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The Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen

Andrew Smith | 23.08.2004 17:51 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Education | World

Sometimes what you do not see, read or connect, does matter and will kill you! I shuddered when I saw those planes hit the TWINS on that fateful day in September 2001... but in the back of my mind I knew that something was planned to go wrong.

I have been casually looking at the Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen the Bank Chairman of Deutsche Bank West Germany's largest Bank. In 1989, many things were happpening that made this a very significant event, the FALL of the Eastern Block Countries and the beginning of the plot for 911 to fall into place. Now if you are reading this one would say that I'd be in need of a Frontal Lobotomy... and I'd be the first to agree with you.

Alfred Herrhausen was a man of pragmatic, charismatic and sensible idealist, which for his time was necessary to make changes in a DEBT REDUCTION BANK policies which is in direct opposition of those who'd rather keep their strangle hold on the Centralised Banking Consortium. What the hell does this mean? It means that those who were instrumental in funding all the WARS and the rise of Communist and Capitalist factions, are simply bent on keeping the power to control the World Banks by forcing the masses to their knees. These Powerful Families that run, own and manufacture a DEBT LOADED Currency need to retain power and those who are in favour of changing the system will suddenly be executed in the Streets of Dallas, Frankfurt or Memphis by some loner or fringe elements. These powerful families are well known and hold many positions of power throughout the world... make no mistake they are very resourceful. In Germany, Henry Kissinger was heard making statements of reforms regarding the Eastern Block Countries and the Economies. Herrhausen remarked that the changes would probably take another five years to make the transition a lot more smoother. The Eastern Block economic transition would have benefited from this remarkable man who envisioned many changes to the financial stability and FRESH MONEY into these regions. Now, when we look or examine the Russian Economy a lot of corruption, Mafias and very suspicious characters controlling a lot of the economic faculites. So when one researches the RED ARMY FACTION as the source of the terrorist Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen, it sounds as plausible as the MAGIC BULLET theory proposed by Arlen Spector. Bullsh*t. Let's be realistic for a moment, terrorists need a budgetary source for the KILL and they need to get a quick getaway. So speculating on the execution of this plan, one needs to receive training on the set up of the intricate explosive device, timing and detonation, most important intelligence on the route of Herrhausen's Car and a knowledge of penetration of protective armour on his car. I could not go out on my own and kill someone without being trained to do so on any basic level. There has to be a payroll for the specialist to execute a plan, cooperation of the MEDIA's lack of interest and the Plausible Deniability for those who may be remotely connected to it in the most indirect way.

The transfer of power was complete and ready to be infiltrated for another mission that seemed to be so clandestined that a man of Fletcher Prouty was asking 'why the Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen was suddenly hushed up'? This tragic story has taken an ugly step in September 11, 2001, 12 years earlier a CIA Man Buzzy Krongard was able to capitalise on the acquisition of West Germany's largest Bank... yep you got it the Deutsche Bank. So with Alfred Herrhausen out of the way, and his policies of DEBT REDUCTION ashes in the ASHTRAYS of those familiar families of power. Krongard was sent in and set up the acquisition of this now vulnerable banking institution to help fund those who killed those innocent persons caught in the middle of a horrific tragedy. He made this transaction and incorporated this financial institution into another DRUG MONEY Laundrying Bank in Europe accessing the profits of GOLD, OIL & DRUGS for those specific means and ends.

So when those planes hit the Twins, the horror and it's conclusion that began some 12 years earlier with the death of a prominent Bank Chairman in Frankfurt was finally rejoiced with a Bush-ian WAR fervour.

Centralised Banking and the components are death to anyone who stands for PEACE, RADICAL REFORMS{to the Debt Loaded Currency or whatever threatens Monetary Profits}, ANTI-WAR PROPONENTS and CULTURAL LEADERS. The invisible government members Majestic 12 or the company of men in the fictional X-Filian Clouds reveal a well lubricated circle of hidden agendas and carefully planned Foreign Policies advantageous to those who control the Centralised Banking Institutions.

Report From Iron Mountain is a fictional dissection of WAR as an economic factor determining Economics, Politics, Social Anomalies and Foreign Policies. Look between the raindrops to see the players, the game masters and the pawns. Once you understand the factors, it doesn't take a genius to realise that the world is in PERIL and the players are pointing fingers at each other while the game masters laugh at the trivial Politics and the appeasing of the game masters. Once you realise that it is a game of death, the sooner you understand the bigger picture.

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith
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