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Autonomus lab -eviction resistance and rebellion success

la alegre rebeldia | 08.08.2004 15:56 | London

last tuesday came our first group confrontation with the status quo. didnt expect the TSG to turn up, but they came and went away, and we stay, with ourselves and the comunity.close call it turns out, and we won.
here a couple of reports from some of us.
come visit and improve.... some time.

resist and rebel x

0659 Sleep deprivation has taken its toll, tho by dawn the banner making and preparations for the day to come were being completed. Excitement and enthusiasm filled the autonomous lab, the companeros were in good spirits. Despite the rain everyone was able to gather together to resist the eviction, as the time reached closer to 0900 there was a sudden urgency to organise and evacuate the building to be prepared for the oncoming bailiffs. the companeros had no idea what they would be facing, so they were slightly apprehensive yet eager to resist to save what they had known as a place to engage the community, and to share their experiences with one another. it was decided amongst the companeros that some would remain in the building to provide a final stand. The remaining companeros were determined to remain outside creating a 3 deep buffer zone between the building and the ruthless invaders. they were all rallied against the forces trying to undo the good work they had done and were planning on continuing to do in the future. as the resistance outside rallied support from passing vehicles and the general public, the companeros inside were in preparations to withstand the onslaught if the building was infiltrated. These preparations included a few who decided to camp out on the roof through the pouring rain, where loose slates and the wet surface caused uncertainty with every step. The remaining companeros offered an important service to those on the roof they kept them informed of developments and situations outside the building. The companeros on the roof kept each other occupied by chanting and trying to attract the attention of the general public, the wet weather could not quieten them, their commitment to the cause kept them there, it was obvious they wanted to stay, and nothing could change their mind. They felt that this place was essential to educating the public about what the world is, who rules it and that the people have the power to change it. it was certainly not an option to hand back such a valuable opportunity and chance to achieve just to be transformed into a space for the idea of creating profit. Therefore...WE OCCUPIED...WE WILL CONTINUE TO RESIST...AND WE WILL PREVAIL !!!

skipynda darshalam



it's raining, and we wait - though not silently fueled by pancakes and good food, we sing and shout for the cause & decorate the street.Plastic bags head first keep us dry - 1000 the police van BLOCADE! Shut the fuckers out! Someone speaks to them heek, they want to use the force vow, but they perch still in their van till the owner comes.
The owner's got the smutterings of obligation on his chin, says he used to work in a charity & wants to negotiate.
The door is locked on to one of us, a tight fit, the sofas on the front keep it unpenetrable - we wait...

our friend comes back from talking to the landlord..... wears a smile. Oh! YEAH WE ARE STAYING!
Rejoiyce & confetti in our hair and noses, cake and coffee - It's all good....

Come the afternoon, the two big bad cops come in through the door, the odour of corporate superiority stank the air, arms crossed they stomp around, poking around, fault finding.

Oh yeah?? well, they found nothing - the Autonomüs Lab is a community space and a place of diversity.... they eventually leave, without ease -dam who bread those hawlk eyes?the tiredness was apparent, everybody drifted in a lullaby and eventually the babes in the wood fell asleep with their thumbs in their mouths.

soska y tia

la alegre rebeldia


Hide the following 5 comments

well done!!!!!

08.08.2004 16:50

Hey people,

Cos didnt hear anything for a while, was worried the bastards had won. So glad to hear that you guys won, massive congratulations!! Keep going.



Fault Finding...

10.08.2004 10:20

..."welcome to the autonomus maoist republic of Camden (AMRC)"



Wake up arrogant, assuming, zombie, fascist, brain dead, british filth.

Blessed be,

Allah Akbar,

King Amdo.

King Amdo

King amado

11.08.2004 13:59

King amado,
You might try to use your brush of ignorance to discredit the autonomous lab but I reckon its too late!! The State operatives have already planted a mole and have the info. of what takes place in the lab. I think speakers corner(hyde park) would love to employe you.

