Official walked past me took a very good look at me I believe he was with a senior AFP, in a Brisbane Dick Smith Store I assume to be able clearly I/D me in the Philippines ? I don’t know but took it as a serious threat ! and I am very reluctant to go back to the Philippines at this time , as life is very cheap there and I believe this AFP operation has highlighted and threatened me and my families safety in the Philippines .
About the end of May 2003 I decided to go back to Sydney .I arrived in Sydney and stayed at the Lamrock Lodge { back packers } 19 Lamrock Ave Bondi Beach NSW 2026 the address of my current drivers licence . I stayed 7 to 10 days ? Whilst desperately searching for work . At this point I was badly missing my wife and baby son I was being stood over intimidated with sheer size and presence of this current to date AFP operation . My wife was reluctant to return to Australia for obvious reasons with this AFP persecution going on .
I was getting very scared I would not see my son for long time . I was very concerned by the recent experience with the Philippines Official that I believe AFP had brought to Australia yes I was scared to go back to the Philippines , and my wife scared to come home to Australia . This situation I believe favoured the AFP motive they had seen me brake down in public at the telephone talking to my wife pleading with her to come home as I truly believed the AFP would set me up in the Philippines or worse ? And I was starting to think I would not see my wife and baby again . My wife thank God reassured me she would come home as soon as I had a place for us all to stay .My wife would confirm I was a broken man emotionally at that point . My wife gave me the hope I needed to keep going .
The next day after publicly braking down in the Bondi phone box around the 3/6/03 AFP recruits decided to start crossing my path holding hands with young toddlers about same age as my own 18 month old son these tactics I believe were used by the AFP to take me to the brink of despair in hope that I would lash out at the AFP or commit suicide . I WAS CLOSE TO IT , BUT WENT TO CHURCH .
I went to a local Bondi Centre Church and spoke with the lady standing in for the priest she was very nice as were the other church goers they could all see that I was a broken man emotionally . I confided this terrible AFP problem to the lady priest it helped me gain hope.
On one occasion an AFP man came out of a Lamrock Street dwelling to cross my path overtly in my full view placing a microphone in his ear , I did yell abuse at him calling him AFP etc etc he made no complaint . The AFP reply was with a police paddy wagon following me to Gosford and back the next day , The AFP used the police presence to try and intimidate me further .
I found a job in Gosford on the 10/6/03 the company was called Expo Exhibitions 14/31 Dwyer St North Gosford Phone 02-43 222544 . The AFP promptly rented several offices in the same row as Expo Exhibition ,The AFP did this in a progressive manor over the next 2 or 3 weeks I assume so that this large AFP team would not noticed , note these offices were beside the railway line at Gosford in a long strait line.
There were only about 3 offices out of around 10 tenanted when I arrived to start working for Expo on the 10/6/03 with a small number of cars in the car park. By the time I left on or around the 21/7/03 there was a large number of AFP recruits cars in the car park and around 7 of 10 offices rented I would say 3 or more taken by the AFP . I believe this AFP operation was being noticed by my Expo employer , I am aware that the then new/? General Manager did notice. and shortly after my employment was terminated .
The letter says that I did not make enough sales but I can prove that I was the only one making sales during this period more than $30,000 in sales for Expo . This GM? did have a private investigating back ground and quite frankly the numbers of AFP recruits cars with number plates expressing actual 007 themes , or PI , or SS or GOV any number of ego driven expressions relating to the surveillance they do . Which explains some what the mind level of these AFP public and private recruits and the overt nature of what the AFP are trying to do to me re the intimidation etc etc . The FEDS recruit dangerous ego driven people to do there dirty work .
The commuting I did from Hornsby on a daily basis to work was with large number of AFP in car surveillance overt dangerous driving tactics tale gating , cutting off , blinding lights rear , I would have to turn all mirrors in my car out of my eyesight . If investigated it would be found that the landlords of these offices at 31 Dwyer St North Gosford NSW did rent them to the AFP.
On the 9/6/03 I took tenancy of our current address 15/5 Dural Street Hornsby NSW 2077 Phone 02-99872451
The AFP have moved into all available adjoining units and all line of sight units and continue to dwell . at this moment the AFP are electronically surveillance us from the above unit 23/5 Dural St Hornsby they also use various other psychological torture methods from the above unit . To date 15/8/04 I am concerned the strength of these devices could cause harm long term and we have a baby here !
