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Homelessness will be on the increase!

Mike Lane | 23.08.2004 22:56 | Liverpool | London

More young working families are being forced into private sector money grabbing private landlord properties because the RSL’s are stealing public housing demolishing it and building more houses for sale than for rent on what was once former public land.

I did a job for a young working class family today, they had just moved into privately owned four bedroomed house (they had four children) on Broadgreen Road in Old Swan. The father had a comparatively good job working as a van driver for Sefton City Council. He told me that they wanted to buy their own house but a mortgage was far beyond their reach because of the high price of four bedroomed houses in Liverpool. The guy told me that his friend had bought a house just around the corner and was paying £700 per month mortgage and the only reason they could afford such a high mortgage was because his wife had a full time job. The guy told me that his wife could not work because she had to stay at home and look after her four children, one of which was just a small baby. The guy said that he had to pay £400 per month rent plus community tax and that it was a real struggle. He told me that he had his name on the local Hosing Association or RSL housing list and that he hoped they would rehouse him within a couple of months and that the house he had just moved into was only temporary. I did not have the heart to tell him that his chances of getting an RSL house, especially a four bedroomed one, in the Old Swan area was practically impossible, especially now that he had moved into adequate accommodation, even if it cost £100 per week rent.

The above storey is direct proof that young workings families are now finding it impossible to afford mortgages and as such are being forced to rent houses from ruthless money grabbing private landlords because there are not enough council or RSL houses for rent at affordable rents of £50 to £60 per week.

The public housing or council housing is being transferred to RSL’s and the RSL’s, with the full knowledge of the Housing Corporation, are demolishing large swathes of the former council estates and using the ground to build what they call mixed social housing, which consists of mainly new builds for sale and only a hand full of new builds for rent, i.e. out of every 100 new houses that will be built on the former public sector land (land that belonged to people) three quarters will be for sale and a quarter will be for rent. In effect we are now witnessing the death of council estates. This situation will get worse as time passes until it reaches a point were there will not be enough affordable houses in the social housing sector to rehouse the people who can not afford house because the houses have risen in price to such an extent that first time buyers can not afford to buy them anymore. It will get to the stage that only very young first time buyers will be able afford a mortgage because they will be advised to take out a forty year mortgage because their wages will be too low.

Man things are getting realty bad, we are defiantly heading back into a Victorian age were people spent most of their wages on rent.

There was a storey in the Liverpool Echo tonight about a family that have been forced out of their house by antisocial tenants. These tenants are normally put into areas by council housing officers and the RSL housing officers on purpose, especially into areas which they want to demolish so as to gentrify, what better a way to get shut of decent tenants, just throw a bunch of anti social tenants into the area and like a cancer they will destroy the whole area. These council and RSL officers don’t give a monkeys shit about putting simple structures into place to address the issue of anti social tenants because as stated they need them as just another tool to socially cleanse an area so the ruthless builders, such as Lovels, can come into o the area and build houses for sale.

Mike Lane
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