US 3rd occupation of Haiti supported by Argentina's President Kirchner
PPN | 20.08.2004 14:53 | Social Struggles
Press Release from Ben Dupuy, Secretary General of the Parti Populaire National (PPN) of Haiti (sent out on Mon, 16 Aug 2004).
Comrades and Friends,
We salute the Forum of Argentine-Cuban Friendship, which is an important link in the chain of solidarity which restrains U.S. Imperialism in its aggressive moves against revolutionary Cuba.
We in Haiti's Parti Populaire National (PPN) are today faced with yet another military occupation of our nation, orchestrated by Washington. We as a party are committed to resisting this imperialist act in every possible way and by all means necessary.
This military aggression is not just a move against the Haitian people, but also a step in Washington's relentless encroachment on our neighbor Cuba. We have no doubt that the ouster of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on February 29 was conceived by Pentagon
strategists and ideologues like Otto Reich and Roger Noriega as a stepping stone for an assault on Cuba.
But what makes this third military occupation of Haiti even more shameful is that it is being facilitated by governments which call themselves socialist and progressive, such as that of Argentina's President Nestor Kirchner. Argentina is sending some 600 troops
as a part of the U.S.-arranged United Nations force which props up the illegal Latortue regime, made up of Haiti's most reactionary forces. It unites, in an uneasy peace, Haiti's assembly-industry bourgeoisie with the feudal landowning class along with death squad leaders, former Duvalierist military generals, and drug dealing CIA agents. This was the alliance assembled to turn back the Haitian people's sovereign act of democratically electing President Aristide.
How could Kirchner have sunken this low? Has he forgotten the role of Washington in supporting the "Dirty War" against the Argentine progressive movement in the 1970s? Has he forgotten Washington's support for Britain when it punished Argentina for daring to challenge the colonial theft of the Malvinas?
What crumbs has Washington offered Kirchner to turn Argentine guns against the Haitian people in order to help crush a democratically elected government and free up U.S. troops to wage merciless war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
This same condemnation can of course be leveled at Brazil's Lula da Silva and Chile's Ricardo Lagos, who are also more and more acting like Washington's lapdogs in Haiti and elsewhere.
Therefore, we call on the Forum of Argentine-Cuban Friendship to denounce Kirchner's unprincipled collaboration in the military occupation of Haiti as an aggression not just against the Haitian people and their sovereignty, but as a gesture of support to Washington in its continuing maneuvers against Cuba.
Ben Dupuy, Secretary General
Parti Populaire National (PPN)
Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership
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