Local Residents Oppose the A57/A628 Bypass
Little Em | 18.08.2004 10:09 | Ecology | Sheffield
The Save Swallows Wood Campaign along with other local pressure groups and CPRE held a stall at the Mottram Agricultural Show on August 15th to raise awareness of the A57/A628 campaign against and collect signatures for the petition.
The overriding sentiment expressed by visitors to the stall was that more should be done to implement 'soft' solutions, such as setting up speed cameras, imposing weight restrictions, and improved public transport. Most residents felt that the best solution would be to close the A57/A628 to freight and that the best alternative would be to open the Woodhead Tunnel to freight/passenger services, providing a much needed link between Glossop and Sheffield.
The stall was very well-received, with over 250 signatures collected and many residents also offering their active support for future events and campaign activities.
The stall was very well-received, with over 250 signatures collected and many residents also offering their active support for future events and campaign activities.
Little Em
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