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An Open Letter to David Blunkett MP

Yakoub Islam | 24.08.2004 07:22 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Free Spaces

A short memo in response to the Home Secretary's refusal to take a more open approach to the 'war on terror', on the grounds that it would make him look ridiculous!

An Open Letter to David Blunkett MP

08 August 2004

Dear David

I am writing to you because I'm a bit worried about all these Muslims you keep arresting. Of course, I have a slightly extra worry, being a Muslim myself. There's always the chance you could arrest me. At first, my friends told me I was just being paranoid. After all, I'm a progressive Muslim and an outspoken critic not just of Muslim extremists, but of Muslim cant in general. But when I showed them the statistics surrounding your war on terror, they started to worry, too. Not just about me, but about your sanity.

You see, out of 30,000 raids carried out under the Prevention of Terrorism Act last year, only 100 people were charged with terror related offences. That's a success rate of 0.3%. Just imagine if only 0.3% of the parliamentary labour party had voted for the Terrorism Act, or the British army had only managed to invade 0.3% of Iraq. Let's hope you manage to stop more than 0.3% or terrorist attacks planned by al-Qaeda against the UK. Or is that the labour government's (secret) official target? I recall Ken Livingstone saying something about, 'Not if, but when.' Now I understand!

The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the UK genuinely want to help you, David, but we are having a tough time trusting someone who can only get it right once every 300 times - and out of all people charged, only TWO so far convicted are actually Muslim, if truth be told. At the very least, we think you should be made accountable for your failure rate. This is a democracy, people keep reminding me. Not that we expect you to do anything drastic like resign. With only 2 million Muslims in Britain, we hardly constitute a threat to your government's huge majority in parliament. But couldn't you at least be a little more open about what you're getting up to?

I understand you might end up looking a mite ridiculous. After all, if most people simply took a map of Bradford and stuck a pin in it, they would probably have a statistically greater chance of hitting a house containing terrorists than your security services. But that's missing the point. We just want to make things easier for innocent people. For example, if you announced there were probably a few brothers in Luton making bombs, that would at least restrict Islamophobic abuse and attacks to one area rather than demonizing the entire British Muslim community.

I've been wracking my head for a better way, but the only other idea I've come across lately was at some function I accidentally walked into. Not my scene really - some loud-mouth type called Nick lecturing to a bunch of real heavies who kept staring at me. Anyway, this bloke Nick thinks internment is the answer.

Locking up all those foreign Muslims in Belmarsh has been a rip roaring success, he said. No public evidence required; no proper independent review to give those interred some kind of hope; no compassion even when they go stark raving mad. Just imagine if we introduced that for Muslims who were British citizens, he explained - the risk of a terrorist attack would be slashed because every single last Muslim would flee the country. This Nick bloke - he's not a friend of yours, is he?

Anyway, David, I just wanted to let you know how worried I am about you. Things do seem to be going really badly for you lately, and believe me, as a Muslim living in Britain today, I know exactly how that feels.


Yakoub Islam
Tasneem Project

Yakoub Islam
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Hide the following 9 comments

Not an attack on Islam

24.08.2004 09:05

At the height of the IRA attacks on Britain Special Branch was arresting people in the same way they are now. The majority of those arrested were Catholic and yet I never heard cries of Catholic persecution and wrightly so because it wasn't. It was an attempt to stop terrorism by aprehending those responsible for it.

In the same way the majority of those being arrested at the moment are Muslim, this doesn't mean there is some sort of organised attack on Muslims or Islam in general, it does however reflect the fact that the terrorists who represent a danger to us all are Muslim (at least in name).

Moderate mainstream British Muslims are not under threat indeed the government is receiving enourmous help from them in tracking down those who dirty the name of Islam for their own needs. To try and present this as a "Home Office is out to get Muslims" issue plays onto the hands of extremists on both sides. Muslims have come to Britain for hundreds of years and found here a tolerant, democratic free society where they may practice their faith openly and forge a succesful life for their children. Muslims continue to wish to enter the UK for thise very same reasons.

Roy Andrew
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The IRA were and are not Catholic!

24.08.2004 10:12

The IRA were and are not catholics they were Marxist Irish nationalist anti-imperialists! Don't describe them as catholics when probably none of them even attended a church!!! A Catholic is someone who follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic church and who attends the church regulary and takes part in its traditions and customs.

The vast majority of Irish nationalists have never attended church in their life. They only call them selves catholic becuase they were born into catholic families, families which once were regular attenders of the catholic church. The links between Irish nationalism and catholicism are tiny.

