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King Amdo |
12.08.2004 14:07
...newspaper article in the UK Guardian...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1281644,00.html Go and arrest yourselves, bunch of perverted british noncers.
King Amdo
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after Robocop goes into a goostep
12.08.2004 14:36
In a speech on Tuesday, Ray Mallon encouraged police officers and community wardens to kick down doors and root out the criminals.
But Cleveland Police Chief Constable Sean Price said the force would "not support any transgression of the law".
Mr Mallon, in response, said "criminals do not play by the Queensbury rules".
If officers had to go back to the office to consider every aspect of the human rights act before intervening there would be anarchy on the streets.
Ray Mallon
excuse me?
capt wardrobe
12.08.2004 17:50
Most worryingly with every arrest comes the "right" to forcibly take a DNA sample so more arrests=more DNA data for Big Brother!