This is a major overt AFP directed persecution operation here in Hornsby NSW 2077 . Surrounding our rental unit the local Hornsby Police are aware of this AFP operation our unit is only 150 metres from the Hornsby Police station and court house . And with upwards of 10 AFP cars of recruits overtly driving past me at speed and at times speeding at me when I have crossed the road with my baby in my arms . The AFP have at times I believe arranged for the Police to make there presence to me in the form early morning daylight displays blue flashing lights on occasions when I have been preparing to send letters of complaint to the NSW Ombudsman etc etc
I possess video footage of the AFP recruits in cars in Hornsby as well as footage of all known AFP rental premises in Hornsby and because I do know some the various AFP rental units they are using I believe the local Hornsby Real Estate companies would be able to confirm the AFP presence .
My wife arrived back in Sydney with our baby from the Philippines on the 29/6/03 also on Singapore Airlines ,and had to face great anguish and fear to do so knowing the AFP are still continuing this persecution it has at times since brought her close to a nervous brake down as it has myself .
I witnessed AFP greet there own partners at Sydney International Airport from the same flight as my wife’s I assume the FEDS had maintained a surveillance operation in the Philippines expecting my retune.
I started to work at the Pacific Union Company 4 Hercules St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Ph 02-92113721 on the 1/9/03 The AFP are continuing a full team operation around my work place and have to date 8/12/03 placed 3 AFP recruits in my place of employment one being Criss Sharp , Toby Argile & Kristina …….. as said previously the AFP are aware that I would be able to spot there people . The AFP recruit called Toby Argile I have previously witnessed surveillance me during home to work train travel , the AFP women Kristina had forgotten to remove her standard GOV I/D hanging from her waist line when by chance I was going downstairs , and she was coming up stairs with my boss for interview .She saw that I had noticed it and removed it promptly .
Many AFP recruits have at times at distance whilst walking across my path displayed there I/D in an overt exhibition on the street , I assume to install fear ,cheek, we are untouchable ? The three AFP with in my place of work were there to inform on my every movement keep the pressure up none stop. They will be found to be associated with the AFP . I did not come back to this employer after Christmas .2003.
Following this employment I started working for GDS International 1/1/04 again selling advertising space , I was there until June 2004. One of the FEDS who of corse joined with me name was Glen Tido , it took me about 1 week to sus him out with absolute certainty . He was really pushing me hard under FEDS direction , he was failing as a salesman kept taking 2 weeks off at a time now and again just to stay in the job because of the sell in 2 month
policy at GDS or your out the door. Unlike me I have been selling advertising space on and of for more than 15 years . He couldn’t handle the fact that I had his measure he was caught out , so he had to push for a result FEDS wanted me out of there , as I was starting to make some money Glen Tido made his move in the Pub below the GDS office . He was drunk and verballing me in a real threatening manor FEDS needed me to brake the law or lose my job as they do now . On this occasion I lost it I saw red a fight broke out . Glen Tido was soon asked to leave GDS everyone thought he was a very suspicious person I could not tell them he was and is a FED .
The Feds don’t want me to earn to much money , money will bring lawyers and some form of security .Glen Tido will be found to be a FED along with Sara ….? Im now out of work at home trying to expose this federal attack . 23/8/04
I would like to make the point that I do not have a criminal record or background . I am a producer of an Australian Stranger Danger Video for Children endorsed by QLD state schools and child care centres copies of letters available , and that I am of good character and a loving father and husband .
The AFP /FEDS are rotating large numbers of surveillance personnel . They are doing this to me without any consideration for my wife and baby and the harm they are causing us. I assume they are doing this because they cannot charge me with anything as I have no criminal record and obey the law, and the fact that I told them Centrelink AFP/FEDS of the recording of there personnel on my answer machine 4yrs ago . I feel this has threatened the AFP/COS/FEDS establishment as I have sadly caught them out , God knows how much I would love to have not . And the FEDS know I don’t want one bit of this but they wont stop hurting me and my wife and baby . It seems to be the self preservation attitude governments have at all cost .
It should also be pointed out that approximately 18 years ago in the Brisbane supreme court I won a case against the Australian federal police . The Government never forgets !
And that Centrelink to date refuses to supply my complete file regarding Centrelink Optical Surveillance .