Irish nationalism is not driven or inspired by the catholic faith but by a desire for an independent Ireland free of any influence from Great Britain. The Northern Irish problem is totally political people should not be allowed to bring the Christian church into it at all. It is not a problem either created by the Christian church or supportted by it. Christian of all denominations only want to pratice their faith they have desire to get involved in political wars and political arguments.


That's the point !

24.08.2004 10:18

I think you will find that was the point the previous poster was making.

No religion

no politics and no humour

24.08.2004 11:46

You lot (the responders) have no sense of humour as this was a fine, witty contribution which I enjoyed immensely - well done. You also have no understanding of politics or history. The mass round-ups of Muslims (and anyone who could be mistaken for one, including Sikhs, Marxist Turkish activists etc) is very similar to the 1970s and 80s round-ups of Irish people, who were targetted not for their religion perse, but because the majority of those opposing British rule in Ireland, while frequently not religious themselves, came from Catholic backgrounds. Both then and now, the success rate is not the point, as the effect of scaring an entire community in this country out of raising its head to object to attacks either directly on it or on its brethren in other countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Ireland etc) is in some ways best acheived by a low success rate.


My response

24.08.2004 12:40


First of all, I muffed it slightly on this one. The letter was originally written after Blunkett said he would 'look ridiculous' if he took a more open approach to the war on terror. The letter was then updated after Robin Cook gave the 30 000 raids figure to The Independent. But silly me didn't properly update the first paragraph. See my website for the final edition(see below).

Of course, if you recall the IRA-Catholic thingy, the British justice system actually managed to give quite a few life sentences to Irish Catholics who were no more terrorists than Mickey Mouse. That's before we talk about internment. So I welcome the comparison, even though Muslims only knew the delights of British colonialism for a couple of centuries.

But let's think for a moment. 30 000 raids, 100 arrests. What did the security services say on the 29 900 that resulted in no further action?

"Excuse me, just thought we'd pop in, humiliate you in front of the neighbours, and rummage through yer knicker drawers so see if you have any photos of parliament?"

Actually, I have denounced satire as bourgeois and unIslamic. Terrorism is indeed the only answer!

See my new blog:

By the way, can I just take this chance to apologise for being Muslim and having the cheek to live in Britain.



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great website

24.08.2004 13:05

Nice one.


Muslims are the new Jews

24.08.2004 22:07

I can't think why any wothwhile Muslim or anyone of any other or no faith would want to support or help the worthless stack of shit named Blunkett
He's just a blind tool, literally and figuratively, blurting out the most reactionary and oppressive garbage and making it law
He's made himself the most obligatorily hated politician, somehow worse than Blair the Automaton, in the extent of denial of his roots
Give no hint of appeasement to this horrible fascistic turncoat treachorous slime-ridden Nazi Fucker and his role in his lying and duplicitous role in this phony war on terror
This scum provides the reason and the (final) solution
Stick with the Muslim brothers and sisters, especially those hounded and locked up with no certainty as to the future. The most part are innocent. A few might believe the falsehood and go there
Blunkett,as with the rest of this so-called government, are just frontmen for the globalist satanist few
Regard them only in this way


Catholic, which IRA?

24.08.2004 23:13

Re IRA. Which IRA? Collins, the border campaigners, The Stalinst (Goulding and the Stickies), The Leninist (eg. Keenan and also splinter groups INLA), the fascist and those of the right wing e.g. various previous members of the army council etc., the broadfront republican. I don't think many of them were protestant. While it was/is a war regarding class, colonialism and statism/nationalism, I believe a fair few members of the IRA were/are Catholic. I have a feeling that a few few of the unionists may have been/are Protestant. There was /is sectarian and opportunist violence amongst all this. Still interesting to note that Wolf Tone was protestant. A class war seems more likely. The Bourgoise colonialist landowners. etc etc. Or we could dicuss this as power relationships. Or should we also confuse religious faith and the church? I'm pretty sure the brave Ploughshares people are catholic and not in the IRA etc etc:-)

Nation State Violence

did u know.....?

25.08.2004 11:37

that of the very few people who have been covicted under the terrorist laws are muslims.

since 9/11 609 people have been arrested and only 99 charged with terrorist offences and just 15 convicted according to a report from the Institute of Race relations. But of the 11 convictions examined by the institute of the race relation only three involved were muslims, two of whom have since been given leave to appeal.

6 of the convictions were of white members of illegal loyalist organisations. they were linked with banned groups like UFF and UVF. the other 2 were found guilty of organising race hate campaigns which included sending noxious substances to mohammed sarwar MP.

of course we do not get this type of information from the bias BBC.

red letter