rampART events, films, gigs and stuff
rampart | 24.08.2004 00:22 | Free Spaces | London
Here are reports from the weekly rampart meeting plus the first video/filmmaking workshop and coming events...
Report from weekly rampART meeting: Monday 23rd August
Just six people attended the meeting (poor show, call this collective?).
Among the agenda items were various proposed events of which the following
were agreed. On the 11th September the ECF (
have consent to hold their monthly ‘Visions of Another World’ event,
combined with the launch of the Peace Not War II CD.
The ECF also have consent to hold their October event at the
rampART should they wish. On the 18th September there will be a benefit
party for the Chilean National Day with money raised going to Chilean
political prisoners. On the 30th October there will be an info day on Latin
American Revolution with films and discussion about Che Guevara and a couple
of other people whos' names I can’t spell or remember.
Report from the first video/filmmaking gathering/workshop: Mon 23rd Aug
About eight people came along at various stages and enjoyed a lovely meal
and cake. Interests ranged from film making, editing, translations,
screening and archiving. A discussion was had about creating a combined
database of rushes/rawfootage that people have available as well as
completed films. Additionally there was talk about archiving and
translation. It was agreed to meet again on Thursday at 6pm to learn how to
do subtitling. This will initially involve adding subtitles to a short video
about the eviction of a squatted social centre in the Basque country that
happen last week so that it can be screened at the ex-grand banks next
Saturday (see www.wombles.org.uk). There was also strong interest in sorting
out a transcript and translations of the film ‘Bolivarian Venuzuela, the
people and the fight for the forth world war’. There was also an interest in
having future gatherings but no date discussed so watch this space.
Other news:
We now have a couple of decks/turntables so if you have any old vinyl
records you can't stand cluttering up your valuable shelf space, bring them
along and maybe somebody will find it ammusing to give them a spin. If you
fancy yourself as a DJ, get in touch andf we'll see when you could do your
We really have to get to work sorting out the space for the gig on the 4th
September. Please get in touch if you'd like to help build the stage, make a
fire exit, fit sound proofing, set up the PA, or paint some backdrops.
Events this week:
Tuesday 24th Aug - Dinner and Debate (15-17 rampart st.)
Starts 7pm with stuffed pepers, followed by lively debate.
The motion before the house is: ‘Anarchy is a nice idea but not a practical
proposition’. Drink available, or bring your own.
Wed 25th Aug - Reclaim the Media. Free Cinema from 8pm (15-17 rampart st.)
‘They Live’, ‘Globalisation and the Media’ and many more.
Plus food and drink, or bring your own.
Thursday 26th Aug - Video translation and subtitling. (15-17 rampart st.)
From 6pm. Want to learn how? Want to help? Come along.
Thursday 26th Aug – Squatters night at the café. (number 11)
Meet, eat, and exchange info before going out to get a new home. Every
Friday 27th Aug – Zapatista night in the café. (number 11)
Enjoy the coffee and try the food. Every Friday.
-- rampART creative centre and social space
15-17 rampart street, london, E1 2LA
Just six people attended the meeting (poor show, call this collective?).
Among the agenda items were various proposed events of which the following
were agreed. On the 11th September the ECF (

have consent to hold their monthly ‘Visions of Another World’ event,
combined with the launch of the Peace Not War II CD.
The ECF also have consent to hold their October event at the
rampART should they wish. On the 18th September there will be a benefit
party for the Chilean National Day with money raised going to Chilean
political prisoners. On the 30th October there will be an info day on Latin
American Revolution with films and discussion about Che Guevara and a couple
of other people whos' names I can’t spell or remember.
Report from the first video/filmmaking gathering/workshop: Mon 23rd Aug

About eight people came along at various stages and enjoyed a lovely meal
and cake. Interests ranged from film making, editing, translations,
screening and archiving. A discussion was had about creating a combined
database of rushes/rawfootage that people have available as well as
completed films. Additionally there was talk about archiving and
translation. It was agreed to meet again on Thursday at 6pm to learn how to
do subtitling. This will initially involve adding subtitles to a short video
about the eviction of a squatted social centre in the Basque country that
happen last week so that it can be screened at the ex-grand banks next
Saturday (see www.wombles.org.uk). There was also strong interest in sorting
out a transcript and translations of the film ‘Bolivarian Venuzuela, the
people and the fight for the forth world war’. There was also an interest in
having future gatherings but no date discussed so watch this space.
Other news:
We now have a couple of decks/turntables so if you have any old vinyl
records you can't stand cluttering up your valuable shelf space, bring them
along and maybe somebody will find it ammusing to give them a spin. If you
fancy yourself as a DJ, get in touch andf we'll see when you could do your
We really have to get to work sorting out the space for the gig on the 4th
September. Please get in touch if you'd like to help build the stage, make a
fire exit, fit sound proofing, set up the PA, or paint some backdrops.
Events this week:
Tuesday 24th Aug - Dinner and Debate (15-17 rampart st.)

Starts 7pm with stuffed pepers, followed by lively debate.
The motion before the house is: ‘Anarchy is a nice idea but not a practical
proposition’. Drink available, or bring your own.
Wed 25th Aug - Reclaim the Media. Free Cinema from 8pm (15-17 rampart st.)

‘They Live’, ‘Globalisation and the Media’ and many more.
Plus food and drink, or bring your own.
Thursday 26th Aug - Video translation and subtitling. (15-17 rampart st.)
From 6pm. Want to learn how? Want to help? Come along.
Thursday 26th Aug – Squatters night at the café. (number 11)
Meet, eat, and exchange info before going out to get a new home. Every
Friday 27th Aug – Zapatista night in the café. (number 11)
Enjoy the coffee and try the food. Every Friday.
-- rampART creative centre and social space
15-17 rampart street, london, E1 2LA