Germaine Greer, who in a recent book ('The Boy'?) tells of
Germane Greder | 16.08.2004 07:52 | Analysis | Gender | Liverpool | London
Germaine Greer, who in a recent book ('The Boy'?) tells of having the hots for 13-16 year-olds, and she's one of the so called mothers of feminism.... LOL
"Fran" wrote
>> > Germaine Greer, who in a recent book ('The Boy'?) tells of
>> > having the hots for 13-16 year-olds, and she's one of the so
>> > called mothers of feminism.... LOL
>> >
>> > Now if a man had written the same book all hell would have broken loose
>> More than 41,000
>> already murdered by laborals governments in the past 20 years.
>> I'm Pro-family,
>> Pro-Marriage,
>> anti-feminist,
>> anti-gay,
>> against sex before marriage and outside marriage,
>> Pro death penalty,
>> Anti-Political Correctness.
> All of the above are examples of reactionary political correctness. So
> the last thing is wrong, or all of the preceding.
?? You say it is O.K. to murder men ?
This is what is currently considered as politically correct in the UK, USA
and Australia. You say that families should be without fathers?
>> a.. The Feminism Ideology And It's Supporters Eliminated
> Given you joked about bringing in Greer's head ... I guess eliminated
> really means what it seems.
1. Radical feminists claim that 90% of men should be extreminated as only
10% are needed to preserve continuation of human race.
2. They also claim that all men are rapists, useless lazy bastards of no
value - to mention just some of many feminists claims.
3. I fully support Walk Man as one death to prevent many others is logically
justified. Germaine Greer can not be considered as a human as she is living
and acting like an animal. Killing her is like killing a dog or cat which is
bad thing, but much less
bad than what is she doing. Germaine Greer caused so many men-murders by her
feminist ideology that if
there is any justice left in the UK, she should be executed.
4. Fran is just another feminist in desperate need for education and access
to statistics available everywhere.
>> b.. Socialism/Marxism/Communism/Liberalism Ideologies Destroyed
> Yes ... they are in favour of huamn freedom. That's got to go
> obviously, if you are going to start eliminating people.
1. Stalin: 20,000,000 extreminated (Socialism/Marxism/Communism}
2. Hitler: 40,000,000 extreminated (Socialism/Nazism)
3. Australian Government: ??Aborigines extreminated + more than 41,000
extreminated (Imperialism/Racism/Liberalism/Feminism)
4. UK Government: see Australian Government above.
5. US Government: see Australian Government above.
6. Walk Man didn't kill anyone (until proven he did).
7. Why do you think he is starting to eliminate people? He just expressed
his opinion which is similar to mine.
Feminists are not human. They kill so killing them is an act of selfdefence
if you are personally attacked by them.
8. Decent Governments should deal with this long time ago - not
Modern western governments miserably failed in heterosexual family
protection area.
Some men are now forced to even murder wife to save own life as Courts are
always against men.
Women who kill husband or child usually get away free.
If I killed my wife and her lover (both deserved it but of course I am not a
murderer), my children would be UNI students today and not school dropouts
and I would be what I was all my life: good father, good citizen and
taxpayer. Mother screwed children and father for life by using Australian
Government provided services dedicated to family destruction.
9. Are you blind or just plain stupid?
>> c.. Restoration Of The Two Parent Family
> Although when you eliminate supporters of the "feminist ideology",
> there will be quite a few single parent and even no parent families
> created.
1. There are many more family oriented women than lesbian's feminists and
family oriented men than poofters in the world.
2. Single parent family is an oxymoron. Children can't be created without
heterosexual parents. Artificial insemenation is done with MAN sperm.
3. What an excellent future for all children living with both parents !!!
4. Parents abandoning children or using children to kill other parent (like
women do very often today) should be immediatelly castrated and jailed to
prevent further damages to other family members.
5. Judges and government officials involved in current politically-correct
practice of destroying families and suporting homosexual perverts insted of
families should be removed from power and forced to pay damages to victims.
>> d.. Recognition Of The Excellence Of Patriarchy
>> e.. Traditional Gender Roles Returned
>> f.. An End To The Sex War
> By force of arms. Hmm, you do realise you're a fruit cake don't you?
> My advice would be to seek professional help to deal with your desire
> to murder people whom you find offensive.
> Good luck. I reckon you'll need it.
Talking about fruit cakes, please use mirror.
I don't know for Walk Man but I had "professional" help provided by the
Australian Government, in my case ACT Government.
Results are:
a) Suicide in the family - dedicated Catholic before, but psychologically
being destroyed by the legal system.
(Catholics are NOT killing themselves because of their believe suicide means
going to Hell),
b) daughter on antidepresant drugs (healthy before),
c) Two children (aged 16 and 18) now drop-out from school (just few months
before finishing
High School and College respectively, both excellent students before
"profesinal" help),
d) mother cleaning toilets and other people houses today to survive (as
feminists who "helped" her are not
interested for her anymore as process of destroying the family is
e) all family properties lost in legal process, including family home,
superanuation and all my investments/savings from more than 30 years of my
highly paid work.
f) I am permanently unemployable and declared crazy, after being more than
30 years one of the top internationally recognised computing professional.
