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EU: No evidence Israeli allegations money given to PA funded terrorism

Hermes | 16.08.2004 09:05

Puncturing another myth

EU: No evidence Israeli allegations money given to PA funded terrorism
Report, OLAF, 10 August 2004

To date, there is no evidence that funds from the non-targeted EU Direct Budget Assistance to the Palestinian Authority have been used to finance illegal activities, including terrorism. This is the provisional assessment which the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) gave today, August 10, 2004, in reaction to a number of media reports on the matter. OLAF emphasizes however that the investigations are still ongoing, therefore final conclusions can not yet be drawn.

Alleged irregularities with the non-targeted Direct Budgetary Assistance paid by the EU to the Palestinian Authority between 2000 and 2002 have been subject to an external investigation by the independent European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) since February 6, 2003. OLAF decided to open it on the basis of information received from two different sources and has since focussed on two aspects: On the one hand on allegations that European funds were misused to finance terrorism; on the other hand on the systems and control mechanisms operating within the programme of Direct Budget Assistance. This programme – like similar programmes of other donors – consisted of contributing directly to the general budget of the Palestinian Authority without linking the payments to specific kinds of expenditure.

The investigations are ongoing, therefore every interim finding may be subject to review. However, to date, the provisional assessment of OLAF is that there is no evidence that the EU non-targeted Direct Budget Assistance was used to finance illegal activities, including the financing of terrorism. This analysis is in line with the declarations already made by OLAF during a meeting of a special Working Group of the European Parliament on March 10, 2004.

In the course of their enquiries, OLAF investigators – from justice, police and financial departments – have been collecting, analysing and comparing information from a number of different sources, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, representatives of Third Countries in the Middle East, audit firms and private sector sources, as well as some intelligence services of EU-Member States, who have a greater presence in the region. The OLAF investigators have also been in close co-operation with the Israeli administration and the Palestinian Authority. Several missions into the region have taken place and a number of documents have been provided by both sides.

Olaf assesses all material by using standards of evidence commonly accepted within the European Union.

Since investigations are ongoing, OLAF cannot comment on specific steps it may or may not take during its enquiries; neither is it possible for OLAF to estimate the expected duration of the investigation.



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Anti Fraud Office

16.08.2004 12:20

Would this be the same European Anti-Fraud Office that;

Failed to find evidence of wrong doing by MEP's in terms of the claiming of expenses despite video evidence from French and British TV crews

Decided there was no problem in EU accountancy despite the Parliment rejecting the EU accounts for nine years running.

Was happy to conclude Romano Prodi had acted properly in giving a Euro 10 million building contract to his Son-in-Law rather tahn putting to public tender as was required by EU rules.

Saw no case to answer from Neil Kinnock after it was revealed he had listed his wife as his secretary and claimed her expenses despite her being the MEP for South Wales.

Sacked without compensation two junior accountants who identified a widespread CAP fraud.

The European Anti Fraud office is an organisation designed to "prove" no wrong doing by the EU. It should not be considered independent or in any way reliable.


I see

16.08.2004 12:57

"Olaf assesses all material by using standards of evidence commonly accepted within the European Union"

Not what you would call reassuring !

Very cynical

Bollocks from Brussels

16.08.2004 23:50

....and we thought Hutton and Butler were Whitewashes. That seems like smallfry compared to the EU.