I have to go as the dishes need doing!!

the cleaning boy

The petit bourgoise lunchout lab

29.08.2004 11:22

I would not call, the Autonomous Lab a radical social centre. Rich hippies slumming it, and actively homophobic petit-bourgoise rastas ( also a lot of those europrats using this as a lifestyle /tourist party option ) I also don't see much in the way of community involvement execept with a few of the lunchouts from the area who are not representives of the area as a whole. Ther eis no attempt to engage with communtiy activists otr the people who used to be involved with the various centres and initatives who were closed down. There is NO class / community solidarity. If it's a gallery it is pretty crap - all the stuff left behind from the eco-art exhibiton plus some bollocks unfocussed meaningless grafitti. You've shit it you stupid metropolitan arses.

Camden is an ( ignorant and arrogant ) bitch

Re: comments The petit bourgoise lunchout lab

20.09.2004 17:32

I was going to say "we're getting there", but that remark is synonamous with the inept British Rail, and so may be considered an self-acknowledgement of being crap.

Speaking as someone who has been involved in the Lab for a while, I would say that the last few weeks at the Lab has been a time of reconsolidation (with the liberation of building No.2) and re-evolvement of personnel involved. Of late there have been some personality conflicts and tensions which have not helped. All in all, activities have not been at a level which we had been maintaining, say, 2 months ago. Before, it must be said that one individual in particular was a driving force in the space. That individual left the Lab nearly a month ago. The departure of this fully trustworthy and very politically astute, socially-interactive friend of ours has been a big loss to the space, especially since this was someoene who had contributed mountains of graft and generous helpings of inspiration to the project.

There has been some critisism regarding whether or not this space is political or just some arty-farty creative space to serve the preoccupations of the creative petit-bourgoise. Well, that comment is a wild exaggeration, but certainly this space is not exclusively political; there is space for artistic expression. Rather like the human-race, we are trying to provide for the mix of interests, talents and anti-capitalist/environmental activist concerns across class boundaries. This crude plotting of class division is just that - ideologically crude - and we are a little freer than that. that said, most people involved from the space are from working class origin - in keeping with that fine tradition of the working classes beiong the ones who do get things done - because they have to (if they don't do it, who will?)

Response to the previous comments entitled "The petit bourgoise lunchout lab"

"I would not call, the Autonomous Lab a radical social centre. Rich hippies slumming it, and actively homophobic petit-bourgoise rastas ( also a lot of those europrats using this as a lifestyle /tourist party option )"
>>>This is a mispresentation. There are a few overseas people, yes, but they have not been primarily using it as a hostel. Nice kick-up backside for those who recognise this is atleast partly true!

" also don't see much in the way of community involvement execept with a few of the lunchouts from the area who are not representives of the area as a whole."
>>> "there is community involvement everyday, when we spaek to people who come in off the street, sit down, have a coffee and a chat! So, this is shit, I'm afraid. Re: the local luchouts, some have been excluded from entering, while some have been discouraged due to the alcohol ban. This policy has not been enforced consistebntly for long, and so, yes, some locals who may be described as "local lunchouts" have spent time in the space. But as a proportion of time spent in the space getting on with other activities, time spent doing this has not be significantly large (usually the odd day here and there, after 11pm, until when people staying have needed to get to bed). This is called keeping things sweet with locals who would otherwise disrespect the space.

"There is no attempt to engage with communtiy activists otr the people who used to be involved with the various centres and initatives who were closed down."
>>> The community centre is camden is not near our place, and is only concerned with the immeditae neighbourhood where it was located (Greenland Road, Camden). We do need to contact more community activists

Soon there will be an internet cafe, a vegan organic restaurant, workshops and a weekly world cinema session. Radical film shows to re-start this week. Check Indymedia London for prog of events.

The petit bourgoise lunchout lab
29.08.2004 12:22

I would not call, the Autonomous Lab a radical social centre. Rich hippies slumming it, and actively homophobic petit-bourgoise rastas ( also a lot of those europrats using this as a lifestyle /tourist party option ) I also don't see much in the way of community involvement execept with a few of the lunchouts from the area who are not representives of the area as a whole. Ther eis no attempt to engage with communtiy activists otr the people who used to be involved with the various centres and initatives who were closed down. There is NO class / community solidarity. If it's a gallery it is pretty crap - all the stuff left behind from the eco-art exhibiton plus some bollocks unfocussed meaningless grafitti. You've shit it you stupid metropolitan arses.
Camden is an ( ignorant and arrogant ) bitch

Petit Poius