I never did any crime or hit anyone, not even paid speeding ticket. Before
"profesional" help I held Top Security Clearance. Now, I held criminal
record for not commited (fabricated by feminists) crime - assault of my wife
I loved dearly for more than 20 years.
I have no idea what was the past of the Walk Man, but my case was published
and it is well known even outside of the country. Indeed, Canberra is not
only world capital of poofters and lesbians (thanks Stanhope, Refshauge and
ACT Legislative Assembly for that), but it is a village full of idiots with
criminal intent and extreme power. I was living there for 12 years and top
politicians were just criminals. Remember "The Whiteboard" Ross Kelly,
always drunk overspending Kate Karnell (she murdered a girl in hospital
demolition scandal) and now homosexual marriage promoter and Gungallin
environment destroyer Stanhope occupying almost all major legal positions in
Canberra like Causecscu was occupying all positions in Romania.
Hey Stanhope, not enough poofters, lesbians and masons for legislative
assembly. I can return to Canberra - we'll fix everything.
If you can't beat them join them!
Walk Man's life will be destroyed (just like mine and thousands of other
was) if professional murderers employed by the government of the country he
live in take him through the process.
Regarding defamation, people mentioned above may think about: I am
officially crazy and irresponsible. I will de delighted to respond to your
challenge with evidence and names of the criminals using taxpayers money for
systematic family destructions and working under direct Stanhope and/or
Refshauge supervision. Especially now, before elections and especially in
front of the media. My brothers from the lodge will be behind me.
Today, with new identity, I am respected high degree freemason.
The best thing is that other masons can't touch me and almost all higher
judges, top policemen and top politicians are protecting my family and me.
I can't punish ACT Government and Police for the crimes committed against my
family (as most of criminals are now my masonic brothers), but God will find
them sooner or later.
TONY LAUER: "Certainly there have been many Freemasons in positions of
influence over the years, the first Prime minister of Australia was a
Freemason, two of the first High Court judges, including the President were
Freemasons. But that's not to suggest that they are there because they are
Freemasons as such they are there because of their other qualities.
Freemasons will certainly assist each other and there is no apology for
that. That is where there is a demonstrated need for help, we're an
organisation where some of our number can fall on hard times and we are
there to support them as we do the rest of the community through our
charitable acts regardless of them being freemasons but it would be wrong
and unmasonic to use your position as a mason to gain influence that was
quite improper."
>> > Germaine Greer, who in a recent book ('The Boy'?) tells of
>> > having the hots for 13-16 year-olds, and she's one of the so
>> > called mothers of feminism.... LOL
>> >
>> > Now if a man had written the same book all hell would have broken loose
>> More than 41,000
>> already murdered by laborals governments in the past 20 years.
>> I'm Pro-family,
>> Pro-Marriage,
>> anti-feminist,
>> anti-gay,
>> against sex before marriage and outside marriage,
>> Pro death penalty,
>> Anti-Political Correctness.
> All of the above are examples of reactionary political correctness. So
> the last thing is wrong, or all of the preceding.
?? You say it is O.K. to murder men ?
This is what is currently considered as politically correct in the UK, USA
and Australia. You say that families should be without fathers?
>> a.. The Feminism Ideology And It's Supporters Eliminated
> Given you joked about bringing in Greer's head ... I guess eliminated
> really means what it seems.
1. Radical feminists claim that 90% of men should be extreminated as only
10% are needed to preserve continuation of human race.
2. They also claim that all men are rapists, useless lazy bastards of no
value - to mention just some of many feminists claims.
3. I fully support Walk Man as one death to prevent many others is logically
justified. Germaine Greer can not be considered as a human as she is living
and acting like an animal. Killing her is like killing a dog or cat which is
bad thing, but much less
bad than what is she doing. Germaine Greer caused so many men-murders by her
feminist ideology that if
there is any justice left in the UK, she should be executed.
4. Fran is just another feminist in desperate need for education and access
to statistics available everywhere.
>> b.. Socialism/Marxism/Communism/Liberalism Ideologies Destroyed
> Yes ... they are in favour of huamn freedom. That's got to go
> obviously, if you are going to start eliminating people.
1. Stalin: 20,000,000 extreminated (Socialism/Marxism/Communism}
2. Hitler: 40,000,000 extreminated (Socialism/Nazism)
3. Australian Government: ??Aborigines extreminated + more than 41,000
extreminated (Imperialism/Racism/Liberalism/Feminism)
4. UK Government: see Australian Government above.
5. US Government: see Australian Government above.
6. Walk Man didn't kill anyone (until proven he did).
7. Why do you think he is starting to eliminate people? He just expressed
his opinion which is similar to mine.
