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Rampart resturant report

Arrow | 07.08.2004 19:14 | London

3rd week
Skipping Vegan Restaurant Report:


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07.08.2004 19:37

Sorry If I am just being dim, but what does "Skipped food" mean?


skipping explanation

07.08.2004 19:44

skipped food means food thats been thrown out, into a skip (or a rubbish bin or bag or on the floor, etc!) by businesses that think its not good enough to sell. then along come pixies who rescue the good stuff and turn it into a fabulous meal (or just munch on the sickly sweet donuts...).
in america they call it dumpster diving. in switzerland they call it recycled food. i dont know bout other places but i know it happens all over the western world, whereever perfectly good food gets thrown out.
give it a try, its great. but remember to leave some for those who rely on it (a lot of street folk i know get really pissed off with some of "us" for taking all the food when we don't strictly need it to survive).
all the best,

skipper princess

Recyled food!

08.08.2004 13:54

Recycled food! - well said...



11.08.2004 19:54

>not good enough to sell

it's perfectly good but they bought too much of it, because they want to keep loads of different perishable lines in stock without ever running out, and they realise that it won't sell in time or its taking up too much space.

Skip Pauper