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John Stephen Mauldin | 16.08.2004 16:32 | Analysis | Repression | World

New Zealand cuts diplomatic ties with Israel - $1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon - Young American girl murdered in cold blood by Israeli soldier - Are Americans not getting these stories because the U.S. is in a perpetual news black-out?

New Zealand Cuts Diplomatic Relations With Israel

This significant geo-political event is certainly news-worthy. Considering the sensitivity to most news associated with Israel, it should have drawn much attention. Beginning on July 15, 2004, it made the front page of the BBC’s Web site for two consecutive days. Yet, of all the many twenty-four hour TV news channels across the United States, not a single one reported it. Not one U.S. newspaper reported it. Of the thousands of radio news programs throughout America, none covered it. Surprisingly, the self-proclaimed news vigilantes such as Truth Out, My News and the Drudge Report did not mention it.

$1.2 Trillion Missing From Pentagon

The United States Inspector General has notified Congress that the Pentagon cannot properly account for $1,200,000,000,000 ($1.2 trillion) in transactions. This catastrophic accounting failure is not another amusing case of the Pentagon paying $50,000 for a toilet lid . . . something we can laugh-off. The amount of $1.2 trillion represents over 10% of the United States Gross National Product (GNP). The GNP is all the money annually made by every worker and organization in the United States or, according to a 2004 report by The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, $11,546,000,000,000 ($11.546 trillion). Please consider that this is just one branch of the federal government. What about the many other branches of the Federal government? Are they threatening the American economy and, indeed, the world economy with similar madness?

Again, no mention of this alarming news was broadcast by any news agency in the United States.

Young American Girl Murdered in Cold Blood by Israeli Soldier

Rachael Cory, a 23 year-old college student from Olympia, Washington went to Palestine with a several fellow students to peacefully protest the Israeli Army’s bulldozing of homes in which innocent people lived. While standing in front of a doctor’s home, wearing a florescent orange jacket, speaking through a bull horn and accompanied by several other American students, she was run over by an American-made Israeli Army bulldozer. Amidst the American student’s cries of emergency, the bulldozer’s operator, an Israeli soldier, reportedly smiled as he crushed her, then stopped, placed the giant bulldozer in reverse and ran over her a second time.

Barely a mention, and in most cases nothing, was reported about this story by major U.S. news television, radio or newspaper organizations.

Is the U.S. in a perpetual news black-out?

John Stephen Mauldin


Hide the following 6 comments

please add URLs - sources - and dates

16.08.2004 17:59

* The Rachel Corrie story is from way back - last year 2003 AFAIK?

* The NZ-Israel diplomatic relations cut sounds like it's from just
the last few weeks (July 2004). But it would be nice to give some URLs
rather than expecting the reader to go fishing.

* Any URLs for the Pentagon missing $1.2 trillion? What dates? The more
detail and justification you give, the more chance there is it'll
be reported, at least in alternative media.

more details please

cut diplomatic relations?

16.08.2004 19:21

Maybe the reason the US press hasn't reported that New Zealand has cut diplomatic relations with Israel is that New Zealand has not cut diplomatic relations with Israel.


Or Maybe The U.S. Press Simply Sucks

16.08.2004 19:43

Yes, New Zealand has cut high-level diplomatic relations with Israel:

America the Ignorant
- Homepage:

U.S. News Black-Out

17.08.2004 17:46

1. While the Rachael Corie murder is is not breaking news to the rest of the world, it is news to most Americans because it was barely reported here. Of course, this is the point of my article: the U.S. is in a perpetual news black-out. To see the hypocracy of U.S. media that claims to be unbiased, one needs only imagine the political magnitude of a U.S. soldier murdering a young Israeli girl in cold blood on American soil.

2. The New Zealand-Israeli conflict was reported first in April of 2004, if I ecall correctly, on the BBC's web site. It was reported again on July 15th, 2004 by the BBC at:

3. You may be able to find more information about the $1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon by visiting my source of this story: United States Congressman Dennis Kucinich's web site:

It is a problem to get the news here in America. Considering reading a richly documented book about this subject, Robert Maxwell; Israel's Superspy. His modus operandi is seamlessly duplicated here.

Edward de Vere

Rachel Corrie

17.08.2004 18:21

In Seattle, the Rachel Corrie story was covered extensively, with opinions expressed both for and against both side.

And New Zealand has not "Cut Diplomatic Relations With Israel", they have simply been strained, e.g. no invites to official functions etc. There are still embassies in both countries.

Get your facts straight.


Dear Jon

19.08.2004 04:53

I believe my facts are correct:

1. The Rachael Corie murder was, indeed, as I said, covered very little; few people in the United States know of it; it was covered in Seattle, Washington because she was from Washington. However, this was international news rather than local news, as it was treated by the U.S. media. Yet, it did not even receive national attention in the U.S. Although the newspaper to which I subscribe has a circulation of over 500,000, absolutely nothing was mentioned about this socio-political event that effects international relations.

2. New Zealand has cut diplomatic ties with Israel. They have not cut them completely. New Zealand has not withdrawn their ambassador nor sent home Israel's. This, of course, is not the point. The point is that this story is not being reported in the U.S. I have searched and found one brief story on CNN's web site and another on a local web site in Pennsylvania. I have found no newspaper, televison, radio or magazine reports.

Jon, I welcome your criticisms. Nonetheless, I hope that you are more concerned about international news being withheld from a large country like the U.S. Please consider the impact you can make by exposing media cover-ups.

Edward de Vere

Edward de Vere