Feminists are not human. They kill so killing them is an act of selfdefence
if you are personally attacked by them.
8. Decent Governments should deal with this long time ago - not
Modern western governments miserably failed in heterosexual family
protection area.
Some men are now forced to even murder wife to save own life as Courts are
always against men.
Women who kill husband or child usually get away free.
If I killed my wife and her lover (both deserved it but of course I am not a
murderer), my children would be UNI students today and not school dropouts
and I would be what I was all my life: good father, good citizen and
taxpayer. Mother screwed children and father for life by using Australian
Government provided services dedicated to family destruction.
9. Are you blind or just plain stupid?
>> c.. Restoration Of The Two Parent Family
> Although when you eliminate supporters of the "feminist ideology",
> there will be quite a few single parent and even no parent families
> created.
1. There are many more family oriented women than lesbian's feminists and
family oriented men than poofters in the world.
2. Single parent family is an oxymoron. Children can't be created without
heterosexual parents. Artificial insemenation is done with MAN sperm.
3. What an excellent future for all children living with both parents !!!
4. Parents abandoning children or using children to kill other parent (like
women do very often today) should be immediatelly castrated and jailed to
prevent further damages to other family members.
5. Judges and government officials involved in current politically-correct
practice of destroying families and suporting homosexual perverts insted of
families should be removed from power and forced to pay damages to victims.
>> d.. Recognition Of The Excellence Of Patriarchy
>> e.. Traditional Gender Roles Returned
>> f.. An End To The Sex War
> By force of arms. Hmm, you do realise you're a fruit cake don't you?
> My advice would be to seek professional help to deal with your desire
> to murder people whom you find offensive.
> Good luck. I reckon you'll need it.
Talking about fruit cakes, please use mirror.
I don't know for Walk Man but I had "professional" help provided by the
Australian Government, in my case ACT Government.
Results are:
a) Suicide in the family - dedicated Catholic before, but psychologically
being destroyed by the legal system.
(Catholics are NOT killing themselves because of their believe suicide means
going to Hell),
b) daughter on antidepresant drugs (healthy before),
c) Two children (aged 16 and 18) now drop-out from school (just few months
before finishing
High School and College respectively, both excellent students before
"profesinal" help),
d) mother cleaning toilets and other people houses today to survive (as
feminists who "helped" her are not
interested for her anymore as process of destroying the family is
e) all family properties lost in legal process, including family home,
superanuation and all my investments/savings from more than 30 years of my
highly paid work.
f) I am permanently unemployable and declared crazy, after being more than
30 years one of the top internationally recognised computing professional.
I never did any crime or hit anyone, not even paid speeding ticket. Before
"profesional" help I held Top Security Clearance. Now, I held criminal
record for not commited (fabricated by feminists) crime - assault of my wife
I loved dearly for more than 20 years.
I have no idea what was the past of the Walk Man, but my case was published
and it is well known even outside of the country. Indeed, Canberra is not
only world capital of poofters and lesbians (thanks Stanhope, Refshauge and
ACT Legislative Assembly for that), but it is a village full of idiots with
criminal intent and extreme power. I was living there for 12 years and top
politicians were just criminals. Remember "The Whiteboard" Ross Kelly,
always drunk overspending Kate Karnell (she murdered a girl in hospital
demolition scandal) and now homosexual marriage promoter and Gungallin
environment destroyer Stanhope occupying almost all major legal positions in
Canberra like Causecscu was occupying all positions in Romania.
Hey Stanhope, not enough poofters, lesbians and masons for legislative
assembly. I can return to Canberra - we'll fix everything.
If you can't beat them join them!
Walk Man's life will be destroyed (just like mine and thousands of other
was) if professional murderers employed by the government of the country he
live in take him through the process.
Regarding defamation, people mentioned above may think about: I am
officially crazy and irresponsible. I will de delighted to respond to your
challenge with evidence and names of the criminals using taxpayers money for
systematic family destructions and working under direct Stanhope and/or
Refshauge supervision. Especially now, before elections and especially in
front of the media. My brothers from the lodge will be behind me.
Today, with new identity, I am respected high degree freemason.
The best thing is that other masons can't touch me and almost all higher
judges, top policemen and top politicians are protecting my family and me.
I can't punish ACT Government and Police for the crimes committed against my
family (as most of criminals are now my masonic brothers), but God will find
them sooner or later.

TONY LAUER: "Certainly there have been many Freemasons in positions of
influence over the years, the first Prime minister of Australia was a
Freemason, two of the first High Court judges, including the President were
Freemasons. But that's not to suggest that they are there because they are
Freemasons as such they are there because of their other qualities.
Freemasons will certainly assist each other and there is no apology for
that. That is where there is a demonstrated need for help, we're an
organisation where some of our number can fall on hard times and we are
there to support them as we do the rest of the community through our
charitable acts regardless of them being freemasons but it would be wrong
and unmasonic to use your position as a mason to gain influence that was
quite improper."
Germane Greder
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