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Police filming at Grand Banks

Tufnell Park resident | 22.08.2004 18:38

Why are Police wasting time, taxpayers' money and not focusing on the real issues?

The junction at Tufnell Park, next to the station, is not one of the London's most desireable areas. Most nights into the early hours drunks and aggressive youths disturb the peace and make life generally intolerable for residents. You don't feel safe walking the streets.

I know- I live there, in a flat very close to the Grand Banks in Tufnell Park.

The other day I watched several police "videomen" filming people as they left the the Grand Banks.

Now tell me this- why does a room full of relatively peaceful activists get the police out in full force while "real" crime goes un-policed?


Tell me- why?

Tufnell Park resident


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Dissent is Terrorism

24.08.2004 01:48

I too live in Tufnell Park, next to the junction and there are few drunks at night and relatively little crime and the youths you speak of are my children, out playing, because they have no other social facilities; it is not a crime, but still the police harass them with ASBO's, more than the kids bother residents.

The site of a former youth club is now the very private and yuppie Fulbrook Mews, who make all the complaints. You are living in their club, while they sit on the wall outside, expect bad karma. And the fascist state is making a public statement by filming the peaceful occupents of the Grand Banks.

Rough Justice

Never assume..

25.08.2004 09:32

No, I live in the Grand Banks building. In an upper floor flat. I just didn't want to draw too much attention to myself by being more specific in my last post. For months now I have had relatively little sleep at night because of drunks and noisy youngsters. You can be assured that I side with those who occupied the space downstairs, have attended numerous protests myself, and detest the ASBO and the current political climate. However, I must urge you, as a parent, to have a word with your children about anti-social behaviour and the impact it has on others.

TP Resident

the children of tufnell park

07.09.2004 15:18

The children of Tufnell Park are out of hand - they have been shooting residents and passers by with paintball guns!

Mr T Park