I do have a friend who has a marijuana drug addiction and has convictions for this . This combined with my many trips to the Philippines may of assisted the AFP to achieve phone tapping and surveillance rights against me ?
Although I do not have the legal ability to seek information on vehicle number plates I do possess photographs of the said AFP and AFP recruited vehicles . And Video footage , and the answer machine recorded tape with AFP/COS talking about my movements .
The following names are of AFP recruits that have actively assisted the AFP / COS with this operation .
Mr Robert .G. Gough & Mrs Jill Gough 365 Fairfeild Rd Yeronga Qld
Mr Warren Morris TMPC Publishers 34 Station Street Nundah Qld
Keith …… Setform Publishers London England
Barry ……. Manager Centre point / SDK hotel 69 Leichardt St Spring Hill Brisbane Qld
Chris Sharp , Toby Arguile , Kristine ? Pacific Union Surry Hills NSW
Frank & Leoni Managers of Nundah Self Storage QLD
Glen Tido ? Sara ? GDS International Sydney
Peter McMillan {above our unit } 23/5 Dural St Hornsby {Terrorising} us and our child
Note any peoples names here connected with a place of employment joined the company just days after I did . And yes through forced im able to spot all undercover FEDS.
Businesses who could confirm AFP involvement at dates stated .
Alma Clark Real-estate Clayfeild Qld
Singapore Airlines
Brittish Airways
Gulf Air
Centre Point apartments Spring Hill QLD previous management
Hornsby Real Estate companies
Optus Shop Brisbane .
I do hold grave fears that the AFP/COS FEDS may try to set me up in some way be it here or in the Philippines As they will have plenty to answer for when the truth comes out .
A quote from Centrelink.
Where offences may have been committed against the Commonwealth and where cases fall within referral guidelines, they are investigated (or referred to the Australian Federal Police if appropriate) and referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions for possible prosecution action.
From July 1999, under the Enhanced Investigation Initiative, selected private firms were contracted to provide surveillance services. These firms help investigate cases of serious social security fraud where traditional methods of investigation are unsuccessful. Firms providing these services receive only information necessary to conduct surveillance and a specialist Centrelink surveillance project officer controls each case. Contracts with firms selected to undertake surveillance work contain strong privacy and confidentiality safeguards.
FaCS closely monitored the progress of this initiative and regularly reported on the initiative.
In 1999-2000, surveillance providers had received 1 446 cases. Of these, 1 063 were finalised and resulted in a debt or reduced payment in 747 cases (70 per cent).
Savings to future outlays as a result of cancelled or reduced payments total
$4 167 982. Debts of $3 996 113 were identified for recovery action.
. A letter for Mr Mark Latham current Australian federal opposition leader.
{ do you care about women and babies }
You’re in the position to help us if you choose to do so . I have tried to reach your office .The persecution of myself and my family is going on this very moment in Hornsby NSW by a large Australian Federal Government team If you are told and accept there are legitimate reasons for this overt {Note not covert } persecution of me and my family by the current Government including the Australian Federal Police then you are happy to accept a total fabrication of lies and will put this in the to hard basket ? In GODS name we have a 2yr old please don’t let us down, look at the massive waste of public money here, against any results gained for the Government . I have broken no laws im a family man and Im also the producer of the only true Children’s Stranger Danger video endorsed by a QLD state schools and many child care groups . Help us please .Under these circumstances I fear that we are at great imminent risk ,the stress is beyond measure . The facts are below ! Even the Commonwealth Ombudsman refuses to Investigate this matter , Evan though I have offered to supply Video and Photographic & recorded evidence they refuse to look at it ! Look at it Mr Latham !
PHILIP RUDOCK MP TORTURE of AUS FAMILY WITH BABY LIBERAL DIRT UNIT 4YRS ONGOING FEDERAL PSYCOLOGICAL TORTURE HUGE TEAM 40 PLUS NASTY FEDS ENCAMPED AROUND FAMILY unit . Indymedia being hacked by Feds stop truth getting out ,Feds cut ph 20/8/04 telstra case no 112673769.print now please. incoming calls mob ph land ph email . indy comments replies in FEDS Control . Evil prevails when good people do nothing . please help us!
by victims Mark Flowers Wife Baby
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24.08.2004 10:28
01.09.2007 04:08
The Federal Poice